CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes October 18, 2005 Members Present: Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Brigitte Kouakou (ASCC), Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Lupe Ortiz, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor Guests: Gene Groppetti, Tim Harris, Dan Leonardi, Jon Palacio, Diane Zuliani I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 by committee chair Norberto Ruiz. He announced that he would record the meeting for his own information. If any others want to record, they should feel free to do so. II. Minutes of October 11, 2005 MSC (Chun/Ortiz) that the minutes of October 11, 2005, be approved as presented. III. Arts and Humanities Presentation Patricia Shannon announced that one of the things that came out of the preparation process was that the process wasn’t too good. She stated that they will do better in the future. PHOTOGRAPHY Dan Leonardi presented. Photography 60, Intermediate Black and White Photography, 3 units Title changed from Black and White Materials and Processes. Clarifies that the course is the second in a series. Needed: • Articulation Form 4, UC Transfer. (Dan will verify with Patricia Posada) Photography 65, Handcoloring, Toning and Beyond, 3 units Title changed from Graphic Techniques. Revised Catalog Description clarifies that the course deals with photographic rather than graphic or digital subject matter. Desmond Chun questioned the date of the textbook. Dan replied that he believes this to be the latest edition. Jan Novak commented that this seems to be a rather extensive revision. She asked at what point a revised course becomes a new course. Jane Church replied that at the point when the intention and subject matter of the course become different from the previous outline, a new number should be assigned. MASS COMMUNICATIONS Gene Groppetti presented. Mass Communications 501, Radio/Television Production, 0 units Adds two courses as Corequisites. No changes were suggested. Curriculum Committee 10-18-05, page 2 Gene explained the way 500 courses work, including registration and funding details. He noted that Mass Communications has two “500” courses (500 and 501) because the media covered in the courses (print journalism/broadcast journalism) are so different. ARCHITECTURE Architecture 20, Architecture of the Spirit, 3 units Request to remove from catalog. Architecture 62, Home Design and Construction Technology, 2 units Request to remove from catalog. Needed: • Correct title of course on Rationale page. Associate in Science Degree, Interior Design Removing Architecture 62 from the catalog affects this degree. The proposed addition of Architecture 4A or Architecture 14 increases the already high-unit major by 1, to a total of 39. It was suggested that instead of adding courses, the discipline might merely delete the 2-unit Architecture 62, thus reducing the major units to 36. Jane added that the scheduling of day and evening classes raises a question of whether students are able to complete this degree. Edna Danaher reported that since 1995 the college has awarded 18 Interior Design degrees. Needed: • Justification for high-unit major. • Consider deleting Architecture 62 without replacing it. • List both of the cross-listed classes, Architecture 68 and Interior Design 68. MUSIC Tim Harris and Jon Palacio presented. Norberto raised the question of whether splitting a single class (such as Music 15) into two classes (15A and 15B) affects faculty load. The discipline views this as more of a repeatability issue. The change in units corrects a previous error in computing the hours to units ratio. Associate in Arts Degree, Music This is a high-unit major. Jon explained that the discipline did not have time to rework the entire program. Next year they plan to reduce the Music 2 series by 1 unit for each course, reducing the major units by 4. It was suggested that Music 3 be removed from the degree. While it is required for transfer, it may not be necessary for the AA Degree. Edna reported that the college has awarded seven Music degrees in the last seven years, none in the last four years. Norberto suggested bringing the entire packet forward next year rather than making the changes piecemeal. Curriculum Committee 10-18-05, page 3 Discussion ensued on ways that the high-unit major might be reduced now, rather than next year. For example, the discipline might delete some other courses now and add them back in after the Music 2 units have been reduced. Gene Groppetti said that the discipline will rework the rationale and bring it to the next meeting. Needed: • Consider removing Music 3 from the degree. • Consider other deletions to reduce the major units. • Rewrite the rationale to defend the high-unit major. MUSL 1, Introduction to Music, 3 units Revised to accommodate a new text. Patricia Shannon suggested keeping the Methods of Evaluating Student Progress section from the old outline. Needed: • Consider the suggestion above. • Submit a Library Consultation form. MUSL 4, Jazz Styles, 3 units Brought forward with a new articulation request (Form 5, IGETC). Revised to meet current outline format. Needed: • Check Revision of Existing Course and Minor Format Change on the Statement of Rationale. • Submit a Library Consultation form. NOTE: All performance courses need some sort of final examination. It can be the evaluation of a performance and must be noted in Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. MUSP 12A, Symphonic Band I, 1 unit MUSP 12B, Symphonic Band II, 1 unit MUSP 12A replaces MUSP 12; units are being reduced from 2 – 2.5 to 1. MUSP 12B is a new course. The committee discussed the unit changes and why they are being done. Jane called attention to the 4-unit transfer limitation on Flier 100, CSU Transfer. She thinks that we can remove the limit if we want to. She will check and let the Music discipline know. She added that if the transfer institution sees a limit on the flier, they will enforce it. If there is no limit listed, it is up to the transfer institution to impose one if they so desire. Discussion on whether a musical instrument is a “special student material.” It was decided to add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to this section of the performance outlines. Needed (MUSP 12A): • Correct typo in Rationale (“transfer requitements”) • Add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to Special Student Materials. Curriculum Committee 10-18-05, page 4 • Add Final examination information to Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. Needed (MUSP 12B): • Correct Course Content #2 to read, “Study technique…” • Add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to Special Student Materials. • Add Final examination information to Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. MUSP 13A, Wind Symphony I, 1 unit MUSP 13B, Wind Symphony II, 1 unit MUSP 13C, Wind Symphony III, 1 unit New. Ron questioned the “designed for” statement in the Catalog Description. He stated that “music educators” implies that students hold a 4-year degree, and we should not be offering credit courses to those who hold these degrees. Patricia Shannon commented on the prestige gained by institutions that attract high-ability musicians. It was decided to revise the description to read, “designed for advanced musicians…” Discussion resulted in the agreement that these courses should be sequential—13A should be prerequisite to 13B, 13B should be prerequisite to 13C. Needed: • • • • • • • • • Correct Statement of Rationale #4 to read, “Continued development of…” Revise the Catalog Description to read, “designed for advanced musicians…” Add prerequisite statements to MUSP 13B and MUSP 13C (see discussion above). Submit content review forms for the prerequisites. Revise the Prerequisite Skills section of the outline. Correct Course Content #2 to read, “Study technique…” Add Final examination information to Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. Add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to Special Student Materials. Submit Articulation Forms #2 and #4 for all three courses. MUSP 14A, Jazz Lab I, 1 unit MUSP 14B, Jazz Lab II, 1 unit MUSP 14A replaces MUSP 14; units are being reduced from 2 to 1. MUSP 14B is new. Needed: • Add 14A as a prerequisite to 14B. • Submit a content review form for the prerequisite. • Revise the Prerequisite Skills section of the 14B outline. • Add Final examination information to Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. • Add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to Special Student Materials. • Submit Articulation Forms #2 and #4 for both courses. Curriculum Committee 10-18-05, page 5 MUSP 15A, Jazz Band I, 1 unit MUSP 15B, Jazz Band II, 1 unit MUSP 15A replaces MUSP 15; units are being reduced from 2 to 1. MUSP 15B is new. Needed: • Add 15A as a prerequisite to 15B. • Submit a content review form for the prerequisite. • Revise the Prerequisite Skills section of the 15B outline. • Add Final examination information to Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. • Add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to Special Student Materials. • Submit Articulation Forms #2 and #4 for both courses. MUSP 16A, Jazz Ensemble I, 1 unit MUSP 16B, Jazz Ensemble II, 1 unit New courses. Needed: • Add 16A as a prerequisite to 16B. • Submit a content review form for the prerequisite. • Revise the Prerequisite Skills section of the 16B outline. • Add Final examination information to Methods of Evaluating Student Performance. • Add “Musical instrument as appropriate” to Special Student Materials. • Submit Articulation Forms #2 and #4 for both courses. ART Art 6, Museum Studies, 4.5 units Request to increase hours/units from 2 hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory/3 units to 3 hours lecture, 5 hours laboratory/4.5 units. Adds a repeatability statement. Diane Zuliani stated that when she developed this course, she didn’t realize how much time would be involved. After teaching the course for the first time, she is proposing these changes to fit the actual time needed and to grant students units for the extra time they would otherwise have to donate without compensation. Last semester students regularly stayed late and also worked during Spring break in order to mount the show. Norberto asked whether other colleges teach this course. Diane replied that it is not offered at any other California Community College. At Universities it is a 2-year upper division program. An exact equivalent of this course does not exist. Discussion centered on: • Number of units, seen by some as an enrollment management issue; • Discipline productivity; • Whether there was adequate sampling done before changes were proposed; • The cost to students for a 4.5-unit class. Ron stated that he is not concerned about the enrollment management aspects of the course. He sees it as a student workload question. He asked whether the lecture Curriculum Committee 10-18-05, page 6 could be kept at 2 hours and the extra time be given to the students as lab. Diane replied that she feels a need for additional time in both areas. At 4:00 Norberto asked for a motion to continue the meeting. MSC (Novak/Matthews) to extend the meeting for a maximum of 30 minutes. Jan asked how the lecture portion would vary to allow students to repeat the course. Diane replied that the lecture uses field trips to various area art events as examples. Because the events are different from semester to semester, so are the lectures. Rudolph Cockerham mentioned that the Nursing discipline uses experimental courses to fill out regular courses. It was noted that the result (high units/high fees) would be the same. Jane Church asked whether the course could be taught as purely technical, without the theory component. Diane replied that the class worked beautifully as it was written, but that there weren’t enough hours to cover everything. Discussion ended with the statement that the proposed changes would be approved or not by vote of the committee at the next meeting. Art 17, Beginning Sculpture, 3 units Title changed from Ceramic Sculpture to make it clear to students that this is a sculpture class, not a ceramics class. No changes suggested. Jane commented that this course was originally grandfathered onto the CSU General Breadth list. The revision may be rejected on the grounds that it is a technical course. HUMANITIES Patricia Shannon presented an overview of the Humanities discipline’s program restructuring. The program will be divided by semester and numbered accordingly: first semester numbers in the 50s, second semester numbers in the 60s, third semester numbers in the 70s, fourth semester numbers in the 80s. It is anticipated that it will take 3 years to accomplish the entire transition. Jane provided a memo from Bill McDonald listing his reactions and concerns to the proposal (attached). Patricia replied that at this point in the transition most of Bill’s comments are not important. They will be taken care of in the future when all of the courses have been rewritten and the AA Degree Program is finalized. When questioned about the high-unit major, Patricia stated that for this revision they had not looked at the units, just the numbering and titles. Norberto expressed a concern about the revised numbering sequence, stating that numbers 50 and above have traditionally been reserved for vocational courses. Discussion included comments that: • Students are not aware of this convention; • There are other cases of the convention not being followed; • There is nothing in writing dictating that this practice must be followed. Jane reported that she had worked with Patricia to find a set of numbers that would fit the discipline’s plan. They had to move to this numbering range due to the college’s practice of not reusing deleted numbers for a period of five years. Curriculum Committee 10-18-05, page 7 Patricia invited those with questions or concerns to email her. She is willing to meet oneon-one or to participate in a round robin email discussion between now and next week’s meeting. AA Degree, Humanities (General) Edna reported that there has not been a Humanities Degree awarded in 12 years. Ron suggested that the discipline make incremental changes to the Program page rather than merely changing the numbers/titles of the existing courses. He added that that might aid the program in terms of students exercising their catalog rights. Jane suggested considering the removal of the Anthropology, Art, and History courses, as she thinks they fragment the degree. Patricia will bring a revised Program Page to the next meeting. Needed: • Remove “Transfer Program” from the Program Page. IV. V. Next meeting: October 25, 2005 Conclusion of Arts and Humanities Presentation and vote Social Sciences Presentation The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. kk 10/19/05 c:\documents\word\curric\2005-2006\10-18-05.min.doc