Document 11526906

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 31, 2006
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Jan Novak, Don Plondke, Milton Rube, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia
Shannon, Connie Telles, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Bob Buell, Tom Clark, Jay Mumford, Judy O’Toole, Steve Small
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz.
Minutes of October 24, 2006
MSC (Shannon/Novak) that the minutes of October 24, 2006, be approved as presented.
Patricia Shannon introduced the subject of reading curriculum packets. She asked
whether there is a way to highlight changes, some of which are very small and hard to
spot. Discussion ensued, resulting in the recommendation that next year we use Track
Changes in Word to annotate the “old” course outline, use the tracked document as the
“old” outline, and include a clean copy of the “new” outline.
Patricia would also like to see a discussion of the relationship between Outcomes and
Course Content scheduled for a Spring meeting.
Counseling Proposal Vote
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) to approve the Counseling packet as amended.
Applied Technology and Business Presentation
Steve Small presented
ATEC 60B, Automotive Electrics/Electronics II, 3 ½ units
ATEC 61B, Fuel Induction, Emission and Computer Control Systems II, 3 ½ units
ATEC 70, Introduction to Automotive Service, 2 units
Request to remove these courses from the catalog as they are no longer being offered.
ATEC 60, Automotive Electrics/Electronics, 4 units (changed from ATEC 60A,
Automotive Electrics/Electronics I)
Renumbered and retitled to reflect the elimination of ATEC 60B. Advisory course
notation revised to reflect the renumbering of ATEC 61A.
ATEC 61, Fuel Induction Systems, 4 units (Changed from ATEC 61A)
Renumbered to reflect the elimination of ATEC 61B. Advisory course notation
revised to reflect the renumbering of ATEC 60A.
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ATEC 68, California BAR Basic and Advanced Clean Air Car Course, 5 units
Revised to meet new Bureau of Automotive Repair requirements.
ATEC 71, Powertrain and Vehicle Performance, 8 units
ATEC 71A, Powertrain and Vehicle Performance I, 4 units
Prerequisite Statements revised to reflect renumbering of ATEC 60A and 61A.
Patricia complemented Steve on the quality of this presentation. She asked why we
are offering both ATEC 71 and ATEC 71A&B. Steve replied that ATEC 71 was
split into 71A&B so that it could be offered in the evening over 2 semesters.
AS Degree, Automotive Technology
Revised to accommodate renumbering and course deletions. Correction of previous
error in Emphasis 3.
Jane asked whether the discipline intends to commit to offering courses in the
semesters listed on the program page. She said that many times when she is working
with students, what is listed in the Class Schedule does not line up with what is listed
on the program page. Steve replied that their intention is to offer the classes in the
semesters listed. Jane also stressed the importance of being sure that the courses do
not overlap and of working to accommodate students who can attend only during the
day or only during the evening.
Certificates of Achievement: Automotive Drivetrain Technology, Automotive
Maintenance Technology, Automotive Engine Performance Technology, Automotive
Chassis Technology
Revised to accommodate renumbering and course deletions.
MSC (Shannon/Matthews) to approve the Automotive Technology packet.
Bob Buell presented.
Fire Technology 90A, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation, 2 units
Minor changes to correct and clarify the prerequisite courses. There was discussion
on when the various prerequisite courses can be taken and if all of them need to be
listed. Consensus was to accept the changes as written.
MSC (Shannon/Novak) to approve the Fire Technology packet.
Jan Novak reported that, in addition to four new courses, there were a number of courses
that were due for their 5-year review. The discipline is also deleting courses that are no
longer offered and updating their certificates and degree.
Norberto asked whether the discipline contacted LPC. Jan replied that LPC did receive
hard copy, but the courses are separate because we use a different rubric.
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Business 3, Income Tax Accounting, 4 units
Minor edits to Expected Outcomes, Typical Assignments, and Textbooks.
• Delete Typical Assignment 1.a. “Reading assignments”
Business 4, Cost Accounting, 3 units
Minor edits to Expected Outcomes, Typical Assignments, and Textbooks.
• Delete Typical Assignment 1.a. “Reading assignments”
Business 12, Introduction to Business, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. No changes requested.
Business 16, Business Mathematics, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Correct Outcome #2 to read, “the principal…”
Business 26, Small Business Management, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. No changes requested.
Business 27, Law for Small Businesses, 3 units
New course designed for the small business management certificate. Articulation
Form #2 submitted and approved.
Jim Matthews asked whether similar courses exist as lower division at 4-year
institutions. Jan answered in the affirmative.
Patricia commented on the relationship between Outcomes and Content. Jan replied
that the discipline doesn’t want the course to be too similar to Business 10.
• To resolve the question above, remove “and ethical” from Outcome #5.
Business 31, Professional Selling, 3 units
Business 32, Retail Store Management, 3 units
Business 34, Introduction to Advertising, 3 units
Business 40, International Business, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. No changes requested.
Business 50G, Negotiating Skills, 1 unit
Business 50H, Practical Business Ethics, 1 unit
Business 50J, Time Management Skills, 1 unit
New courses. Articulation Form #2 submitted for each and approved.
Patricia Shannon led a discussion about diffusing our efforts by offering topics which
are also offered in other disciplines, such as time management, which is offered in
Psych-Counseling. Jan noted that all of these additions are offered only online.
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Jan outlined the changes to the following certificates and degree, which incorporate new
courses and provide students with greater flexibility.
Certificate of Completion, Small Business Management
Certificate of Completion, Management
Certificate of Achievement, Marketing
AS Degree, Business
• Add “or Computer Science 8 (Computer Literacy)” to the list of options in
the Sophomore year.
MSC (Matthews/Telles) to approve the Business packet contingent upon recommended
changes being made. Patricia commented that it is because of the clarity of the proposals
that she felt comfortable with presentation and approval being accomplished at the same
Judy O’Toole presented. She explained that when the Certificate of Achievement,
Business Graphics, was approved last year, she was unaware that it needed State approval
and did not submit in time for inclusion in the catalog.
The discipline is reducing units to allow this to be a Certificate of Completion. They
have also revised Digital Media requirements to align with changes in that discipline.
There was discussion on the lack of those changes in the current Arts and Humanities
packet. [Please note: The Digital Media changes were presented and approved last
Spring, for implementation in Fall 2007. kk]
Judy asked whether she could make changes to the CAS 72 series to reflect actual
teaching practices without coming before the committee. She was advised that she must
follow standard procedure and will present a packet at the December 5 meeting. She will
submit a preliminary packet on November 7 and the presentation copy on November 28.
Jay Mumford presented.
Real Estate 80, Real Estate Principles, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. Add date(s) to
Real Estate 81A, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Correct “transfewr” in Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog
• Add date to textbook.
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Real Estate 81B, Advanced Legal Aspects of Real Estate, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Correct “governmantal” in Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog
• Revise Typical Assignment 1.a. to read, “Apply two concepts from Chapters
1-2 or the text…scope affecting the entire community.”
• Revise Typical Assignment 1.b. to read, “Observe an existing real estate
• Add date to textbook.
Real Estate 82A, Real Estate Appraisal, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Revise the Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog Description to read,
“Real Estate appraisals, the appraisal process, and approaches, methods…”
• Correct “approaches” in Expected Outcome #4.
• Add dates to textbooks.
Real Estate 82B, Advanced Real Estate Appraisal, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Prerequisite Skills: Use the Expected Outcomes from the revised 82A.
• Add dates to textbooks.
Real Estate 83, Real Estate Finance, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Correct second page heading to read, “Real Estate 83”
• Remove list numbering from Texts; add date to textbook.
Real Estate 84, Real Estate Practice, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Revise Expected Outcome #2 to read, “list the elements…”
• Revise Expected Outcome #10 to read, “identify the fundamentals…”
• Revise Expected Outcome #11 to read, “demonstrate a working
• Add date to textbook.
Real Estate 85, Real Estate Economics, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. Add date(s) to
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Real Estate 86, Escrows, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only.
• Remove list numbering from Texts; add date to textbook.
Real Estate 87, Real Estate Taxation and Exchanges, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. Add date(s) to
Real Estate 88, Real Estate Property Management, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. Articulation Form #2
submitted and approved.
• Revise Course Content #15 to read, “Human relations in property
• Revise Typical Assignment a. to read, “Contact 3 different types of property
management companies: 1) Commercial/Retail, 2) Industrial/Manufacturing,
and 3) Multi-Family Residential. Compare and contrast…”
• Add date to textbook.
Real Estate 89, Real Estate Office Administration, 3 units
Cyclical updating of course outline, minor revisions only. Articulation Form #2
submitted and approved.
• Revise Expected Outcome #9 to read, “explain the need…”
• Add date to textbook.
Real Estate 90. Exam Preparation: California Real Estate Licensing Exam, 2 units
New course converted from an experimental.
Don Plondke asked whether there is a specific Real Estate exam that this course is
targeting. Jay replied that there are two: Real Estate Principles and Brokers
Licensing. There was discussion on the value of taking this course without having
taken a prerequisite, such as REST 80.
• Correct first page heading and Catalog Description title to match above.
• Remove list numbering from Prerequisite Skills.
• Revise Expected Outcomes #1 to read, “describe key real estate
• Add date to textbook.
These new courses mirror courses developed by Chabot College and the Alameda County
Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee to provide certification training for
apprentices and journey-person electricians. The purpose of these mirrored courses is to
allow the opportunity to offer these courses for college credit and to perhaps a broader
student base beyond the apprenticeship membership.
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The following courses were presented:
CELT 101, Basic State Electrician Certification Preparation, 3.5 units
CELT 101A, State Electrician Certification Preparation—Module A, 2 units
CELT 101B, OSHA 10 Construction Training—Module B, 1 unit
CELT 101C, First Aid and CPR—Module C, .5 unit
Patricia asked about the differences between 101 and 101A,B,C, and suggested
adding some clarifying language to explain the differences to students.
CELT 107, Advanced State Electrician Certification Preparation, 3.5 units
CELT 107A, Advanced State Electrician Certification Preparation—Module A,
3 units
CELT 107B, Advanced State Electrician Certification Preparation—Module B,
1 unit
CELT 107C, Advanced State Electrician Certification Preparation—Module C,
.5 unit
Needed: Add textbook dates to all outlines.
Request to remove the program from the catalog. Patricia asked how this request fits
with Program Renewal or Discontinuance. She suggested that we ask for guidance from
the Senate on how to proceed with this request, since there is no faculty member in the
discipline to develop a process.
Good of the Order
Jane reported that she attended the CurricuNet Users’ Group meeting last weekend.
Also, our first submission of Humanities 50 was not approved by CSU, but a
resubmission of a revised outline was approved retroactive to Fall 2006. Jane apologized
for not following her own rule that revisions should be approved by the Committee
before being submitted for articulation.
Next Meeting: November 7, 2006
The meeting was adjourned at 4:16 p.m.
kk 11/8/06