CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes October 30, 2007 Members Present: Waiz Badar (ASCC), Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Dmitriy Kalyagin, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria Ex-Officio Members Present: Norma Ambriz, Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor Guests: Debra Howell, Sally Jahnke, Jennifer Lange, Bruce Mayer, Keith Mehl, Rebecca Otto, Don Plondke, Cindy Stubblebine, Jon Traugott, Andy Wells, I. II. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:08 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon. She welcomed Hilal Ozdemir as the new representative from Social Sciences. Science and Mathematics Presentation Sally Jahnke introduced faculty members in attendance. MATHEMATICS Cindy Stubblebine presented an overview of the packet. She explained that the introduction of a new course, Math 55L, made it necessary to change the prerequisites of a number of other courses. Needed: Patricia noted that content review forms are needed for each of the following courses to which Math 55L is being added as a prerequisite Cindy will add them to the final packet. Mathematics 31, College Algebra, 3 units Mathematics 32, Calculus for Business and Social Sciences, 5 units Mathematics 33, Finite Mathematics, 4 units Mathematics 36, Trigonometry, 3 units Mathematics 37, Trigonometry with an Emphasis on its Geometric Foundations, 5 units Mathematics 40, Concepts of Mathematics, 3 units Mathematics 43, Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 4 units Mathematics 55, Intermediate Algebra, 5 units Mathematics 55L, Intermediate Algebra with Laboratory, 5.5 units New course which adds one hour of laboratory to Math 55. Mathematics 8, Discrete Mathematics, 4 units Jon Traugott presented. In order to articulate with the maximum number of colleges, including LPC, it is necessary to include a large number of related topics. This list is too large to cover in 3 units; the discipline is requesting an increase from 3 to 4 units and 3 to 4 hours. After discussion, it was agreed that the content review form (Page 12) is not needed because the prerequisite course has not changed. Page 12 will be removed from the final packet. Patricia noted a general trend toward increasing hours and units and expressed concern over impact on high-unit majors. Curriculum Committee 10-30-07, page 2 Mathematics 49.08, Whole Number Arithmetic, 0.5 units New course being proposed to prepare students to be successful in basic mathematics courses. Edna Danaher noted that using a “49” number makes the course transferable. Needed: • Renumber using a “149” number (basic skills). • Provide a textbook with a more recent date. MSC (Matthews/Kalyagin) to approve the Mathematics Curriculum Proposal as amended. ENGINEERING Bruce Mayer presented. Engineering 32, Plane Surveying, 3 units Request to remove from catalog due to lack of demand by students. Engineering 10, Introduction to Engineering, 2 units Minor changes. No corrections suggested. Bruce discussed a potential new course, "Engineering 37" that, when combined with current Chabot and LPC courses, would articulate to UC Berkeley. Bruce commented that neither campus has sufficient population to fill the class. Suggestions included offering it as a joint course (Chabot/LPC) via closed-circuit TV or as a Distance Ed course so that students from both campuses would have access. A.S. Degree, Engineering New degree which will replace the Engineering Transfer Preparation Recommended Courses currently in the Catalog. Bruce asked who submits the application to the state. Ron replied that it originates with the division Dean and then comes through the Office of Academic Services. Patricia commented on the 4 unit course listed to satisfy the Program-based GE Requirement, noting that this is a 3-unit requirement. Bruce replied that he chose this course because all the transfer institutions require a course in mid-level computer programming. Consensus was that he should add a 3-unit course to the list. Bruce will find a couple of 3-unit courses to include. Waiz Badar commented on the course outlines that are being sent to the state and asked whether the textbook dates would be updated prior to submission. Patricia replied that these are current outlines. Also, Bruce cannot alter course outlines that are outside the Engineering discipline, such as Chemistry and Mathematics. Faculty in those disciplines will address textbooks dates the next time these outlines are revised. MSC (Pitcher/Victoria) to approve the Engineering proposal as amended. Curriculum Committee 10-30-07, page 3 CHEMISTRY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Chemistry 8, Survey of Organic Chemistry, 6 units Andy Wells presented. Outline has been revised to reflect changes in format, changes in the outcomes of the prerequisite course and to more accurately reflect the way the course is currently being taught. Andy explained that this one-semester course offers essentially the same material as is found in the Chemistry 12A, 12B sequence. Many of the Biological Science Majors at CSU and UC require only a one-semester course. Wayne suggested including a “designed for” phrase similar to the one contained in the Chemistry 12A, 12B outlines. Needed: • Add a “designed for” phrase similar to the one contained in the Chemistry 12A, 12B outlines. • Add “May not receive credit if Chemistry 12B has been completed.” A.S. Degree, Chemistry Revised to include the 3-unit Program-based requirement. No changes suggested, but see discussion item under Good of the Order regarding recommended courses. Computer Science 10, Introduction to Programming Using Visual BASIC.NET, 4 units Keith Mehl presented Revised to include new textbook dates. Needed: • Remove DE Statement from Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog Description. Computer Science 18A, The C Programming Language, 2 units Revised to allow the use of any platform, rather than just the UNIX/Linux Environment. (Title changed from C Programming in the UNIX/Linux Environment.) Regarding textbook dates, Wayne explained that we are no longer using the phrase “most recent edition” and that we require a rationale for texts older than 5 years. Patricia suggested that reps ask faculty to review textbook dates on all their outlines. Needed: • Reword Typical Assignments as though addressing student. • Textbook date (and rationale if older than 5 years). Computer Science 44B, Perl Programming II, 2 units Revised to remove unneeded prerequisites. Needed: • Reword Typical Assignments as though addressing student. • Textbook date (and rationale if older than 5 years). Curriculum Committee 10-30-07, page 4 Computer Science 91, Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 2 units Textbooks have been updated. No changes suggested. Computer Science 92, Introduction to Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML), 2 units Revised to accommodate changes in technology and update textbooks. No changes suggested. Program pages for the following A.S. Degrees were distributed. A.A./A.S. Degree, Computer Science (General) A.A./A.S. Degree, Computer Science—Emphasis in Mathematics Keith discussed the reasoning behind the choices for the 3-unit Program-based requirement. Jane spoke to the prerequisites for the Mathematics classes listed in the requirement. It was suggested that courses whose prerequisites can be satisfied by the Mathematics courses listed in the major core be included. Keith agreed to add Mathematics 20, 21, 22, and 31 to the list of Program-based options. Ron commented that the Program-Based GE Proposal lists 3 separate learning outcomes. Keith replied that this gives students a choice of the direction they want to follow. MSC (Pitcher/Matthews) to accept the Chemistry and Computer Science proposal as amended. BIOLOGY Debra Howell reported that the discipline is undergoing program review. One of their “rocks” is to update all their course outlines. Jim asked for an explanation of the differences among the 1 series, the 10 series, and Biology 31. Debra answered that they are intended for different audiences: Biology majors, non-majors, and Health Science majors, respectively. Patricia commented that the description for Biology 31 does not make that clear. Debra replied that the language cannot be changed because LPC uses the course for non-health majors in programs such as viticulture and enology Jane spoke to the different philosophies of Chabot and LPC concerning the degree of similarity between outlines for shared courses. She is assuming exact similarity. LPC requires only 80 percent. She noted that the revision of the Biology 31 outline makes it different from LPC’s outline. Patricia asked whether the philosophies are becoming increasingly divergent. She noted that the first year she was on the Curriculum Committee, the Chancellor attended a District Curriculum Council meeting and made it clear that the Board thought we should try to agree on shared courses as often as possible. Patricia added that in this case she feels that the Biology rubric should be changed. The committee agreed with this recommendation. Discussion ensued on the wisdom of changing the rubric. Debra asked whether changing the rubric would disallow using an LPC course as a prerequisite for a Chabot course—Biology 31 for Anatomy 1, for example. The answer is that Banner can be set to accept the LPC course. In answer to a question asked by Wayne regarding the complexity of a rubric change, it was reported that the change appears only in the printed Curriculum Committee 10-30-07, page 5 catalog (not course outlines), in the class schedule (brought about by Banner changes made in Academic Services), and on the website (also handled by Academic Services). Debra commented on the different populations being served by Chabot and Las Positas. When Sally asked whether the change in rubric would affect only Biology, Debra stated that Anatomy, Physiology, and Biotechnology might also be changed. As has been noted at past meetings, English 52A is being phased out. The committee recommends removing it from advisories. At 4:00 Patricia asked whether the committee wanted to extend the meeting. Jane commented that both she and Ernesto had appointments with students and had to leave, but she felt that it was important for them to hear the discussion. MSC (Pitcher/ Matthews) to extend for 15 minutes. Jim suggested continuing to work on the outlines as they were presented and taking the rubric question to District Curriculum Council on Friday. Patricia asked where the SLOs are being added. Rebecca Otto replied that student outcomes are being added. Anatomy 1, General Human Anatomy, 5 units Increased from 4 units, with a corresponding increase from 2 hours lecture to hours lecture. Kaaren Krueg noted that this change affects the A.A. Degree, Biology (Emphasis in Allied Health). Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were presented. Needed: • Revise program page for the A.A. Degree, Biology (Emphasis in Allied Health) and include in the final packet. • Remove English 52A from advisory. • Reword Typical Assignments as though addressing student. Biology 1A, Principles of Biology I, 4 units Biology 1B, Principles of Biology II, 4 units Biology 1C, Principles of Biology III, 5 units New courses replacing Biology 2A and 2B. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were presented. Jim noted that A, B, C and I, II, III usually denote prerequisite series, and in this case A is not prerequisite to B. He suggested looking at the numbering and titles and deciding whether they might confuse students. Needed: • Remove English 52A from advisories. At 4:20 Patricia asked the pleasure of the committee. Jas Bhangal stated that she did not want to rush through the packet just to get it done today. MSC (Matthews/Pitcher) to extend by 10 minutes to allow for the review of the quicker changes. Curriculum Committee 10-30-07, page 6 Biology 49.03, Science Skills – Process Skills, 2 units Biology 49.04, Science Skills – Laboratory Skills, 1 unit Jennifer Lange reported that Biology instructors are getting students who don’t know how to use basic tools such as microscopes and metric rulers. These courses would allow students to learn these skills outside of regular Biology courses. Waiz asked how students are tested to see whether they need these courses. Jennifer replied that some students self-identify and for some it becomes apparent during the first few meetings. She would like to start two sections, one at the beginning of the term for those who self-identify and a late start for students whose instructors recommend that they take the class. There was discussion on whether these courses should be transferable and whether they should be added to other Biology classes as either prerequisites or advisories. No conclusions were reached. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Debra Howell presented. The Discipline is proposing a change from Ecology (ECOL) to Environmental Science (ENSC). The courses have been updated to include SLOs, but content has not changed. Articulation Forms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were presented. Environmental Science 10, Humans and the Environment, 3 units Environmental Science 11, Humans and the Environment with Laboratory, 4 units Environmental Science 12, Current Issues in Environmental Science, 3 units Needed: • Reword Typical Assignments as though addressing student. No other changes were requested. III. Good of the Order At a future meeting, we should have discussions on • making students aware of ASSIST and encouraging its use; • recommending additional courses on program pages (see Mathematics recommendations for the A.S. Degree, Chemistry, on page 53 of the catalog.) IV. V. Next Meeting: November 6, 2007, Board Room. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. kk 11-1-07 c:\documents\word\curric\2007-2008\10-30-07.min.doc