CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes January 31, 2006 Members Present: Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Lupe Ortiz, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor Guests: None I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz. II. Minutes of January 24, 2006 Norberto Ruiz corrected information on the District Curriculum Council. The draft he read from at the meeting was the November 7, 2005, draft. There is another that is more recent. MSC (Ortiz/Novak) that the minutes of January 24, 2006, be approved as corrected. III. Quest Program and Noncredit Courses Lupe Ortiz reported that because the Quest Program covers so many divisions, he has not been able to coordinate with all the instructors involved in converting the course outlines from noncredit to credit, or to rewrite the outlines for courses that will remain noncredit. They will offer next year’s courses as experimental, and will present revisions during the next curriculum cycle. IV. Engineering Technology—Manufacturing, AS Degree It was recommended that this program go through Program Review before changes are made. It will remain in the new catalog as is, including the discontinued Engineering 20 and 21 courses. If necessary, students may apply for course substitution to complete the degree. V. Residency Requirement (Jane Church) Jane reported that the District Curriculum Council has discovered that residency requirements are different at the two colleges. She led a discussion on how we might change our residency statement to allow students to attend either college and still be eligible for a degree. Discussion points included: • Title V requires 12 units in residency at the school awarding the degree, but does not specify that the units be part of a major. • Ron suggested adding “degree-applicable” to the 12 units. • Adding a method of “testing out” for students who need an exception to the 12unit requirement for occupational majors. MSC (Shannon/Novak) that we convey to the District Curriculum Council that Chabot College supports a residency requirement that meets the requirements of the State while Curriculum Committee 1-31-06, page 2 accommodating flexibility for our students and providing an appeal process for students who do not meet the requirement. VI. Deletion of Courses Not Offered During Past 5 Years (Ron Taylor) Discussion on possible consequences to deleting courses from our catalog: • Courses are removed from the printed catalog, but remain in Banner marked as “inactive.” • Courses that are shared with LPC cannot be marked inactive if they are active there. • Courses that do not appear in the catalog lose their articulation. Jane will review the list and communicate problems to Ron. Jan Novak asked where the requirement that courses be reviewed every 5 years comes from. Ron replied that is in Matriculation regulations (Title 5) and that the accrediting process requires regular review and updating. VII. District Curriculum Council Norberto reported that the Council met on Friday, January 27. The Chancellor attended the meeting, and voting membership was discussed. LPC was not in favor of allowing the Vice Presidents to vote. VIII. Good of the Order Catalog Revisions: AA Degree – English (Emphasis in Literature) The State has not approved this degree. When we submitted it, we sent information on only one transfer institution; the approval process requires three. Jane remembers doing research statewide for the submission. Ron stated that we will be deleting the degree from the catalog because we have to enforce our own rule of not listing “pending” programs. If the program is resubmitted and approved, we will add it back in at the next opportunity. AA Degree – Chicano/Latino Studies Has not been submitted for State approval. It will be removed from the catalog. Certificate of Achievement – Business Graphics Has not been submitted for State approval. It will be removed from the catalog. AS Degree - Engineering Has not been State approved. The latest version of the program, approved by the Curriculum Committee last year, will be included in the catalog as “Transfer Preparation.” Curriculum Committee 1-31-06, page 3 Learning Outcomes Norberto asked whether anyone is doing work on this. Clara McLean replied that her discipline feels that release time is needed for this work, possibly grant funded. Ron added that what we need in our outlines is some indication that the outcomes are being assessed. Jane suggested developing a sample outline that includes this information. Counseling Division Representative to the Committee Jane noted that Bill McDonald is on pre-retirement workload reduction. In the event that the counseling division cannot find another representative, she asked whether the committee would allow her to represent both Articulation and Counseling, and thus grant her a vote. Patricia Shannon stated that she would like to see two voices representing counseling on the committee. IX. X. kk 2/9/06 Next meeting: February 21, 2006. The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. c:\documents\word\curric\2005-2006\1-31-06.min.doc