Document 11526909

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 21, 2006
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Rebecca Otto (for Milton Rube), Don
Plondke, Norberto Ruiz, Connie Telles, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Patricia Posada
Indrani Chaudhuri, Nancy Cowan, Cindy Hicks, Gloria Meads, Dale Wagoner
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of November 14, 2006
Jim Matthews noted that the committee suggested changing the title of Ethnic Studies 3
to Muslim Experience in the United States. Michael Thompson agreed to the change.
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the Minutes of November 14, 2006, as amended.
Arts and Humanities Vote
MSC (Matthews/Telles) to approve the Arts and Humanities packet as amended in the
minutes of November 7 and November 14.
Social Sciences Vote
MSC (Matthews/Novak) to approve the Social Sciences packet as amended in the
minutes of November 14, with the correction noted above.
Don Plondke stated that there was some confusion over the repeatability statement in
Business/Work Experience 95/96 as compared to ECD 95/96 and Geography 95/96. It
was explained that because the Business and Work Experience courses are cross-listed,
they must be treated as the same class, and the combined repeatability is three times.
Thus, the course may be taken four times (the original time plus a combined total of three
repeats). ECD and Geography may also be taken four times (the original time plus three
repeats). Clarification of the wording will be discussed at a future meeting.
Don noted that what should have been the outline for ECD 96 in the presentation packet
was actually the outline for Geography 96. He distributed the ECD outline.
Tutoring 49 Presentation
Cindy Hicks presented.
Cindy explained that in the year 2010 the Learning Connection will be housed in
Building 100 and will include all tutoring programs. The current Tutoring 15 has been
piloted and found not to meet the needs of the program. Therefore, they are proposing a
series of three ½ unit classes to be piloted in Spring 2007 and Fall 2008.
Curriculum Committee
11-21-06, page 2
Tutoring 49A, Training for New Tutors, ½ unit
Cindy noted that “or equivalent” should be added to the corequisite.
Tutoring 49B, Content-Area Training for New Tutors, ½ unit
Tutoring 49C, Training for Returning Tutors, ½ unit
Cindy stated that this course will be offered in the fall. The outline may change by
then, depending on what is learned from 49A and B.
There was discussion on how the mathematics training would be accomplished. Indrani
Chaudhuri represented the math lab faculty. Cindy reported that these are all pilot
courses. She added that the goal is to create a tutor training program that will train tutors
to work in a variety of areas. Norberto stated that perhaps the math faculty will decide to
develop their own training program.
MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the Tutoring 49 courses as amended.
Nursing and Dental Hygiene Presentation
Dale Wagoner introduced Nancy Cowan and Gloria Meads. Committee representative
Connie Telles is also a member of the nursing faculty.
Nancy Cowan reported that the Special Application requirements published in the current
catalog are incorrect and need to be revised in the next printing. Norberto reminded her
that changes must come to the committee for approval.
[Note regarding request to remove courses: Nursing 71 was removed in the 2005-06
addendum and is not in the current catalog. Also in the 2005-06 addendum, Nursing 72
(Pediatric Nursing Problems) was removed and replaced with Nursing 72 (Work-Study
Clinical Practicum). That course is in the current catalog, and Nancy has confirmed that
it should stay. Nursing 76 was removed from the current catalog because it had not been
offered in 5 years. No action is required on any of these courses. Kaaren]
The discipline is converting a number of experimental (99) courses to catalog courses.
Jane asked why there are no transfer requests accompanying these courses. Nancy and
Dale replied that they are remedial courses that do not transfer.
Nursing 78, Fundamentals of Calculations for Medication Administration, ½ unit
New course. Discussion resulted in the following changes.
• Catalog description should be revised to read, “…presented. Corequisite:
Nursing 55.
Distance Education statement.
• List Prerequisite Skills as “None.”
• Remove Expected Student Outcome #5.
Nursing 81, Obstetrical Nursing Theory (for Licensed Vocational Nurses), 2 units
New course to prepare LVNs for the LVN-RN program. Discussion on the
Prerequisite and Prerequisite Skills sections yielded the decision to deviate from the
practice of listing only courses as prerequisites (see below).
Curriculum Committee
11-21-06, page 3
• Replace Prerequisite in Catalog Description and Prerequisite Skills section
with “Valid California LVN License.”
• Format Expected Outcomes section as follows:
“Upon completion…ability to identify and/or describe:”
1. concepts…
2. normal…”
• Typical Assignments: Give a specific example, written to address the
“or latest edition” to textbook dates.
Nursing 82, Pediatric Nursing Theory, 2 units
New course to prepare LVNs for the LVN-RN program.
• Replace Prerequisite Skills section with “Valid California LVN License.”
• Remove Content Review Form A (Page 111)
Nursing 84, Prescriptive Clinical Nursing Skills Practice, ½ to 1 unit
New course. There was discussion on the hours/units ratio and the Course Content
• Correct repeatability statement to “May be repeated 3 times.”
• Correct hours to read, “27 to 54 total hours Skills Laboratory.”
Nursing 85, Registered Nurse Refresher (Theory and Clinical), 6 units
New course. Dale will work with Nancy to revise the Prerequisite and Prerequisite
Skills sections.
• Begin the Catalog Description as follows: “For United States-educated…”
• End Catalog Description with, “4 hours lecture, 15.5 hours laboratory. Total
Tabled to next meeting.
Good of the Order:
Jane distributed two handouts regarding 2007-08 articulation submissions. She reminded
the committee that the college deadline to submit for CSU Transfer, General Breadth, and
IGETC is December 15.
Next Meeting: November 28, 2006
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
kk 11/24//06