Document 11526929

Curriculum Committee Minutes
January 24, 2006
Members Present:
Rudolph Cockerham, Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Lupe Ortiz,
Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Tom Clark, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Mike Absher, Marcia Corcoran, Daryl Minus, Cindy Rosa
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of December 13, 2005
MSC (Novak/Matthews) that the minutes of December 13, 2005, be approved as
Tutoring 200, Academic and Workforce Supervised Tutoring, non-credit
Marcia Corcoran distributed the proposal for a revision to the course, which will offer
basic skills support instruction and/or supervised tutoring in a number of disciplines. It
was suggested that “completion of Individualized Learning Plan” be added to Methods
of Evaluating Student Progress. Patricia Shannon cautioned that care should be taken
that the course not appear to be a Psychology-Counseling course.
Ron Taylor noted that the effective date for the new regulations governing our 500
courses is January 29, so we won’t be able to claim attendance for our 500s this term.
We will continue collecting enrollment data for these courses and claim attendance under
Tutoring 200. Under the new regulations, 500 courses cannot be offered for zero units.
Students must be able to earn units for specified numbers of hours, and would be charged
a fee for the units earned. Some disciplines, such as ECD, have grant funding available
that might be used to reimburse students for the fees charged.
Ron added that historically Chabot College has been under the impression that non-credit
courses do not need Curriculum Committee review. This is in error. The courses do
need review and must have an outline of record that shows learning outcomes for
Mike Absher stated that in the past he had been told that tutoring for his classes must be
conducted in the Tutorials Center. He said that this would not fit the needs of the
Machine Tool program because the Center does not have the equipment used in his
classes. It was suggested that he rewrite one of the Tutoring course outlines to fit his
• Remove the repetition statement from the Catalog Description.
MSC (Matthews/Shannon) that this become an action item.
MSC (Matthews/Shannon) to accept the changes to Tutoring 200.
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Mike Absher presented.
Machine Tool Technology 50, Blueprint Reading, Sketching, and CAD, 3 units
In a continuation of the discussion from the December 13 meeting, Mike reported that the
Advisory Committee met on January 11. The committee recommended allowing MTT
50 (at 3 units) to replace Design Technology 50 (at 2 units) in the following programs,
thereby increasing core units by one:
• Machine Tool Technology, AS
• Numerical Control, AS
• Machinist, Certificate of Achievement
• Numerical Control Programmer (Machinist), Certificate of Achievement
• Tool Maker, Certificate of Achievement
• Industrial Technology, AS
In answer to the question of whether the discipline needs so many different certificates,
Mike stated that the Advisory Committee had confirmed all of the degrees and
certificates as being necessary to employment in the field, and upheld the high number of
core units.
To illustrate the quality of Chabot’s program, Mike added that as part of an agreement to
end nuclear armament in Libya, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories provided
Libya with Chabot College’s Machine Tool Technology curriculum.
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) to approve the program changes as submitted contingent
upon submission of a justification for the high-unit major, to be verified by the committee
Noncredit Courses (Ron Taylor)
Ron said that we should look to the College Enrollment Management Committee to
develop a plan for addressing noncredit course issues. He sees three options:
• Add time to the parent courses.
• Adjust the 500 courses to make them credit courses.
• Revise the noncredit courses to meet the regulations.
There was discussion on how the above will affect the new catalog. Tutoring 200 will be
included in the catalog.
Lupe Ortiz reported that most of the current Quest courses would be converted to credit.
Ron stated that if we have trouble completing the outlines in time to publish them in this
catalog, they could be offered as experimental. Jim Matthews suggested bringing as
many revised outlines as possible to next week’s meeting. Patricia Shannon suggested
separating the presentation into “new” outlines, which would require close scrutiny, and
outlines that closely model previously approved versions.
Ron said that he has had several questions about the possibility of going to an online
catalog as the “official” version. We would still need hard copy as working documents,
but fewer copies than we currently produce. He added that an online catalog could not be
continually updated, as that would affect catalog rights and articulation agreements,
among other issues. We would still need to honor the academic year. There was
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discussion on how an online catalog would be established and maintained. Mike Absher
suggested initiating a discussion with the Technology Committee.
Health Information Technology
The HIT program is being suspended. The heading will be left in the catalog with the
notation, “The Health Information Technology program is currently suspended until
further notice.” Degrees, certificates, and course descriptions will not be published.
Good of the Order
LPC Curriculum Committee Voting Membership
The LPC Curriculum Committee has made students ex officio members without
voting rights. When they asked Norberto about the students on the Chabot
committee, he confirmed that they do have the right to vote.
District Curriculum Council
The Chancellor has directed the Chabot and Las Positas Faculty Senate presidents to
develop a charge for the District Curriculum Council. Norberto read the
November 7, 2005, draft, and noted that the Vice Presidents of Academic Services
have been moved from voting to ex officio status. Discussion included:
• The fact that articulation officers are counselors. This raises the number of
counselors on the committee to four.
• Whether the Vice Presidents of Academic Services should be voting
members. Would allowing them to vote at the District Council, but not at the
College level be inconsistent?
Patricia summarized the discussion as follows:
• Concern that the size of the Council would make it inoperable.
• Concern about the distribution of the voting membership.
• Chabot’s belief that administrators and students should be allowed to vote.
Jim added that the Council should look to the expertise that it needs to resolve issues.
Engineering Technology—Manufacturing, AS Degree
This degree contains two courses (ENGR 20 and 21) that are being discontinued.
Mike Absher distributed a proposal to replace them with MTT 50, thus reducing core
units from 45 to 43.
Other suggestions received have been to
• Delete the two courses without replacing them (Norberto Ruiz).
• Replacing the two courses with ENGR 22 (Bruce Mayer).
Mike will resolve the issue and bring a solution to the next meeting for vote.
kk 1/27/05
Next meeting: January 30, 2006.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.