CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes October 2, 2007 Members Present: Waiz Badar (ASCC), Jaswinder Bhangal, Dmitriy Kalyagin, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Patricia Posada, Ron Taylor Guests: Jan Novak I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:08 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon. She introduced guest Jan Novak and asked those present to introduce themselves. II. Good of the Order Patricia moved Good of the Order forward on the agenda. She reported that she and Ron Taylor met last week and reviewed the work the committee has to complete this fall: • Title 5 changes (including changing the name of Certificates of Completion). Ron is working on a checklist. • Credit/no credit changes. • Training • AS Degree pages • Consider and look at outcomes in Math and English. Patricia stated that in order to accomplish all of this work, we will need to carve out 3040 minutes of meeting time on at least a biweekly basis. She led a discussion on how the work of reviewing curriculum packets might be shortened. • Jim Matthews suggested doing presentations later in the meeting. Have presenters solve problems and bring back to the committee rather than having the committee solve the problems. • Dmitriy Kalyagin suggested assigning representatives to review portions of the packets, such as articulation, new outlines, etc., rather than everyone looking at everything. • Patricia Posada commented that Contra Costa does their curriculum work on the internet. Patricia Shannon replied that they are using CurricUNET, and stated that the conference is coming up. Patricia Shannon stated that she liked Jim’s idea of reordering the agendas. She also suggested assigning one member to do the “wordsmithing” and proofreading of individual packets, with edits being handed back to the division at the time of presentation. Michael Langdon reported that some of his colleagues will request to present first as they have other obligations during the second hour of the meeting. Patricia replied that faculty with time constraints should let her know in advance so that we can accommodate them. MSC (Matthews/Victoria) that we agree to change our agenda to accommodate the work needed and to facilitate timekeeping and improve the flow of agenda items, and that we rotate proofreading of packets through the committee. Curriculum Committee 10-2-07, page 2 Arts and Humanities has requested that their presentation date be moved from November 20 to November 27. MSC (Matthews/Kalyagin) to accept the request. Jim requested that the decision not be precedent setting. Kaaren Krueg will notify the division. Jane Church requested that completed and approved articulation requests be submitted to the Articulation Office no later than December 4. III. Approval of Minutes of September 25, 2007 Kaaren Krueg noted a correction to the minutes: The last paragraph of section III should read “Jim” instead of “Patricia.” MSC (Matthews/Pitcher) to approve the minutes of September 25, 2007, as amended. IV. General Studies 49.10, Introduction to Online Learning Jan Novak distributed an outline for General Studies 49.10, Introduction to Online Learning. This will be a 3-week course, taught online. Kaaren noted that final examination is listed under Methods of Presentation as well as Methods of Evaluating Student Progress. It will be removed from the former. Jane recalled that a General Studies course must be developed by 3 instructors from 3 different disciplines. (See Page 11 of the Curriculum Handbook). This procedure should be followed if the course is brought back as a permanent course. MSC (Kalyagin/Matthews) to approve the course with the correction noted above. V. Psychology-Counseling Presentation Carey Harbin presented the packet. Degrees and Certificates Carey reported that the division is adding Ethnic Studies 1, 2, and 3 and Religious Studies 7 to the list of options for the following: • AA/AS Degree, Psychology-Counseling—Human Services • Certificate of Completion: Multicultural Awareness/Relations for the Service Provider • Certificate of Completion: Multicultural Awareness/Self Reflection Patricia Shannon asked why Religious Studies 50, Religions of the World, is not being added. Carey replied that he is sure the division will agree to the addition. He will include it in the final packet. PSCN 22, College Success Series, .5 – 1.5 units Minor content and formatting changes. Request to delete: • PSCN 10A, Career Assessment Through Testing, 1 unit • PSCN 10B, World of Work/Job Search Techniques, 1 unit • PSCN 17, Intercultural Studies, 2 units Curriculum Committee 10-2-07, page 3 • • PSCN 37A, Workplace and Interpersonal Skills Education I, 2 units PSCN 37B, Workplace and Interpersonal Skills Education II, 2 units In answer to the question of why these courses are not being offered, Carey replied that they were developed by instructors who are no longer teaching, or for programs (such as CalWorks) that are no longer in existence. Patricia informed Carey that there is a Title 5 change coming that will require changing the name of “Certificate of Completion.” The committee will let divisions know how we will comply with this requirement. She stated that we will probably group Certificates of Completion together independently from division packets, and act on them all at once. MSC (Kalyagin/Matthews) to accept the Psychology-Counseling packet with the addition of Religious Studies 50 to the options lists. VI. Articulation Jane reported that two courses, one in Ethnic Studies and one in Philosophy, were not accepted for articulation by UC. We have the opportunity to resubmit them, but must approve them at the October 9 meeting to meet the submission deadline. We should prepare a good rationale for why these courses merit acceptance. Patricia Posada added that this is the first time UC has given colleges a chance to resubmit. Jane also discussed the change from the CAN numbering system to the TCSU system. In answer to a question by the Business faculty, Jane explained that we can make technical changes to outlines without rearticulating them, but substantive changes to course content must be rearticulated. There was discussion on whether the changes to Business 1A and 1B constitute substantive change. It was noted that request for TCSU numbers is a separate process from other articulation requests. Patricia Shannon noted that faculty should be made aware that substantive changes to curriculum might result in altered articulation. VII. Total Contact Hours Ron reported that Dave Fouquet has provided a chart to aid Academic Services in adding Total Contact Hours to the course outlines of record. In order to provide “truth in advertising,” we will use 17.5 weeks as the semester length in the calculations. Please have your divisions vote (at the next division meeting) to authorize Academic Services to add the total contact hours to your course outlines. The revised outlines will be sent back to the divisions for review. Jim Matthews volunteered to attend the Social Science meeting to present the issue. Patricia Shannon will attend Health/PE/Athletics. VIII. Proofreading Assignments The following representatives volunteered to proofread presentation packets. • Jim Matthews, Dental Hygiene and Nursing Curriculum Committee 10-2-07, page 4 • • • IX. X. Michael Langdon, Health/PE Wayne Pitcher, Language Arts Ernesto Victoria, Science/Math Next Meeting: October 9, 2007. The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. kk 10-3-07 c:\documents\word\curric\2007-2008\10-2-07.min.doc