CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes March 16, 2010 Members Present: Jaswinder Bhangal, Debbie Buti, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg Guests: Tom Clark, Tim Dave, Jon Palacio 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher. 2. Minutes of March 2, 2010 MSC (Cirera-Perez/Victoria) to approve the minutes of March 2, 2010, as presented. 3. Chabot College Institute for Online Learning Tom Clark presented an idea for creating an Institute for Online Learning, which would create the opportunity for students to take Chabot classes on a fee-based basis. He commented that we are in a time of unprecedented demand for classes, and the budgetary crisis has not allowed us to offer classes to all who want them. We have cut 30 sections (1,200 students) from our schedule this semester. Tom developed this plan based on the premise that some students/parents have the financial resources to pursue more expensive options. He proposed that we could enroll students in non-state-supported courses at the out-of-state fee, creating an “open university” type program. He added that we could earn twice our operational expenses with as few as 26 students. Education code 78021 authorizes the offering of courses to individuals. Courses would have to be equal to state-supported courses, offering the same quality, faculty, and transferability as our current courses. In seeking district approval, Tom would like to make it clear that this is a Chabot, not a district, program and the revenue stays at Chabot. He would like to see profits used to improve our online infrastructure. Discussion indicated committee interest in the proposal. Tom has also shared this idea with the CEMC and the COOL. 4. Physics 18, Preparatory Physics, 3 units Tim Dave presented. After lengthy discussion it was agreed that the course would be offered with an advisory statement rather than a prerequisite. Tim gave details of how he might attract students to the course. Jane suggested starting research on the class now so that it will be in place if it is decided to change the advisory to a prerequisite later on. Needed: • • • • Add “[Typical contact hours: 52.5]”. Change Prerequisite Skills to “None.” Remove “Subject to instructor discretion:” from the Typical Assignments section. Write rationale for textbook older than 5 years. Curriculum Committee 3-16-10, page 2 MSC (Buti/Victoria) to approve Physics 18 with changes as noted. 5. Minor (Consent/FYI) Changes Psychology-Counseling 26, College Success and the Chicano Experience, 1 unit Needed: • • Change date to Fall 2010. Write rationale for textbook older than 5 years. Psychology-Counseling 36, Women in Transition, 1 unit Needed: • Change Typical contact hours to 17.5. Political Science 10, Seminar in Comparative Politics, 3 units Needed: • Remove “understand and” from Expected Outcomes #3 and #5. AA Degree, Political Science The committee reviewed changes made by the instructor since presentation on February 16. Minor Changes were approved by consent. Jane noted that the instructor, Sara Parker, may not know what to do to gain state approval for her degree. Wayne will let her know how to apply. 6. Year-long Curriculum Cycle Proposal Wayne distributed a draft document. Discussion included: • • • • • • 7. The proposed change will need approval by the Faculty Senate. Not all faculty seem to be in favor of the change. How this change would affect the committee’s meeting schedule. Processing new courses in the Spring would aid the articulation process. The need for a closer link between the Program Review Committee and the Curriculum Committee. Possibly a joint meeting before Program Review is finalized. How the queue will work; advantages of presenting program changes at the end of the cycle after course changes have been finalized. Good of the Order None 8. Next Meeting: April 20, 2010 9. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. kk 3/18/10 c:\documents\word\curric\2009-2010\3-16-10.min.doc