Document 11526871

Curriculum Committee Minutes
December 4, 2007
Members Present:
Begoña Cirera-Perez, Dmitriy Kalyagin, Michael Langdon, Hilal Ozdemir,
Wayne Pitcher, Ernesto Victoria, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Bob Buell, Tammeil Gilkerson, Cindy Hicks, Jay Mumford
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon.
Approval of Minutes of November 27, 2007
MSC (Langdon/Kalyagin) to accept the minutes of November 27, 2007, as presented.
Tammeil Gilkerson and Cindy Hicks presented.
Tutorials 49.02, ChabotLink Peer Advisor Training, 1 unit
New experimental, part of a peer advising pilot to begin Spring 2008. Patricia
suggested that the course be brought back as a permanent course in Fall 2008. Cindy
replied that the pilot is running through Fall 2008 and added that it is her
understanding that the course may be offered as an experimental as long as the
process of making it permanent has been started. Patricia will research that item.
MSC (Kalyagin/Pitcher) to approve Tutorials 49.02 as presented. [NOTE: the “.02”
extention to the course number was added after the meeting as the next number on the list
of Tutoring experimentals—Corrected at the 12/11/07 meeting.]
Real Estate
Jay Mumford presented.
In order to meet new requirements by the California Department of Real Estate and to
facilitate student scheduling, the discipline is changing the prerequisite of Real Estate 80
to an advisory for the following courses. No other changes have been made. Jane
Church initiated a discussion on whether removing the prerequisite would place students
at a disadvantage. Jay did not think so.
Real Estate 81A, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, 3 units
Real Estate 82A, Real Estate Appraisal, 3 units
Real Estate 83, Real Estate Finance, 3 units
Real Estate 84, Real Estate Practice, Real Estate 3 units
Real Estate 85, Real Estate Economics, 3 units
Real Estate 86, Escrows, 3 units
Real Estate 87, Real Estate Taxation and Exchanges, 3 units
Real Estate 88, Real Estate Property Management, 3 units
Real Estate 89, Real Estate Office Administration, 3 units
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Certificate of Achievement, Real Estate
AA Degree, Real Estate
Dmitriy Kalyagin spoke to the differences between the courses in the Certificate and
the AA Degree. He commented that none of the courses in the Certificate except
Business 10 and 12 would be useful in the AA Degree, and suggested making the
courses parallel. Kaaren Krueg pointed out that the core units are the same in both. If
the courses are made parallel, the only difference between the Certificate and the AA
will be the GE units. Ernesto Victoria described how the Early Childhood
certificates feed into the degree and suggested that Jay might use a similar pattern.
Jane called attention to the licensing footnotes on the Certificate page and asked that
they be added to the AA Degree page.
Jay agreed to revise the pages based on the discussion and bring them to the
December 11 meeting.
MSC (Kalyagin/Ozdemir) to approve the Real Estate packet with the exception of
the Certificate of Achievement and the AA Degree.
Fire Technology
Bob Buell presented.
Fire Technology 52, Fire Fighter Safety and Public Education, 3 units
Minor formatting changes. Articulation Form #3 was submitted and accepted.
• Check “Articulation Request” box on Rationale page.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
Fire Technology 53, Fire Behavior and Combustion, 3 units
Minor formatting changes. Articulation Form #3 was submitted and accepted.
• Check “Articulation Request” box on Rationale page.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
Fire Technology 90A, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation I (Basic), 2 units
Title change from Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation I. Request for 1 repeat if
student has not successfully completed FT 90B.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
Fire Technology 90B, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation II (Intermediate),
2 units
Title change from Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation II. Request for 1 repeat if
student has not successfully completed FT 90C.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
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Fire Technology 90C, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation III (Advanced),
2 units
Title change from Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation III.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
Bob explained that Fire Technology 90A, B, and C are part of the Fire Academy. During
one semester, students learn basic skills (90A), develop as part of a team (90B), and
perform as a team member (90C). Adding repeatability allows students who did not pass
90B or 90C to develop their skills with a new team and to remain current in the skills
they developed in the earlier classes in order to be successful in the entire sequence. The
discipline is currently accomplishing this via independent study.
There was discussion on whether repeatability is allowed based on developing increased
skills or working with a different group of people. Jane asked whether repeating students
would block new students from the program. Bob said, “No, because there is a system in
place to keep that from happening.” He added that they use the repeaters for student
demonstrations. Also discussed was whether limiting repeatability to those who have
failed a course is excluding anybody.
Fire Technology 95, Work Experience, 1-3 units
Fire Technology 96, Work Experience Seminar, 1 unit
There was discussion on the repeatability, and whether the wording was clear. Bob
suggested revising the statement to read “May be repeated four times in combination
with Fire Technology 95 (or 96, as applicable), not to exceed 16 total accumulated
Ron Taylor suggested charging Tom Clark with the task of developing consistent
repeatability language to include on all Work Experience courses.
AA/AS Degree, Fire Technology
In a discussion on the total units, Bob explained that if the PE 2FSC course is
waived, the student must still take 1 unit of PE, but it moves from the core to GE.
Discussion on the Program-based GE requirement for the AS. The discipline would
prefer to use English 70. Michael Langdon reported that the English subdivision is
discussing submitting English 70 to fulfill the GE requirement under Communication
and Analytical Thinking. If that is done, the Fire Tech program will be revised.
Patricia stated that in order to meet the catalog deadline, the question must be
resolved by the first week in February. She suggested that the English and Fire Tech
people start the discussion now, rather than waiting until Spring semester. Jane noted
that there is also a Fire Tech class that might be added to the GE graduation
requirements, making it eligible for inclusion in the AS, or the discipline might
choose to offer only an AA Degree.
Bob distributed new program pages for the following:
AA/AS, Fire Prevention Inspector
Certificate of Achievement, Fire Prevention Inspector
Bob explained that the titles have been changed since the presentation packet. The
degree and certificate were deleted from the current catalog due to the discontinuance
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of the Inspection program. They have been revised, removing the inspection courses
and others no longer needed, and are being reinstated.
See discussion above regarding the Program-based GE requirement for the AS.
MSC (Pitcher/Ozdemir) to accept the Fire Tech packet with the exception of the two
AA/AS Degrees.
Good of the Order
Will be discussed at the next meeting. Come prepared to discuss prioritizing and
scheduling work for spring. If you have things you want to include in the discussion,
please email Patricia.
Next Meeting: December 11, 2007, Room 1506
• Theater Arts Program Proposal
• Real Estate Program Pages
• Good of the Order
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
kk 12-5-07