Document 11526922

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 1, 2005
Members Present:
Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, , Jim Matthews, Bill McDonald, Clara
McLean, Ashnika Narayam (ASCC), Jan Novak, Lupe Ortiz, Norberto Ruiz,
Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Sadie Ashraf, Nancy Cowan, JoAnn Galliano, Gene Groppetti, Carey Harbin,
Brigitte Kouakou (ASCC), Karen Lounsbury, Cindy Rosa
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of October 25, 2005
MSC (Chun/Ortiz) that the minutes of October 25, 2005, be approved as presented.
Vote on Arts and Humanities Proposals
Norberto asked that the committee vote on individual disciplines.
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the Architecture proposal contingent upon
corrections being made as noted in the October 18 minutes.
MSC (Matthews/McDonald) to approve Art 6, Museum Studies, as originally
proposed: 3 hours lecture, 5 hours laboratory; 4.5 units.
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve Art 17, Beginning Sculpture.
Mass Communications
MSC (Novak/Matthews) to approve the Mass Communications proposal as
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the Music proposal contingent upon
corrections being made as noted in the October 18 minutes.
MSC (Novak/Matthews) to approve the Photography proposal contingent upon
corrections being made as noted in the October 18 minutes.
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Humanities/Philosophy/Religious Studies
Moved and seconded (Matthews/McDonald) to approve the
Humanities/Philosophy/Religious Studies proposal.
Bill McDonald commented that he did not see a reason for changing the existing
course numbers. He said he opposes changing the numbers until a college-wide
numbering system is in place or until prerequisites have been established.
Gene Groppetti replied that the division realizes that this is a radical change, but that
the numbering changes were made to accommodate LPC. It was felt that LPC would
be unlikely to approve changes to existing courses as they are currently numbered.
He added that this is a large change, and he thinks the discipline is hesitant to make it
all at once.
Jim Matthews says that he does not think changing the numbers at this point is a
critical flaw, because the numbers college-wide are already very mixed up.
Bill stated that he was not thinking about LPC and agreed that they are unlikely to
buy in if we don’t change the numbers.
The motion carried contingent upon corrections being made as noted in the
October 18 and October 25 minutes.
Vote on Social Sciences Proposal
MSC (McDonald/Shannon) to approve the Social Sciences proposal contingent upon
corrections being made as noted in the October 25 minutes. [One abstention, Matthews]
Nursing and Dental Hygiene Presentation
Nursing 55, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, 8.5 units
Minor change in content. It was noted that because the content being added to
Nursing 55 is being taken from Nursing 60A, a revised outline for Nursing 60A is
also needed.
• Correct typo in Abbreviated Course Description—“precaustions”
• Old outline for Nursing 55 (bring to next meeting)
• Old and new outlines for Nursing 60A (bring to next meeting)
Nursing 80, Critical Thinking and Test Taking for Nursing, .5 unit
This new course is an elective and is not included in the requirements for the degree.
Discussion centered around how the course content makes this course specific to the
Nursing program rather than a general Critical Thinking course that anyone might
benefit from. Rudolph reported that the tests given as practice are nursing specific.
He agreed to change the title of the course from “Critical Thinking and Test Taking”
to “Critical Thinking and Test Taking for Nursing” and to rewrite the outline to make
it more nursing specific.
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There was discussion about the Prerequisite Statement. Although the catalog
description includes “Prerequisites: completion of first year in Nursing Program…”
the Prerequisite Skills section says, “None.” This is likely to confuse students,
especially those outside the Nursing program who might think they are eligible for
the course. JoAnn Galliano noted that Dental Hygiene has a similar problem. It was
agreed to replace “None” in the Prerequisite Skills section with “Skills gained in the
first year Nursing Program.” Consensus was that listing all of the classes in the first
year program would be cumbersome, unnecessary for such a defined student
population, and might require frequent changes to the outline if the program were
• Change title to Critical Thinking and Test Taking for Nursing
• Replace “None” in the Prerequisite Skills section with “Skills gained in the
first year Nursing Program.”
• Rewrite the rest of the outline to make it more nursing specific (bring new
outline to next meeting)
JoAnn Galliano presented a summary of the discipline’s proposal. She reported that the
KH planning process has identified Dental Hygiene as being a high-cost program due to
mandated student/teacher ratios. One of the things other community colleges do to
increase their WSCH is to offer lab courses. Other new courses, such as the 50ABC
series will help us capture hours we are currently putting in without compensation.
There was further discussion on how textbook dates should be listed. [Reported in Good
of the Order for easier referencing].
DHYG 50A, Dental Hygiene Orientation I, .5 unit
DHYG 50B, Dental Hygiene Orientation II, .5 unit
DHYG 50C, Dental Hygiene Orientation III, .5 unit
New courses. JoAnn distributed a corrected outline for DHYG 50B.
It was noted that Prerequisite Skill #34, listed on the outline for DHYG 50C does not
exist on the outline for the prerequisite course. JoAnn will add it as an Outcome to
the outline for DHYG 81A.
• Library Review forms for all three courses.
DHYG 74L, Dental Radiography Open Lab, .5 unit
New course.
• Library Review form.
AA Degree, Dental Hygiene
Norberto commented that this is an Associate in Arts Degree and asked whether the
discipline had considered an Associate in Science degree. JoAnn replied that they
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had, but they are waiting for a decision on the GE pattern for the AS Degree before
they consider a change, which would require permission from their accrediting board.
DHYG 57, 73, 74A, 74B, 75, 81A, 81B, and 82B
These courses have had minor revisions made during the discipline’s annual review
process, but the changes have not been brought to the Curriculum Committee during
the past five years. JoAnn revised the Typical Assignments for some of the outlines
after the packet went to print, and she distributed a sheet containing the revisions.
The following corrections were noted:
• Supply a textbook date for DHYG 57
• Add Prerequisite Skill #34, as listed on the outline for DHYG 50C, to DHYG
• Correct course number in second- and third-page headings for DHYG 81B.
Counseling Division Presentation
Bill McDonald and Carey Harbin presented.
AA/AS Degree, Human Services
This degree was approved by the state with Work Experience 95 and 96 included for
a combined total of 2 units. At the time of submission, the discipline noted their
intention to replace the Work Experience courses with an area-specific experience
course. That course, PSCN 80, has been placed in the AA/AS degree. The division
is also adding PSCN 20, The College Experience, to the degree’s list of options.
• Submit a rationale for a high-unit major.
Certificate of Completion, Multicultural Awareness/Relations for the Service
Certificate of Completion, Multicultural Awareness/Self Reflection
Request to add PSCN 20, The College Experience, to the list of Self Assessment/Self
Reflection courses for both certificates.
There was discussion about the combinations available within the second set of
options on the Self Reflection certificate. Carey reported that they used the lowest
possible number of units in order to keep the certificate at a total of 17 units, and
noted that the expanded list gives students the opportunity to tailor the certificate to
their interests.
• Revise the first asterisk on each certificate to read, “*Select a total of x units
from the following Self Assessment/Self Reflection Courses:”
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PSCN 1, Introduction to Psychology-Counseling in a Multicultural Environment,
3 units
Request to offer in Distance Education Format. Carey reported that he was
informing the committee of his intention to submit the course to the DECSC. It was
noted that the course should have been submitted earlier, so that a recommendation
might have been received prior to its submission to the Curriculum Committee.
PSCN 20, The College Experience, 2 units
The course has been revised to emphasize its self-assessment and self-reflection
aspects and is being added to the AA/AS degree and both certificates.
• Revise Course Content #16 to read, “Using the Library.”
PSCN 28, Orientation for International Students, 1 unit
Sadie Ashraf, the new counselor in charge of the International Program, presented.
She is recommending that the course be reduced from 2 units to 1 unit. It was
suggested that the rationale for the change be stated as a reduction in needed hours
rather than an attempt to reduce student fees.
A discussion on the required nature of the class revealed that we are allowed to make
this requirement because foreign-visa is a special category of student.
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as if the student were being addressed.
• Add textbook dates:
Chabot College Catalog, 2006 or most recent edition
Class Schedule, Fall 2006
PSCN 80, Occupational Volunteerism in Human Services, 2 units
New course. A revision to the outline published in the packet was distributed.
Jim Matthews asked about the 54-80 hours of volunteer time for 2 units listed in the
first line of the catalog description. He noted that usually a range of time spent yields
a range of units earned. Carey Harbin replied that the minimum number of hours
required for 2 units is 54, but that the division encourages students do more than just
the minimum. He said that the Director of Admissions and Records has assured them
that the college would receive funding for hours above the minimum, even though
the units do not increase.
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as if the student were being addressed.
• Place the list of Sample Textbooks under the heading Textbook(s) (Typical).
Delete the heading “Sample Textbooks.”
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Good of the Order
Regarding dates in the Textbook(s) (Typical) section of the outline. After further
discussion, consensus is that the committee will accept
• “date” alone
• “date or most recent edition”
but will not accept
• “most recent edition” alone
Brigitte Kouakou asked whether instructors are required to post current textbooks in the
outlines online. The committee discussed the differences between outlines (which list
“typical” textbooks) and syllabi (which are specific to an instructor and a term). This
could prove confusing to students. It was decided to add the following disclaimer to the
Course Outline webpage, “Typical textbook(s) listed on course outlines are examples
only. For the actual textbook used in a specific course, contact the instructor or refer to
the syllabus for the course.” Brigitte added that she would like students to have actual
textbook information earlier than they now receive it. Norberto said that the College
Council is currently discussing this subject. Jim Matthews suggested that the College
President might be another avenue toward achieving this goal.
Norberto reported that Clara McLean emailed that the Language Arts Division is
generally not averse to moving to a year-round schedule, but they are withholding
approval until they hear more details.
Patricia Shannon reported that there has been an ongoing discussion in Enrollment
Management meetings about productivity. She envisions an approval to add labs in
certain areas. If the approval is granted, she would like to explain to the committee how
the labs might work for Humanities/Philosophy/Religious Studies. She would like a
philosophical discussion before the discipline adds to their outlines.
Jan Novak asked whether a hybrid course with less than 50% of the course taught online
must go through the DECSC process. We have required that it should, even though Ed
Code does not require it. She also questioned why a course must be brought to DECSC
in order to add the DE statement to the outline.
Next meeting: November 8, 2005
Health/PE/Athletics Presentation
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
kk 11/2/05