Document 11526900

Curriculum Committee Minutes
September 5, 2006
Members Present:
Desmond Chun (substituting for Jan Novak), Milton Rube, Norberto Ruiz,
Patricia Shannon, Connie Telles, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Gene Groppetti, John Parente
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order without a quorum at 2:07 p.m. by committee chair
Norberto Ruiz. New members Milton Rube, Connie Telles and Ernesto Victoria were
welcomed to the committee. Norberto announced that a number of other members were
unable to attend today’s meeting. A quorum was achieved at 2:10 p.m.
Minutes of May 2, 2006
MSC (Shannon/Telles) to approve the minutes of May 2, 2006, as presented.
Arts and Humanities Division Experimental Courses
Digital Media 49.01, Flash Animation for Video, 1.5 units
Gene Groppetti presented the course, to be implemented in Spring 2007. He
reported that this course is being added to balance Flash offerings by adding indepth coverage of Flash’s animation capabilities. When this is converted to a
regular course, it will be Flash III.
Needed: Correct punctuation at the end of Prerequisite Skills #4 to a semicolon.
Music 49.07, Music Recording and Technology II, 3 units
Gene reported that this is a course for students who have taken Music Recording
and Technology I (49.06) and want to continue expanding their knowledge and
skills with an advanced class. He added that Music 49.06 is fully enrolled with
47 students, and will help students prepare for jobs in the recording area. Jane
Church expressed concerns over the numbering (academic vs. vocational) and
noted that while a student may transfer only 3 units of Contemporary Studies
(49) courses to CSU, there is no limit to Special Studies (99) experimentals. She
noted that there might be some difficulty for students transferring these units to
Gene commented that while this course might qualify for a vocational TOP code,
that should not alter its transferability. The faculty would probably not object to
the course being offered as a 99 rather than a 49.
Curriculum Committee
9-5-06, page 2
Humanities 49.02, Creativity & Spirituality, 3 units
Religious Studies 49.01, World Mysticism, 3 units
John Parent presented. Following a question by Jane Church, the committee
discussed the differences between the fine arts and Humanities 49.02, which
explores art as a holistic experience.
Jane asked whether these types of courses are typically taught as lower division.
John replied that he did find correlations.
Gene Groppetti expressed the opinion that, if the committee is going to look at
experimentals in this much detail, it might be a good idea to look at some way to
expedite the process of getting them into the catalog. Limiting the courses to two
semesters as experimentals before presenting them for catalog inclusion would
probably streamline the process.
Jane added that students are reluctant to take experimentals because they are
looking for courses that transfer or fulfill graduation requirements. She
suggested that because so much work has been put into the development, it might
be better to propose these courses in the regular packet.
Needed: Revise Typical Assignments “a.” and “c” by placing “In an essay” and
“In a researched paper or tape” at the ends of the sentences rather than as
introductory clauses.
MSC (Shannon/Rube) to approve the Arts and Humanities Experimental Courses
contingent upon the revisions discussed above being made.
Distance Education Curriculum Support Committee Chart
Substituting for Jan Novak, Desmond Chun distributed a proposed revision to the
DECSC’s role as stated in the Chabot College Shared Governance and Collegial
Consultation Process document. Main changes involve committee membership. In
answer to the question of whether the classified members should have votes, Ron Taylor
reminded the committee that the DECSC is advisory to the Curriculum Committee.
Norberto concluded that this is an information item to be discussed in more depth at a
future meeting. If the Curriculum Committee agrees with the revisions, we can
recommend that the Senate adopt them.
Class Schedule
Gene Groppetti, who is coordinating publication of the Spring Class Schedule, reported
that we are currently involved in “the usual schedule madness.” He added that requests
for input to the Summer/Fall Schedule will have more lead time.
Gene suggested that for the Spring schedule, deans should put courses that will probably
be approved (such as 49s and 99s) on the greenbar early in the process, because it is
easier to pull them out before publication than it is to add them at the last minute.
Curriculum Committee
9-5-06, page 3
Jane reported that English 52A missed this semester’s schedule deadline. It did not fill
and was cancelled, even though the counselors were pushing it. Gene said that the goal
for next year’s Summer/Fall Schedule is to have it done by Christmas break.
Role of the Committee and Best Practices
Tabled to next meeting.
Good of the Order
Jane reported that CAN numbers will be replaced as part of the Lower Division Transfer
Program. Faculty at CSU are writing descriptions for courses to which they will be
applying TCSU numbers. She will be asking Chabot faculty to review their courses and
allow the articulation office to submit them for approval by CSU. She would be happy to
visit divisions to explain the program.
She added that this is a good time to submit courses currently on the UC Transfer list for
IGETC approval.
Next meeting: September 19
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
kk 9/7/06