CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes September 25, 2007 Members Present: Waiz Badar (ASCC), Jaswinder Bhangal, Dmitriy Kalyagin, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Wayne Pitcher, Don Plondke, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Edna Danaher, Ron Taylor Guests: Linda Rhodes I. Call to Order Meeting was called to order by Ron Taylor. Linda Rhodes, adjunct faculty member in Mass Communications (Film) was introduced as a visitor. II. Approval of Minutes of September 18, 2007 MSC (Pitcher/Langdon) to approve the minutes of September 18, 2007, with a change from “Patricia” to “Jim” in the last paragraph of item III. III. Selection of Chair Jim Matthews nominated Patricia Shannon to serve as Chair. Patricia spoke of her interests in relation to this role—she has a passion for curriculum, sees it as one of the most important things we do at the college. She is especially interested in setting up an electronic process. She noted that she would want to do some things differently, that she is against spending so much time on word-smithing and minutia in meetings. She would like to see a more effective process, and will ask members to send her ideas, privately as needed. She wants us to control the process, whereas now the process is controlling us. Patricia was elected unanimously by the members present. She immediately assumed the chair, noting that she still needed to be confirmed by the Academic Senate. MSC (Kalyagin/Pitcher) to approve the experimental courses with changes as noted above. IV. V. Curriculum Training Opportunity Ron Taylor noted the remaining dates available for attending a state system-sponsored webinar on “Stand-Alone Course Approval.” After discussion, Ron indicated he would immediately forward instructions and dates/times to members. Anyone involved in curriculum approval needs to be trained. Good of the Order TITLE 5 PHASE I CHANGES Jim Matthews noted that we have 180 days to implement the Phase I changes to Title 5 regulations, so they need to be attended to this term. Patricia Shannon asked Ron about getting a list and summary together that would help guide this process. Ron indicated he had a checklist in draft form, and would get something out right away. Edna Danaher indicated she is concerned about not putting Certificates of Completion on transcripts. Much discussion ensued, with her concern echoed by other members. Jim Curriculum Committee 9-25-07, page 2 noted that for the low-unit credit certificates, the CIO Board had proposed using the terms “Skills Certificate” or “Career Certificate.” Ron noted this item is on the checklist of Title 5 changes to address. He also noted that there is a statewide Academic Senate PowerPoint on these changes, which should help provide some context; he will send this via email to Patricia. Dmitriy asked if state approval would be needed to change the title of a certificate from “Certificate of Completion” to the new title. Ron did not think so. Discussion ensued concerning state approval for certificates under 18 units; there is a need for clarification in this area, especially due to the transcript issue. Another item noted in the Title 5 changes was the change from CR/NC to Pass/NoPass. Dmitriy asked who decides which courses are CR/NC. Ron responded that traditionally this has been handled by the dean and the discipline faculty through Academic Services, but that he would prefer this be part of the curriculum approval process. Thus, as the change to P/NP occurs, we can address the process at that point. UC RE-SUBMITTALS Patricia noted that some divisions must do these resubmittals to UC within a very short window, as had been noted on email by Jane Church. Since that window is in October, we should put this on the October 2 Curriculum agenda. Dmitriy Kalyagin and Jaswinder Bhangal raised a question about how to handle the response to the letter they received from UC—they were concerned about whether the courses (BUS1A, 1B) would need to be re-articulated as new courses, or as mere revisions. PENDING CURRICULUM PACKETS Patricia asked which divisions have curriculum packets pending. Jim said the Library had nothing, but he did not know about Counseling, and apparently they are late with their packet. Ron indicated that we should check the schedule of packets due and get reminders out. TOTAL CONTACT HOURS Patricia asked for clarification concerning where we are on putting total contact hours on course outlines. Ron indicated he had corresponded with both Jim and Dave Fouquet, and Dave had raised questions about what kind of hours-per-unit grid was needed—Ron is setting time to meet with Dave on this; the matter is in process. Jim reminded members to go back to their divisions and get approval to have Academic Services handle the total contact hours listing as a blanket technical change. CURRICULUM HANDBOOK Patricia asked about the current Curriculum Handbook, and it was agreed to use the prior edition at this point, rather than confuse matters. DOUBLE-COUNTING AND PROGRAM-BASED GE REQUIREMENT FOR A.S. Wayne Pitcher cited the Title 5 provisions that allow double-counting of major requirements as fulfilling GE requirements. Ron noted that although he had thought perhaps this particular GE requirement would pose problems in this regard, the discussion had convinced him otherwise, and he didn’t see an issue with doublecounting. Dmitriy noted that some high-unit majors might see this as a way to reduce the formal major requirements—something that had been desired in response to the accreditation recommendation a couple of years ago. Patricia said she would work with Kaaren to identify those programs that would be affected, and the likely nature of the impact, and bring the issue back to the committee. Curriculum Committee 9-25-07, page 3 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Don Plondke noted that he had arrived late because he has a class conflict until 2:45 p.m.; he is looking for a replacement from his division. Patricia noted that with her election as Chair, a replacement will need to be identified for Arts & Humanities. VI. VII. Next Meeting: October 2, 2007 (Room 2345). The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:15 p.m. kk 10/1/07/07 c:\documents\word\curric\2007-2008\9-25-07.min.doc