Document 11526846

Curriculum Committee Minutes
October 14, 2008
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Michael Langdon, Jim Matthews, Hilal Ozdemir, Wayne
Pitcher, Ernesto Victoria, Patricia Shannon
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Gene Groppetti, Kaaren Krueg, Susan Sperling
Leslie Capello (Mills College graduate student shadowing Hilal Ozdemir), Carey
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:09 p.m. by committee chair Patricia Shannon.
Patricia corrected the agenda, stating that Applied Technology and Business will present
on October 21.
Approval of Minutes of September 30, 2008
MSC (Matthews/Pitcher) to approve the minutes of September 30, 2008, as presented.
Psychology–Counseling Proposal
Carey Harbin distributed a revised packet incorporating changes requested at the last
meeting. He reported that in the AA Degree, Liberal Studies—Elementary Teacher
Preparation, the second communication course under Written Communication has been
confirmed by CSU East Bay, and that state submission Form 501 has been completed.
There was discussion on the Field Experience section, including the need for
documentation for volunteer work and the fact that some Service Learning experiences
might qualify. Jane commented that this requirement obligates the college to offer
General Studies 11 on a regular basis. Carey replied that his understanding is that
offering the course once a year is sufficient.
MSC (Matthews/Victoria) to approve the Psychology–Counseling packet.
Good of the Order
Michael Langdon reported that there are some outlines in the Language Arts packet that
have not been through the division’s subcommittee on curriculum, and the faculty
member is not being responsive to requests by the subcommittee. He asked for guidance.
Discussion included several suggestions including removing the outlines from the packet.
Kaaren Krueg reported that she discovered an error in the Rationale form: the drop down
menu for Grading Option still included Credit/No Credit rather than Pass/No Pass. She
has corrected the form and replaced it on the committee’s website.
Jane announced that the System Office has approved our Liberal Arts Degree. She also
reported that the Academic Affairs Division is now looking at all degree programs with
an intention of separating them into transfer and non-transfer categories. Districts will be
asked to modify their transfer degrees to include information on which transfer pattern
students should use—CSU GE or IGETC.
Curriculum Committee
10-14-08, page 2
Jane also reported that CSU is now allowing 3 units of credit for students presenting
Department of Defense Form 214, Report of Separation. Discussion followed concerning
modifying Chabot’s General Education requirements to align with this information.
Consensus was that the Counseling department should initiate the proposal.
Patricia reported on the District Curriculum Council meeting she attended on
October 3. Chancellor Kinnamon attended the meeting and asked members of the
council to identify their highest priorities.
1. CurricUNET. The council asked that implementation of this program be started.
It is estimated that this will be a 3-year process, including educating faculty,
training, and piloting.
2. Develop a policy regarding course/program similarity/divergence between
the two colleges. Patricia reported that the chancellor was dismayed to discover
the extent to which the colleges diverge. He thought we had minor differences.
There was a lengthy discussion on bringing the colleges back into alignment;
both colleges agreed that it is impossible.
The chancellor will convene a task force consisting of Curriculum Chairs, Vice
Presidents, Articulation Officers, Faculty Senate Presidents and other
knowledgeable parties to discuss the situation and make recommendations.
Patricia reported that a list of comparable courses has been created as part of the
work for DegreeWorks. She will try to ascertain whether it is a “good list” that
can be used as a basis for aligning courses between the colleges. There was
discussion on how the list was built and the difficulty in determining whether
courses are “the same.” Gene suggested that this might become a shared (Chabot
and Las Positas) flex day activity. Jane suggested that synchronizing program
review at the two colleges would help. Also discussed were the perceived
relationship of “sister colleges” in a district, and the fact that we have a joint
Patricia announced that she has accepted the role of Title III Activities Director and will
need to step down as chair of the Curriculum Committee. She proposed appointing a vice
chair who would replace her as chair in the Spring semester and asked those interested to
contact her. She will produce a new Curriculum Handbook during semester break and
will remain available to the committee on an advisory basis.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Next Meeting: October 21, 2008, Room 1506.
Applied Technology and Business presentation
kk 10/15/08