Document 11526925

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 22, 2005
Members Present:
Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Jim Matthews, Bill McDonald, Clara
McLean, Jan Novak, Lupe Ortiz, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Doris Hanhan, Scott Hildreth, Frederick Hodgson, Keith Mehl, Don Skiles,
Susan Sperling, Cindy Stubblebine, Jon Traugott, Andy Wells
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of November 15, 2005
MSC (Chun/Matthews) that the minutes of November 15, 2005, be approved as
presented. [One abstention]
Review French 2AB revised course outlines
Frederick Hodgson distributed new outlines for French 2A and 2B. He reported that
content and outcomes had been added to make the outlines fit Area A2 of the graduation
requirements. Bill McDonald asked how much writing students do in a semester.
Frederick answered that they write 5-10 papers of 2-3 pages each. Edna Danaher asked
whether French would be allowed to fulfill only one area, either A2 or Humanities. It
would. Jane Church spoke about the district task force meeting at which the possibility
of foreign language being part of this area was discussed. She thinks the focus was on
Frederick thanked the committee for helping the discipline strengthen their program.
Susan Sperling presented. She told the committee that the only change to the course
outline for History 20 was to the Textbook section.
Lupe Ortiz reported that CSU has asked for further consultation to be sure that the course
as presented in ISLS will be the same as other sections of the course. Jane stated that the
students’ transcripts do not say, “ISLS.” Transcripts say, “History 20.” However, we will
have to resubmit the ISLS models for articulation. The program should prepare forms for
the articulation office.
Vote on Language Arts Proposal
MSC (Matthews/Chun) to approve the Language Arts proposal, contingent upon
corrections being made as noted in the November 15 minutes, and including the changes
to French and ISLS that were presented at today’s meeting. [One abstention.]
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Science/Mathematics Presentation
Sally Jahnke introduced members of her division.
Scott Hildreth presented. Scott was happy to announce that Chabot and Las Positas
worked together to develop these changes.
ASTR 10, Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System, 3 units
The catalog description has been changed to match that of Las Positas. Detail has
been added throughout to help adjunct instructors teach the course. Patricia Shannon
said that she sees a trend toward including more and more detail in our outlines. She
suggested that a dialog should ensue at the district level to determine expectations as
to length and content of outlines. Jane added that from an articulation standpoint, the
added detail was not needed. The course articulated perfectly in its previous version.
No further changes were suggested.
ASTR 20, Introduction to Astronomy: Stars and the Universe, 3 units
Revised catalog description and format changes. In answer to a question of why the
Typical Assignments are the same in ASTR 10 and ASTR 20, Scott replied that the
same textbook chapters are covered at the beginning of both courses; later in the
courses, different chapters are used. He added that he gives alternate assignments to
students who have already covered the first few chapters in the other class. He does
not think that the small overlap justifies denying students credit in both classes.
• Correct the title in both the outline heading and the Catalog Description to
read, “Introduction to Astronomy: Stars and the Universe.”
ASTR 30, Introduction to Astronomy Lab, 1 unit
Minor format changes have been made to meet current standards and Title V
requirements. Patricia Shannon asked whether Typical Assignment b. could be
rewritten to address the student. The following change was agreed upon:
“…Software Bisque (http://www. Use the computer software to…”
• Make the correction noted above.
In additional discussion on the length of the outlines, Norberto expressed the opinion that
the outlines are easier to understand if the level of detail is less. Scott replied that we are
encouraged to work together with LPC. He is willing to shorten the outlines if that is
what the committee directs.
Andy Wells presented. He told the committee that there are no major changes. He tried
to make the outlines more similar to LPC’s, and stated that while they are essentially the
same, they are not exactly the same as LPC’s. Jane commented on Chabot’s and LPC’s
differing philosophies on shared courses and asked whether we are agreeing that courses
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must be identical only through the catalog description. Norberto feels that this is another
topic for the district task force.
Patricia added that the Board’s expectation is that we should have the same curriculum to
the extent possible. There was discussion on whether the Chancellor thinks that this
direction has been given to the colleges.
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) to table further discussion to a Spring Semester meeting.
CHEM 1A, General College Chemistry, 5 units
Andy reported that minor changes in wording and format make the course outline
correspond very closely with LPC’s course outline. Bill asked whether Math 54
could serve as a prerequisite. Andy will check with the discipline.
• Adjust prerequisite if approved by discipline. Include necessary content
review forms.
CHEM 12A, Organic Chemistry, 5 units
Revised to reflect the course as it is currently being taught at Chabot. To aid adjunct
instructors, Expected Outcomes have been reworded to include more detail.
No further changes were suggested.
CHEM 12B, Organic Chemistry, 5 units
Revised to reflect the course as it is currently being taught at Chabot. To aid adjunct
instructors, Expected Outcomes have been reworded to include more detail.
After discussion, Andy agreed to remove the optional Expected Outcomes, numbers
12 and 13.
• Remove Expected Outcomes numbers 12 and 13.
CHEM 30A, Introductory and Applied Chemistry, 4 units
Revised to reflect the course as it is currently being taught at Chabot. To aid adjunct
instructors, Expected Outcomes have been reworded to include more detail. Math
65L has been added as a prerequisite. Prerequisite Skills now include only those
Outcomes from Math 65 deemed as “Needed for Success” on the Content Review
No further changes were suggested.
CHEM 31, Introduction to College Chemistry, 4 units
Revised to reflect the course as it is currently being taught at Chabot. Bill McDonald
commented that if the Prerequisite Skills on the outline are included in the Expected
Outcomes of Math 54, then it should be allowed to meet the course’s prerequisite.
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• Adjust prerequisite according to suggestion above. Include necessary
content review forms.
Jon Traugott presented.
CSCI 7, Introduction to Computer Programming Concepts, 3 units
Request to offer in Distance Education delivery format. Jan Novak asked whether
the textbooks are current. Patricia Shannon asked about Special Student Materials
and suggested using the language in CSCI 10 for all the Computer Science outlines.
• Correct typos in second sentence of Abbreviated Course Description
• Correct Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage media such as
USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.”
CSCI 10, Introduction to Programming Using Visual BASIC.NET, 4 units
Title changed from Introduction to Programming Using Visual BASIC. Advisories
have been changed, and application software has been updated. Request to offer in
Distance Education delivery format. No further changes were suggested.
CSCI 19A, Object-Oriented Programming Methods in Java, 4 units
Prerequisite changed to an advisory. Revised to align with CS 2360 at CSUEB.
Request to offer in Distance Education delivery format. It was noted that the changes
would require the course to be rearticulated.
Norberto asked whether the class could accommodate more than 35 students. Jan
replied that it is a hybrid DE class, and the lab will be used. Keith Mehl stated that
the transfer institutions don’t want us to offer programming classes online. Jan asked
him to let her know if he hears of any institution refusing to transfer one of our
classes because it was offered in DE format.
• Submit necessary articulation forms.
• Correct Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage media such as
USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.”
Information Technology Competency AA/AS Requirement
Keith Mehl reported that LPC’s Curriculum Committee has approved this addition to
the AA/AS Degree, but the district task force did not adopt it as part of the revised
AA Degree. LPC would like to resubmit it, and has asked that we approve the
Keith explained that this is a competency requirement, not a unit requirement.
Students could meet the requirement by taking a computer course or by testing out
using a commercially prepared test. He has not been able to obtain a firm quote on
the test that is being considered.
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MSC (Shannon/Matthews) that the subject be tabled until it can be discussed in
Division meetings. Ron Taylor stated that those discussions might include how we
are going to achieve the college-wide learning goals that we have set up. Desmond
Chun suggested estimating how many students would not pass the test, and how
many sections would have to be added to our offerings to accommodate them.
Norberto will agenda the topic for a Spring Semester meeting.
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) to extend the meeting to 4:20.
Cindy Stubblebine presented.
The discipline would like to change the rubric from MATH to MA. Cindy explained
the different needs of the Mathematics disciplines at Chabot and Las Positas. She
stated that her Chabot colleagues would like to formalize the current separation,
which has been achieved by assigning different numbers to similar courses. This has
made finding unused numbers for new courses problematic. A change in rubric
would solve the problem.
There was discussion on clearing prerequisite blocks on BANNER so that the system
would accept LPC’s math courses as being the same as ours.
The committee suggested that MTH be used as the new rubric, rather than MA.
• Confirm rubric to be used.
Mathematics 65, Elementary Algebra, 5 units
Mathematics 65A, Elementary Algebra A, 3 units
Prerequisite Skills have been revised to reflect last year’s revision of the prerequisite
course, Mathematics 105. Textbook has been updated. No further changes were
Mathematics 65B, Elementary Algebra B, 3 units
Expected Outcomes have been revised. Textbook has been updated. No further
changes were suggested.
Certificate of Achievement, Computer Programming
CSCI 11, Programming Windows Using Visual BASIC, 2 units
CSCI 12, Advanced Visual BASIC Programming, 2 units
CSCI 18B, Linux Systems Programming I, 2 units
CSCI 18C, Linux Systems Programming II, 2 units
CSCI 18D, Linux Sockets Programming I, 2 units
CSCI 18E, Linux Sockets Programming II, 2 units
CSCI 18F, Linux Gnome and GTK+ Programming I, 2 units
CSCI 18G, Linux Gnome and GTK+ Programming II, 2 units
CSCI 20J, Introduction to Data Structures Using Java, 4 units
CSCI 22, Object-Oriented Programming Project, 1 unit
CSCI 27A, Introduction to MFC Programming, 2 units
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CSCI 31, Java Servlets, 2 units
CSCI 40A, Introduction to the Oracle Database, 2 units
CSCI 40B, PL/SQL Programming in the Oracle Database, 2 units
CSCI 40C, Developer 2000 in the Oracle Database, 2 units
CSCI 40D, Introduction to Oracle Database Administration, 2 units
CSCI 47A, Microsoft Access Database, 2 units
CSCI 47B, Visual Basic for Applications in Excel, Word and Access, 2 units
CSCI 47C, Transact-SQL in the SQL Server Database, 2 units
CSCI 47D, SQL Server Database Administration, 2 units
CSCI 48A, Linux Systems Administration, 2 units
CSCI 48B, Linux Network Administration, 2 units
CSCI 48C, Topics in Linux Systems Administration, 2 units
• Submit new program pages for AA/AS Computer Science (General) reflecting
the deletions
Good of the Order
Next meeting: November 29, 2005
Business Discipline Presentation (remainder of the Division will present on December 6).
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
kk 11/27/05