Document 11526869

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 13, 2007
Members Present:
Waiz Badar (ASCC), Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Dmitriy
Kalyagin, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher,
Ernesto Victoria, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Norma Ambriz, Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Mike Absher, Tom Clark, Judy O’Toole, Wayne Phillips, Catherine Pinkas,
Steve Small
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon.
Approval of Minutes of November 6, 2007
MSC (Matthews/Ozdemir) to accept the minutes of November 6, 2007, as presented.
Jim Matthews remarked that he liked the way the minutes were formatted and found them
easy to follow.
Applied Technology and Business Presentation
Patricia announced that we have a large packet to get through and noted that in some
previous packets there has been a need for global corrections. She asked if anyone had
any such corrections in connection with this packet.
Needed (globally throughout packet)
• Remove English 52A from advisories
• Write typical assignments as if addressing students
• Provide textbook dates
• Place “final examination” on a separate line in Methods of Evaluating Student
Steve Small presented.
Needed: (globally for discipline)
• Update textbook dates. Steve indicated that the discipline is using texts dated
2006 and newer.
• For articulation requests, check the box marked “Articulation Request,” rather
than using “Other.”
Automotive Technology 99.34, Credit/No Credit Automotive Skills Lab, 0.5-4 units
Automotive Technology 99.35, Non Credit Automotive Skills Lab, Non Credit
New courses.
Jane stated that the new Title 5 regulations do not allow us to use “Credit/No Credit”
and asked whether the discipline means “Pass/No Pass.” They do. The current
rationale form does not give that option. A global change will be made in Banner,
and the form will be updated for next year’s presentations.
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Automotive Technology 99.36, Bureau of Automotive Repair ASE A6 Electrical
Alternative, 1 unit
Automotive Technology 99.37, Automotive Engine Performance Systems, 1 unit
Automotive Technology 99.38, Automotive Advanced Engine Performance Systems,
1 unit
New alternative courses for advanced students seeking smog licenses. No changes
Automotive Technology 99.30, Non Credit Automotive Seminars, Non Credit
Provides skill updates needed by business and industry. Ron Taylor reported that in
order to receive funding for non credit courses we need to show that we are filling a
need in the community. No changes suggested.
Automotive Technology 52, Automotive Career Exploration, 1 unit
New course. Jim noted that there is no textbook. Steve replied that this is an online
class. Patricia added that there is a line telling where the needed materials are
located. No other concerns were voiced.
Automotive Technology 60, Automotive Electrics/Electronics, 4 units
Automotive Technology 71, Powertrain and Vehicle Performance, 8 units
Automotive Technology 71A, Powertrain and Vehicle Performance I, 4 units
Automotive Technology 71B, Powertrain and Vehicle Performance II, 4 units
Revised to improve course continuity and reflect skills listed by the National
Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). Articulation Forms #2
submitted for each course and accepted.
A.S. Degree, Automotive Technology
Revised to provide a Program-based GE requirement. Industrial Technology 74 has
been identified as the requirement, thus reducing core units by 3. Patricia suggested
that the Program-level Learning Outcomes and Rationale sections on the ProgramBased General Education Proposal form (page 76) seem to be reversed. She also
suggested removing the last sentence from each paragraph. No other changes were
Request to remove from catalog:
• Automotive Technology 67A, Advanced Diagnosis and Troubleshooting of
Automotive Systems, 4 units
• Automotive Technology 67B, Special Advanced Diagnosis and
Troubleshooting of Automotive Systems, 4 units
• Automotive Technology 69, Automotive Testing and Diagnosis, 3 units
The committee congratulated Steve Small on a well-written proposal and an excellent
revision of the Automotive Technology discipline over the past several years.
Mike Absher presented. Patricia complimented him on the thorough analysis of why
Industrial Technology 74 is the choice for the program-based GE course. Jim added that
this is one of the best uses of the 3-unit requirement that we have seen.
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A.S. Degree, Machine Tool Technology
A.S. Degree, Numerical Control
In each case, Industrial Technology 74 has been removed from the major core,
thereby reducing it by 3 units, and identified as the program-based GE course.
A.S. Degree, Industrial Technology
Degree was revised to update Business titles, remove inactive courses, add new
courses, and identify Industrial Technology 74 as the program-based GE course.
There was discussion on why the Chemistry courses were chosen as G.E.
Suggestions. Jane thought that the section was misleading and should be removed.
Mike disagreed. Patricia noted that the committee understands that such notations
are not being presented uniformly throughout the catalog. She feels that the notation
should remain as is until a standard format has been agreed upon. This discussion
will take place at a future meeting.
In answer to a question, Mike reported that the courses being removed from the
Industrial Technology degree (Industrial Technology 61 and Electronics 70) are
being removed from the degree, but not from the catalog. Removing them from the
catalog would cause problems for other degrees.
A.S. Degree, Welding Technology
Industrial Technology 74 has been removed from the major core, thereby reducing it
by 3 units, and identified as the program-based GE course.
Business 42, Green Business Practices, 3 units
Catherine Pinkas presented. She said this new course will bring the topic into the
Business discipline and give students an edge by having something unique on their
resumés. Articulation Forms #1 and #2 submitted and accepted. Jane suggested that
the course might be appropriate for U.C. Transfer. Catherine agreed to submit Form
Begoña asked whether an Ecology course might be added as an advisory. Catherine
replied that she would prefer to offer the course without restrictions in the hope of
whetting students’ appetites for the subject matter.
Dmitriy introduced Judy O’Toole and Wayne Phillips.
CAS 55, Microsoft Office® Integration, 3 units
Revised to add options to the course’s prerequisites. Jane asked why Computer
Application Systems 8 and Computer Science 8 are not included as alternatives to
CAS 50. Judy and Wayne agreed to add them. It was also suggested that Access be
added to the list Microsoft programs.
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• Rewrite first sentence of Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog
Description to read, “Hands-on experience integrating data and graphics with
Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point.”
• Content review form for CAS/CSCI 8.
• Add Expected Outcomes from CAS/CSCI 8 to Prerequisite Skills, editing to
avoid redundancies.
CAS 92A, Networking for Home and Small Businesses, 3 units
CAS 92B, Networking for a Small-to-Medium Businesses or ISP, 3 units
CAS 92C, Routing and Switching in the Enterprise, 3 units
CAS 92D, Designing and Supporting Computer Networks, 3 units
New courses designed to be part of the Cisco Networking Academy “CCNA
Discovery” program. Articulation Forms #1 and #2 submitted for each course and
Jane asked if these are totally different courses from Electronics and Computer
Technology 72A and 72B. Wayne Phillips replied that they contain some of the
same topics but lecture and lab time have been changed, as have units. He added that
these courses are being proposed because we do not currently have a viable
electronics program.
Discussion included whether (when) a decision will be made concerning the
electronics program; and whether a degree or certificate of some sort will be
developed that can be listed on student transcripts. Jim noted that this certification
might help increase student enrollment.
Norma Ambriz asked whether increasing the total units from ten (for the electronics
series) to twelve (for the CAS series) changes faculty loads. Although Wayne
Phillips stated that the discipline has adjusted loads in other areas to compensate, the
consensus was that the answer is “yes.”
It was confirmed that the correct implementation date for CAS 92C and 92D is
Spring 2009, as these are second-semester courses.
• Revise the Deans Checklist to indicate “yes” in the Changes Faculty Loads
Certificate of Achievement, Office Technology
Certificate of Achievement, Administrative Assistant
Judy reported that these certificates have been revised to mirror changes being made
in the Business discipline. English 52A and 70 are being replaced with Business 14.
A.S. Degree, Administrative Assistant
English 52A and 70 have been removed from the degree. Business 14 has been
identified as the program-based GE Requirement. Course titles have been changed to
reflect revisions in the Business discipline.
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• Add the cross-listed Business 95/96 to the Work Experience section (copy
formatting from the A.S. Degree, Software Specialist.)
A.S. Degree, Software Specialist
CAS 91 has been removed from the degree. Business 14 has been identified as the
program-based GE Requirement, thus reducing core units by 3.
In the absence of Jay Mumford, Dmitriy presented.
Certificate of Achievement, Real Estate
A.A. Degree, Real Estate
Revised to reflect changes to Business titles.
Jane pointed out s a problem with the structure of these programs. Real Estate 80 is
prerequisite to all the other Real Estate courses; therefore, Real Estate 81A, 82A and
85 cannot be taken during the same semester as Real Estate 80. Discussion included
rearranging classes and allowing Real Estate 80 to be taken concurrently.
Other recommendations were to make the A.A. degree an A.S. and aligning the
Certificate with the Degree. Consensus to ask the Real Estate faculty to resolve the
scheduling problem and resubmit in December.
BUSINESS (Continued)
Business 1A, Financial Accounting, 4 units
Business 1B, Managerial Accounting, 4 units
Jas Bhangal presented. She asked that the sentence, “This content of this course has
not been revised or updated for a long time.” be removed from the Statement of
Rationale for Business 1A.
Titles have been changed from Principles of Accounting I and Principles of
Accounting II. Content has been revised to meet the needs of articulation agreements
with the CSU and UC systems. Articulation Forms #4 were submitted and accepted.
An additional textbook will be added to each course. No changes were suggested.
Jane noted that the changes to these two courses were prompted by comments made
by LDTP and TCSU reviewers. The revised courses will be resubmitted to TCSU..
Business 7, Accounting for Small Business, 3 units
Title change from General Accounting. Other changes to better reflect the nature of
the course. This is an advisory course for the Business 1A class. No changes were
Business 82, Computerized Accounting Using Excel and QuickBooks, 2 units
Number has been changed from Business 6 to differentiate this course from a former
version of Business 6, a one-unit course that taught only QuickBooks. No changes
were suggested.
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Business 12, Introduction to Business, 3 units
Minor changes. Articulation Forms #1 and #3 submitted and accepted. It was noted
that the catalog description has not changed.
• Remove the check mark in the Catalog Description Box on the Statement of
Business 23, Business Strategy, 3 units
New course, designed as a capstone course for Management students. Articulation
Form #2 was submitted and accepted. There was discussion on whether a
prerequisite was needed. Consensus was that it was not. No changes were
Business 40, International Business, 3 units
Course has been revised to address the emphasis on globalization. Articulation
Form #3 was submitted and accepted.
• Add a check mark in the Below Catalog Description Box on the Statement of
Business 42, Green Business Practices, 3 units
(See page 3 of minutes)
Business 52K, Listening Skills, 1 unit
Business 52L, Careers in Business, 1 unit
Business 52M, Workplace Diversity, 1 unit
New courses to be added to the Business 50 series. Articulation Forms #2 were
submitted for each course and accepted.
• A more recent textbook for Business 50K.
Business 80, Personal Financial Planning, 3 units
New course. Articulation Form #2 was submitted and accepted. No changes were
Dmitriy distributed new/revised pages for the following two certificates.
Certificate, Bookkeeping
New certificate. Dmitriy has declined to identify what type of certificate this will be
until a decision is made on the new Title 5 requirements.
Certificate of Achievement, Accounting Technician
Revised to include title and numbering changes. Previous optional requirement
(Business 3/Business 8) has been revised to require both courses, thus raising core
units to 23. This changes the program from a Certificate of Completion to a
Certificate of Achievement.
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Certificate of Achievement, Marketing
Revised to include title changes and add new Business 50 courses to the list of
Certificate of Achievement, Retail Management
Revised to include title changes. .
Certificate of Completion, Marketing
Revised to include title changes and add new Business 42 and Business 50 courses to
the list of options.
Certificate of Completion, Small Business Management
Revised to include title changes and add new Business 42 and Business 50 courses to
the list of options.
A.S. Degree, Accounting
Revised to reflect title and numbering changes and add options. Business 14 has
been removed from the core and added as the Program-based GE course, thus
reducing core courses by 3 units.
A.S. Degree, Business
Revised to reflect title changes and add options. Business 14 has been removed from
the core and added as the Program-based GE course, thus reducing core courses by 3
A.S. Degree, Retail Management
Revised to reflect title changes. Business 14 has been removed from the core and
added as the Program-based GE course, thus reducing core courses by 3 units.
A.A. Degree, Business Administration
Revised to reflect title changes.
There was discussion on how the certificates will be identified to meet the new Title 5
changes. Jane asked whether changes will be put in the new catalog. Patricia noted that
as long as we are working on the change, we can continue to publish our existing titles.
Kaaren noted that any changes must be reflected on page 16 of the catalog.
Jas asked whether the grading option for Business 1A and 1B can be changed from OP to
GR. Consensus that the change can be made and included in the final packet.
At 4:00 it was MSC (Pitcher/Matthews) to extend the meeting by 10 minutes.
Tom Clark reported that there are ten courses in the program. Last year seven of the
courses were increased from 3 units to 4 units. The remaining three courses are being
aligned in this packet. The prerequisites have not changed. Jane noted that all “97”
courses transfer; no articulation forms are needed.
Electrical Apprenticeship 97.08, Bracket VIII, 4 units
Electrical Apprenticeship 97.09, Bracket IX, 4 units
Electrical Apprenticeship 97.10, Bracket X, 4 units
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• Use measurable verbs on Outcomes
• Rewrite Typical Assignments as though addressing students.
• Place final examination on a separate line in Methods of Evaluating Student
• Add textbooks to all outlines.
Fire Technology 52, Fire Fighter Safety and Public Education, 3 units
Minor formatting changes. Articulation Form #3 was submitted and accepted.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
Fire Technology 53, Fire Behavior and Combustion, 3 units
Minor formatting changes. Articulation Form #3 was submitted and accepted.
• Add rationale for textbooks over 5-years-old.
Fire Technology 90A, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation I (Basic), 2 units
Title change from Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation I. Request for 1 repeat if
student has not successfully completed FT 90B.
Fire Technology 90B, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation II (Intermediate), 2
Title change from Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation II. Request for 1 repeat if
student has not successfully completed FT 90C.
Fire Technology 90C, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation III (Advanced), 2
Title change from Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation III.
After discussion on the repeatability requests it was decided by the committee that the
instructor (Bob Buell) needs to present the Fire Technology section.
MSC (Pitcher/Matthews) to approve the Applied Technology and Business packet,
contingent upon changes noted, with the exception of the Real Estate and Fire
Technology sections.
Good of the Order
Jane noted that English 1A cannot be designated as the Program-based GE requirement
for an A.S. Degree because it is already included in the 19 required GE units.
Next Meeting: November 27, 2007, Board Room
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
kk 11-14-07