Document 11526916

Curriculum Committee Minutes
April 3, 2007
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Rebecca Otto, Don Plondke, Norberto Ruiz,
Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Marcia Corcoran, Cindy Stubblebine, Christine Warda
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order without a quorum at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair
Norberto Ruiz.
Mathematics Competency
Norberto introduced Cindy Stubblebine, who reported that Chabot math faculty were
asked to create a competency test for mathematics so that Chabot students would have the
same opportunities to demonstrate math proficiency as LPC students have. The
discipline developed the test by creating questions covering final outcomes of the courses
that satisfy the proficiency requirement. A passing score on the test is 70%.
A decision is needed on how often and where the test will be given. Cindy will contact
LPC to find out how their test is administered. She has talked with Tram Vo-Kumamoto
regarding use of the Assessment Center, and she will follow up with Daryl Minus.
Jane Church asked the difference between proficiency and placement testing. Cindy
replied that proficiency means that you have the expected outcomes; placement indicates
that you will probably be successful the class. Jane asked whether placement equals
passing a prerequisite. Cindy replied that it does not.
Minutes of March 6 and March 20, 2007
A quorum having been achieved, it was MSC (Matthews/Shannon) to accept the
minutes of March 6, 2007, as presented.
MSC (Matthews/Shannon) to accept the minutes of March 20, 2007, as presented.
Speech 49.02
Marcia Corcoran introduced Christine Warda, newly hired speech instructor. Christine
reported that historically, Chabot has had a successful forensics program. In order to
sustain and build upon that success, the faculty would like to offer students the
opportunity to prepare for competition by performing on campus or at local venues
before joining the nationally competitive traveling team.
In answer to a question by Norberto, Christine told the committee that the discipline is
developing the materials listed under Textbook(s) with the hope of future publication.
It was noted that the course may only be repeated once because it is experimental. When
it comes forward as a catalog course, it may be offered 3 times.
Curriculum Committee
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Discussion resulted in the following recommendations:
• List Textbook(s) as “none”; replace with a published text when the course is
brought back as a catalog course.
• Add “e. culminating final speech” to Methods of evaluating student progress.
MSC (Matthews/McLean) to approve the course as amended.
Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment
A coordinating committee on student assessment has been established. It will report to
the IPBC and the Academic/Faculty Senate and consist of representatives from the
Learning Connection and the Program Review Committee, as well as the following
individuals: Ron Taylor, Cindy Stubblebine, Barbara Ogman, Rebecca Otto, Norma
Ambriz, and Wayne Phillips.
CSU and UC Transfer Lists
Jane Church reported that Flier #100, the CSU Transfer list, states that all 99 courses
are transferable. Referencing a discussion with LPC, Jane asked whether all of our 99
courses are baccalaureate level, and whether apprenticeship courses (listed as 97s)
should also be listed. She favors including the apprenticeship courses. EO 167 defines
what a baccalaureate course is. Interpretation varies from college to college.
Discussion ensued, including the following:
• Edna Danaher noted that 99 courses are degree applicable as course substitutions
or electives.
• Jane reported that CSUs are looking for vocational students.
• How do we determine whether a course is college level? Do we need a
discussion? Should it go to District Curriculum Council?
Jim summarized that right now the college is fairly liberal in its thinking. If LPC
proposes to be more restrictive, the matter should be referred to the District Curriculum
Jane distributed Flier #102, the UC Transfer list. She has added some limitations.
Please contact Jane if you have questions.
Good of the Order
Norberto distributed a proposed revision to Title 5, Chapter 6, regarding course
repetition. Ron noted that we should follow up with the State on what counts as a
Norberto asked reps to remind their divisions to start thinking about their AS Degrees
and what courses they want to include as the discipline specific requirement.
Remind faculty to create lab hours for courses as applicable.
Kaaren Krueg reported that Interior Design 58 was erroneously removed from the
2006-08 Catalog. It will be reinstated in the Addendum
Curriculum Committee
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Kaaren reported that Dental Hygiene submitted a revision to their AA Degree in
Spring 2005, and a further revision in Fall 2005. Both were approved by the
Curriculum Committee. In preparing the master for the 2006-08 Catalog, the Spring
2005 version was included. The Fall 2005 version will replace it in the Addendum.
Jane asked whether English 70 would be appropriate in Area A.3. of the AA Degree.
Clara McLean replied that the division is discussing the question.
Jane reminded the committee of this evening’s transfer night activities.
Next Meeting: April 17, 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
kk 4/13/07