Document 11526910

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 28, 2006
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Don Plondke, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon, Connie Telles
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Jeff Drouin, Ken Grace, Gene Groppetti, Dov Hassan, Dale Wagoner
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:12 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of November 21, 2006
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the Minutes of November 21, 2006, as presented.
Health/PE/Athletics Presentation
Dale Wagoner introduced Ken Grade and Jeff Drouin.
PHED 59, Lifetime Fitness, 3 units
New course. Because the course is not an activity course, Articulation Form #1 has
been withdrawn. Forms 2, 3, 4, and 5 submitted and approved. Patricia Shannon
noted several typos in the outline and gave Dale suggestions for rewording the
catalog description.
• Make revisions as noted above.
• Remove Distance Education statement from Catalog Description.
• Express Expected Outcomes and Course Content as lists, not paragraphs.
• Add “d. Final Examination” to Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
PHED 62, Introduction to Personal Fitness Training, 3 units
New course. Because the course is not an activity course, Articulation Form #1 has
been withdrawn. Forms 2 and 3 submitted and approved.
• Correct Abbreviated Course Description to read, “…18 years or older, may
• Remove Distance Education statement from Catalog Description.
• List Prerequisite Skills as “None.”
• Under Expected Outcomes
o Remove “1. Demonstrate through…”
o Renumber remaining list 1, 2, 3, etc.
• Add “f. Final Examination” to Methods of evaluating Student Progress.
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11-28-06, page 2
Physical Education, Associate in Arts Degree
Edna Danaher expressed difficulty in determining whether students have
accomplished the footnoted activity areas, as the activities can be included in optional
courses such as PHED 4, 6, and 62. She asked for clarification of the wording on the
program page.
There was discussion on whether the units could be reduced by removing courses that
are included in the GE requirements. Patricia Shannon suggested reviewing the
Architecture Transfer Preparation section to see if a similar list would be useful in
this area.
Address the issue above.
Remove “Transfer Program and” from degree Title.
Remove footnote “*Check requirements of specific university”
Provide a rationale for high unit major.
Bring a revised Program Page to the next meeting.
Fitness Instructor, Certificate of Completion
Revised to include PHED 62 as an option.
Fitness Instructor, Certificate of Achievement
Revised to include PHED 62 as an option. Patricia Shannon noted the large number
of unites required in Fall semester. It was agreed to move the Health 1/PHED 18
requirement to Spring.
MEDA 75, Administration of Medications for the Medical Assistant, 3 units
Course has been increased from 12 weeks to a full semester, and from 2 to 3 units.
The corequisite has been revised.
Needed: Revised Program Page
Complete Presentation and Vote on Nursing/Dental Hygiene Proposal
Dale noted that changes to the outlines presented are the result of the Program Review
DHYG 61, Head and Neck Anatomy, 2 units
Revised at the request of the Program Review team to replace the term “embryology”
with “anatomy.” Discussion of Typical Assignment 1c. concluded that there might
be a word or phrase missing at the end of the line.
• Address question above.
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11-28-06, page 3
DHYG 74B, Dental Radiography II, 1.5 units
Revised to include Digital Radiography. There was discussion on whether the
abbreviation RDH (Registered Dental Hygienist) needed to be spelled out. Dale feels
that anyone in the field would understand the meaning, including interested students.
Remaining courses include only below the catalog description changes. It was Dale’s
belief that those did not require close committee scrutiny. Norberto replied that the
practice has changed in recent years, and requested separate rationales for each course,
detailing what the changes are. Patricia added that faculty should take a look at the
correlation between Expected Outcomes and Course Content and make changes if
The remainder of the presentation was tabled to December 5. It will be the first
item on the agenda at that meeting.
Theater Arts 4 Presentation
Dov Hassan presented.
THTR 49.01, Acting on Camera, 3 units
There was discussion on whether the course includes laboratory time. It was decided
to use it as written and revise later if necessary. Various formatting corrections were
given to Dov, who will revise the outline.
MSC (Matthews/Telles) to approve the Theater Arts 49.01 as amended.
AA GE English 1A
Tabled due to Clara McLean’s absence.
12 Units Minimum, Catalog page 16
The residency requirement is being discussed at District Curriculum Council. Ron
reported that the Council was concerned that Chabot did not have a position on the topic.
Discussion included:
• Chabot and LPC are separate colleges.
• Title 5 states that a student must have taken 12 units at the college awarding the
• The disagreement between the colleges concerns the area in which the 12 units
may be earned. Chabot’s vocational faculty are firm in their insistence that they
be from the major’s core. LPC allows units from any area, and requires that the
last 3 be taken at the college.
Norberto stated the opinion that the work on the AS degree should be completed before
this topic is addressed.
Good of the Order:
Jane reported that Patricia Posada has emailed the committee asking for input for
articulation requests, with a deadline of December 8.
Jane also reported that she will be presenting a draft resolution to Senate on Thursday
regarding reciprocity agreements and GE requirements.
Curriculum Committee
11-28-06, page 4
Next Meeting: December 5, 2006
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
kk 11/29//06