Document 11526864

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 9, 2007
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Dmitriy Kalyagin, Michael Langdon,
Jim Matthews, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Norma Ambriz, Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Dale Wagoner, Retha Wellons
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon. Dale
Wagoner announced that Begoña Cirera-Perez will be representing Health/PE on the
committee. Because she teaches until 2:45, she will be joining the meeting at about 3:00.
Approval of Minutes of October 2, 2007
MSC (Matthews/Bhangal) to approve the minutes of October 2, 2007, as presented.
Good of the Order
A. Editorial Review List
Patricia asked for volunteers to proofread packets not yet spoken for:
• Jas Bhangal, Social Sciences
• Begoña Cirera-Perez, Applied Technology and Business (volunteered later in
• Dmitriy Kalyagin, Arts and Humanities
Corrections should be given to Kaaren Krueg, who will forward them to the division.
B. Title V changes
a. Double counting. Consensus is that courses included in a major may also be
used to fulfill graduation requirements.
b. Contact hours. All divisions except Science/Math have agreed to allow
Academic Services to add total contact hours to their course outlines. Wayne
Pitcher will explain to the Science/Math faculty that we are using a State
definition of total contact hours, and the number cited is intended to be “typical”
not actual.
Patricia tabled the remainder of Good of the Order to later in the meeting to
accommodate guests who are presenting the Dental Hygiene and Nursing packet.
Health, Physical Education, and Athletics: Dental Hygiene and Nursing
Dale Wagoner introduced Retha Wellons, Nursing instructor. He reported that because
neither Nancy Cowan nor JoAnn Galliano was available for this meeting, he and Retha
would present the packet.
Nursing 70, Nursing Theory: LVN-RN Transitions, 1.5 units
Retha gave an overview of the course.
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In a discussion of the relationship between Nursing 70 and Nursing 70L, Dale
explained that while Nursing 70L requires Nursing 70 as a corequisite, the reverse is
not true. Requiring Nursing 70 students to also take Nursing 70L would make
Option Two of the LVN upgrade to Registered Nurse exceed the maximum of 30
units. (See further discussion below under Registered Nursing AA Degrees.)
There was discussion on whether Prerequisite Skills should be listed when there is no
prerequisite course. Consensus was that in this case, the listing serves a purpose that
speaks to the intent of the requirement. Jim Matthews suggested adding “or most
recent edition” to the textbook dates on both Nursing 70 and Nursing 70L.
• Correct implementation date to read “Fall 2008.”
• Remove “and Nursing 70L” from the Corequisite statement in the Catalog
• Add “or most recent edition” to textbook dates.
Nursing 70L, Clinical Skills Practice and Assessment, 0.5 unit
New course to satisfy the California Board of Nursing curriculum requirements for
LVNs seeking advanced placement in associate degree nursing programs.
• Add “or most recent edition” to textbook dates.
• Submit Articulation Form #2 (suggested).
Registered Nursing AA Degrees
Dale distributed revised program pages covering the two Associate in Arts programs
offered by the Nursing discipline. It was noted that a rationale page including
justification for a high-unit major is needed.
Registered Nursing AA
Clarifications to the page were discussed. Edna stressed the importance of listing
program requirements in the body of the program, rather than as footnotes. Dmitriy
noted that not all courses that are offered each semester are marked.
• Add rationale page including justification for a high-unit major.
• Add “Psychology 1 (General Psychology) 3 units” to the Freshman Year
• In the Sophomore Year, replace “Sociology**” with “Sociology 1
(Principles of Sociology) or Sociology 31 (Dependency in Old Age), 3
• Revise total.
• Revise first footnote to read “Nursing courses offered each semester.”
• Remove the second (**) footnote
• Delete the last sentence, “Before second year…” from the third (+)
Dale indicated that there would be further revisions to these programs, including the
removal of Nursing 57. New pages will be distributed at the next meeting
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Nursing 55, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, 8.5 units
Changes in course content at the direction of the BRN. The committee discussed
changes to the Typical Assignments section that have evolved over the past several
years. We are now requesting that typical assignments be written as if addressing the
student and contain a certain amount of detail.
Special Student Materials were discussed. “5. Provide own transportation to
clinical sites will be added to all clinical outlines.” The committee asked for
clarification on number 6. Dale will ask Nancy Cowan to provide an answer.
• Rewrite the Typical Assignments section as if addressing the student and add
some detail to the assignments.
Nursing 58, Nursing Care to Patients with Infectious Disease, 1 unit
Title changed from Nursing Care for Patients with Blood-Borne Infectious Disease.
Unit increase from 0.5 to 1 unit. Content has been expanded to include additional
infectious diseases.
• Rewrite the Typical Assignments section as if addressing the student and add
some detail to the assignments.
• Add “or most recent edition” to textbook dates.
Nursing 85, Registered Nurse Refresher (Theory and Clinical), 7 units
Part of the Immigrant Nursing Re-Entry Program. Laboratory hours have been
increased at the request of local hospitals. Wayne questioned the number of units
(presented as 9.5 units). It was agreed that the correct number should be 7. Jane
suggested putting this course and Nursing 86 on the CSU Transfer list.
• Correct course units to “7 units.”
• Submit Articulation form #2.
Nursing 86, Essentials of Medical Terminology, 2 units
New course. While students may not receive credit for this course if Health 51A, has
been taken, there is no corresponding sentence on the Health 51A outline. After
discussion, Dale stated that he did not see a necessity for limiting credit for people
who might decide to take Health 51A after taking Nursing 86.
• Rewrite the Typical Assignments section as if addressing the student and add
some detail to the assignments.
• Submit Articulation form #2.
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Dental Hygiene 52B, Advanced Periodontics, 1 unit
Revised to reflect the changes in the focus of study based on current research and
practice trends.
Patricia noted the absence on the new outline of drugs related to Hormone
Replacement Therapy. These were Expected Outcome 12, 13, and 14 on the old
The committee recommended that Special Student Materials be updated to more
modern wording.
• Rewrite the Special Student Materials section to read, “Removable storage
media such as USB flash drive or diskette.”
Dental Hygiene 54, Pharmacology, 2 units
Revised to reflect the changes in the focus of study based on current research and
practice trends.
• Rewrite the Special Student Materials section to read, “Removable storage
media such as USB flash drive or diskette.”
Associate in Arts, Dental Hygiene (Program page not included in packet)
Edna commented that Nutrition 1 is a requirement for the AA Degree. It needs to be
included in the program in the same manner as Psychology and Sociology will be
included in the AA Degree, Nursing (see above).
Patricia noted that now that she is receiving preview packets in a timely manner, she will
try to take care of issues such as were dealt with today prior to the publication packets
coming to the committee.
UC Re-submittals
Jane reminded the committee that in order to meet the deadline for resubmitting
Humanities 60 and Ethnic Studies 1 to UC, we need to approve the changes this week.
The revision to ES 1 is included in the Social Sciences packet which is not due for
consideration until November 6.
Patricia will email both outlines and the reviewers’ comments to the committee on
October 10, with a request for an email vote to Kaaren by noon on Thursday.
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Good of the Order (Continued)
B. Title V changes
c. Follow up on Certificates of Completion.
A list of Degree and Certificate Programs was attached to the agenda. Kaaren
asked members to complete the Software Specialist listing by placing an “X” in
the Associate in Science column.
Under the new Title V regulations, certificates under 18 units will not be listed
on transcripts, although the courses contained in the certificates will show on the
transcripts. Because of this change, disciplines may want to re-think the issuing
of low-unit certificates.
At 4:00, it was MSC (Matthews/Pitcher) to extend the meeting by 10 minutes.
Dmitriy commented that he does not want to arbitrarily “bump up the units” on
the Business certificates.
d. Other.
• Jane asked what the criteria are for graded and OP courses. Ron suggested
finding a way to include the information on the course outline.
• It was agreed to provide a summary of these impacts and changes to faculty
when changes, policies, processes are complete; so far, these include: putting
contact hours on course outline, C/NC, and certificates of completion.
C. Consideration of year-round curriculum cycle
D. Report on CurricUNET/DCC
Use of an online curriculum process is being discussed at District Curriculum
Council. CurricUNET is not the only program available, and we want to be sure we
choose the right one. Some large districts are writing their own programs.
Patricia would like to pilot a program next year for full implementation in Fall 2009.
Norma stated that we are using eLumen for student learning outcomes. She would
like to see compatibility between programs being used.
Next Meeting: October 16, 2007, Board Room.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
kk 10-10-07