Document 11526851

Curriculum Committee Minutes
November 18 2008
Members Present:
Jas Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal
Ozdemir, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Leslie Capello, Daryl Crew, Laurie Dockter, Bruce Mayer, Steve Small, Jon
Traugott, Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Anita Wah, Wanda Wong
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by the chair, Patricia Shannon. She
corrected the agenda, stating that Automotive Technology (rather than Fire Technology)
would be presenting today, and that the next meeting would be December 2, not
November 25.
Science and Mathematics Presentation
Jon Traugott and Wanda Wong presented.
Computer Science 5, Technology for Academic Success, 1 unit
New course. Equips students with basic computer skills needed to succeed in a broad
range of disciplines.
Proposed for AA (A.3)/AS (A.2) and CSU Transfer. Jane called attention to the form
and said she wanted to be sure the committee understood that the course would not
fulfill the entire requirement for either the AA or the AS Degree.
There was discussion on how the course would be publicized. There was a concern
that students might think this is too many hours (total 17.5 lecture/17.5 laboratory)
for 1 unit. Wanda stated that the discipline would like to offer it short term, three
times a semester.
Computer Science 6, Computer Programming for Visual Thinkers, 3 units
New course. Introduces beginning programmers to game programming using a dragand-drop interface that allows them to do sophisticated planning and development
without using advanced programming languages.
Jim Matthews introduced a discussion on the last sentence of the Catalog
Description, “May be taken as preparation for Computer Science 10 or Computer
Science 14.” Discussion elicited the opinion that this course is not equal to the other
advisory courses for Computer Science 10 and 14. Jon does not want to add it to the
advisories for those courses. Consensus was that the sentence should be removed.
Jon and Wanda agreed.
Patricia noted that this course is designed for a specific population (game
programmers rather than game players) and asked whether the title would attract that
population. Jane noted that the title had changed since the author met with her. She
stressed the importance of notifying her of changes. Jon stated that the title,
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Computer Programming for Visual Thinkers, had been carefully chosen. He does not
want “Game” to appear in it.
 Remove “May be taken as preparation for Computer Science 10 or Computer
Science 14” from both the Abbreviated Course Description and the catalog
The following were not discussed in detail:
Computer Science 20, Introduction to Data Structures in C++, 4 units
Minor changes to aid articulation. No revisions were suggested.
AS Degree, Computer Science (Emphasis in Mathematics)
Mathematics 3 is being added to the program-specific electives list. No revisions
were suggested.
Engineering 11, Engineering Design and Analysis, 2 units
New course. Bruce Mayer explained that in recent years, both UC Berkeley and San
Jose State University have developed design and analysis courses that are required
for all engineering students. Key professors in the Engineering Programs at these
universities have indicated that this course, coupled with Engineering 10 would
articulate as meeting this requirement.
Wayne noted that we have been asking that Course Content be divided into Lecture
and Laboratory sections. Jim commented that changing the outline after all the work
that has been done on articulation might create a problem. Wayne suggested leaving
the course as is for now and revising it in a couple of years to aid articulation with
other transfer institutions if that proves necessary. Patricia agreed with this
suggestion, with the modification that the course come back next year with the
lecture and laboratory content separated.
 Complete Exit Skill 16 on the Advisory Content Review for Engineering 22
(page 56 of the packet)
 Resubmit the outline in next year’s packet with revisions noted above.
MSC (Matthews/Pitcher) to approve the Engineering proposal with the direction
that Engineering 11 be restructured next year according to the discussion above.
Daryl Crew presented.
Mathematics 15, Applied Calculus I, 3 units
Mathematics 16, Applied Calculus II, 3 units
New courses. Designed to replace Mathematics 32. Requests for AA/AS
(Communications & Analytical Thinking and Mathematics Proficiency), CSU
Transfer, CSU GE, UC Transfer, and IGETC.
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There was lengthy discussion on when to remove Mathematics 32 from the catalog,
and how its scheduling (or lack thereof) would affect student transfer. Consensus
was not to remove Mathematics 32 from the catalog until the articulation
agreements have been finalized.
It was noted that Mathematics 32 is listed in the Business Administration degree. It
was suggested that this be changed to Mathematics 15. Also, Mathematics 32 is
listed as a prerequisite in Mathematics 35. Tram and Daryl will check other degrees
and courses to be sure no others are affected.
 Business discipline—submit a revised program page for AA, Business
Administration. (Bring to December 2 meeting)
 Revise Mathematics 35 to remove Mathematics 32 from the prerequisite.
(Bring to December 2 meeting)
MSC (Matthews/Pitcher) to accept Mathematics 15 and 16 with the
recommendations noted above.
Laurie Dockter presented.
Chemistry 5, Quantitative Analysis, 4 units
Updated to meet current needs. Request for CSU GE.
Needed: Rewrite Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog Description to read,
“Emphasizes the theory and practice of gravimetric…methods of analysis. Focuses
on calibration…data handling. Intended for chemistry…majors…”
Physics 22A, Calculus Applications for College Physics, 1 unit
New course to be taken concurrently with Physics 2A. Requests for CSU and UC
Transfer lists.
 Complete Form A (Corequisite Course) form
 Submit Library Consultation form
Physical Science 15, Descriptive Physical Science: Introduction to Principles of
Physical Science, 5 units
Minor updates. Request for CSU GE and IGETC.
MSC (Pitcher/Ozdemir) to approve the remaining items in the Science and
Mathematics packet (Computer Science, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science) with
changes as noted.
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Steve Small presented.
Automotive Technology 68, California BAR Basic and Advanced Clean Air Car
Course, 5 units
Automotive Technology 99.42, Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) 2009 Update
Course, ½ unit
Revised to reflect Bureau of Automotive Repair modifications. Request to offer in
Spring 2009.
It was noted that neither course has separate lecture and laboratory content. This
information is needed in case of audit.
 List Course Content (Lecture) and Course Content (Laboratory) for both courses.
MSC (Pitcher/Ozdemir) to accept the Automotive Technology packet with changes
as noted and that both courses be approved for Spring 2009.
Good of the Order
Patricia reported that Carey Harbin and the Social Sciences division have come to a
compromise regarding the Liberal Studies—Elementary Teacher Preparation AA Degree.
Anthropology 3 and Early Childhood Development 52 will be included as strongly
recommended electives.
MSC (Pitcher/Victoria) to accept the revision as agreed upon by PsychologyCounseling and Social Sciences.
Next Meeting: December 2, Room 1506.
Social Sciences presentation
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
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