CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes April 29, 2008 Members Present: Jaswinder Bhangal, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Norma Ambriz, Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor Guests: Frederick Hodgson, Ginger Ripplinger, Connie Silva I. II. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon. Patricia reported that several items (Tutoring proposals, Recreation Courses, Apprenticeship, and ECD) will be deferred to next week. Approval of Minutes of April 15, 2008 Because the minutes were not distributed with the agenda, they will be deferred to the next meeting. III. Social Sciences Presentation Norma Ambriz presented. She reported that this packet is clean-up to keep us in compliance with various regulations. When we converted Quest courses from non-credit to credit/no credit (now pass/no pass), we used experimental numbers. The repeatability allowance for those courses has been exhausted, and we need new course numbers if we are to be able to continue offering the courses. She stated that Chabot and LPC are considering this problem, and may consider rewriting and submitting the Quest courses as non-credit. She added that the Quest program has undergone a partial program review. At present the program does not have a faculty coordinator. Norma summarized the reason for changing the Quest courses from non-credit to credit as being financial. We receive more apportionment for a credit course than we do for a non-credit one. Norma reported that the Physical Education courses are being pulled from the packet at this time to give full-time faculty an opportunity to review them. They will be brought back in the fall. Please review the others for approval at the next meeting. Ginger Ripplinger and Connie Silva described how the Quest program operates and how the student population bonds. Patricia Shannon noted that the committee does not have a problem with the Quest program offerings; we will deal with the renumbering to solve the repeatability problem. Norma added that West Valley College is leading a statewide discussion on repeatability of non credit courses. Corrections needed: • Change all instances of “credit/no credit” to “pass/no pass.” • Have the General Studies rationales signed by faculty from 3 different disciplines. Curriculum Committee 4-29-08, page 2 MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to table the packet to next meeting to give members time to review the materials. (If you did not get a packet, let Norma or Ginger know.) IV. World Languages Presentation Frederick Hodgson asked the committee to review changes to course outlines made in support of adding a one-hour lab to the language classes. The outlines have been revised to add lab content and lab assignments. These changes are being made in anticipation of a larger language lab in the remodeled Building 100. The changes will be presented to the committee for vote in the fall, with an implementation date of Fall 2009. Frederick added that although the new language lab won’t be ready that soon, there are other ways that instructors can work the lab hours into their courses. Jane suggested submitting Japanese 1A&B and Italian 1A for the CSU GE Breadth list. She outlined the new articulation process that will be in place in the fall. She also suggested that because we share these courses with LPC, we might want to find new rubrics for them. There will be further discussion of separating the curriculum of the two colleges at Friday’s District Curriculum Council. Patricia complemented World Languages on the revisions that have been made. She commented that this is exactly what the committee wanted to see, and that the work was well done. V. Presentation Calendar There was further discussion on the presentation calendar, how dates are chosen, the fact that large divisions have issues with dates, and that to be fair, everyone should have an opportunity to go “first” or “last.” A revised calendar is attached. VI. Good of the Order Hilal will not be able to attend the next meeting. Patricia asked her to send a substitute so that we will have her area represented and will have a voting member present. Patricia will send a memo to faculty regarding changes to the committees processes, which will be included in a new Curriculum Handbook in the fall. She asked whether the committee is unanimous and passionate about the change in voting status of the Faculty Articulation Officer, Student Records Evaluator, and Vice President of Academic Services. She is willing to advocate for the committee’s recommendation as being a means of making the curriculum process truly collegial. Consensus is that the change should be a “package deal,” and not be parsed out. Jim Matthews expressed his concern that Ginger (a classified employee) will be required to defend changes to the Quest program due to the absence of a faculty coordinator. Next Meeting: May 6, 2008, Room 1506 VII. The meeting was adjourned 4:00 p.m. kk 5-1-08 c:\documents\word\curric\2007-2008\4-29-08.min.doc