Curriculum Committee Minutes
February 5, 2008
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal
Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher, Ernesto Victoria, Waiz Badar (ASCC), Patricia
Members Present:
Norma Ambriz, Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Bob Buell, Gene Groppetti
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon.
Approval of Minutes of December 11, 2007
MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to accept the minutes of December 11, 2007, as presented.
A. Exemption of P.E. Requirement for A.S.
Jane Church distributed two handouts, the A.S. Degree flier from Fall 2007, Spring
2008, and Summer 2008 and the draft page covering 2008-10 (beginning Fall 2008).
She explained the P.E. exemption process and initiated a discussion on whether it is
fair to force a student to take a 3-unit Health course to fulfill the Wellness
requirement if the student is exempt from the 1-unit P.E. activity course.
MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to maintain the status quo and allow students who are
exempt from the P.E. activity course to be exempt from the entire Wellness
requirement. Jim added that if the P.E. discipline were to develop some 1-unit nonactivity courses to add to the area, the subject might be revisited.
B. Architecture, A.S. Degree
Gene Groppetti will email the degree page to the committee for an e-vote.
C. Experimental Course, Photography 49.04, Individual Portfolio Development
MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to accept the course as an experimental/
There was discussion on the differences between 49s and 99s. Gene feels that this
course could fit into either category.
D. English 70
Michael Langdon presented a proposal to add English 70, Report Writing, to the
Graduation requirements in the area of Communication and Analytical Thinking.
This addition would allow the Fire Technology discipline to select the course as their
Degree-specific course for their A.S. Degrees.
MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to approve the addition of English 70 to the Graduation
requirements in the area of Communication and Analytical Thinking.
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E. Fire Technology Presentation
Bob Buell distributed a packet of replacement pages for the proposal presented in
December. The main change was to replace English 1A with English 70 in the AS
Degrees. This was recommended by the program’s advisors.
MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to accept the Fire Technology presentation.
Jane Church complimented the English and Fire Technology faculty on working
together to make English 70 available for inclusion in the AS Degree programs.
F. Early Childhood Presentation
Norma Ambriz presented
ECD 69, Child Study Through Observation, 3 units
Title changed from Observing and Recording Behavior. Articulation form #1
submitted and accepted.
• Remove “Student will” from the beginning of each Typical Assignment.
ECD 79, Teaching in a Diverse Society, 3 units
Title changed from Anti-Bias Curriculum for Young Children. Articulation form
#1 submitted and accepted.
There was discussion on making this an American Cultures course. This would
require submitting an American Cultures proposal and bibliography. Jane
suggested that Chabot faculty encourage LPC to submit also. Faculty should
check the American Cultures form to see whether the target groups need to be
included in the catalog description. Jane commented that LPC is submitting this
course for CSU General Breadth. She suggested that we submit the course also.
• Remove “Student will” from the beginning of each Typical Assignment.
• Add textbook rationale on page 18.
MSC (Matthews/Bhangal) to approve the Social Sciences presentation contingent
upon suggested changes.
Good of the Order
A. Patricia reported on the February 1 District Curriculum Council meeting. A high
priority of the group is to adopt and electronic curriculum process. Because of
the lead time required to fully implement a program, the DCC is trying to make a
decision on a product to recommend by the end of this semester. At the February
1 meeting, CurricuNET was demonstrated. An Ohlone College faculty member
attended the meeting. Ohlone has been using CurricuNET for 5-6 years. Patricia
stated that one advantage was that adopting the program forced Ohlone to look at
the process they were using and streamline it. The program can be modified to
suit the user. Ohlone has incorporated their SLOs into the process.
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Patricia noted that the downside of becoming electronic is funding. We would
need infrastructure support for piloting, evaluation, and training, and probably a
classified position dedicated to the program.
B. Certificates Subcommittee schedule/report
C. Lifelong learning (or other areas) schedule/report
D. New Areas of Emphasis Subcommittee schedule/report
Patricia suggested that these subcommittees meet during the first part of the
February 19 meeting, and then come back together to discuss subcommittee
MSC (Pitcher/Matthews) to meet as subcommittees on February 19 in the
conference rooms in “the Villas.” Patricia will contact subcommittees and
arrange rooms.
E. Begoña Cirera-Perez commented that she teaches until 2:45 and asked how the
committee would feel about changing the meeting time. After discussion, the
committee decided not to make a change at this time, although Patricia stated that
due to potential lack of classrooms, scheduling my become more difficult, and
we may need to rethink our meeting time next year.
Begoña also expressed concern that an item affecting her division (the PE
waiver) was discussed without her being present. Patricia replied that in future
she will postpone items dealing with Health Sciences and PE until the division
rep is present.
Next Meeting: February 19, 2008
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
kk 2-6-08