CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes March 2, 2010 Members Present: Jaswinder Bhangal, Debbie Buti, Barbara Ogman, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu Ex-Officio Members Present: Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg Guests: Bob Buell, Tom Clark, Tim Dave, Mike Sherburne, Jane Vallely 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher. 2. Minutes of February 16, 2010 MSC (Shannon/ Buti) to approve the minutes of February 16, 2010, as presented. 3. BMW Program Mike Sherburne and Tom Clark presented, and Tom acknowledged Mike/s good work in putting the proposal together. Wayne reported that the state is currently implementing CurricUNET. As of today, we have missed the deadline for a “paper” submission of the BMW Program. Jane noted that she has not yet submitted the addition of Emphasis 5 to the AA in Liberal Arts. Tom also has three programs, AS in Electronic Systems Technology and Certificates of Achievement in Consumer Technology and Industrial Electronic Technology that are pending state approval. He expects approval any day. The state’s move to CurricUNET and requirement that colleges receive training before they can use the system may impact catalog publication. BMW 10, BMW Technical Systems, 5 units BMW 20, BMW Body Electronics, 5 units BMW 30, BMW Chassis Dynamics, 5 units BMW 40, BMW Engine Electronics and Engine Technology, 5 units New courses. CSU Transfer requested for all. Various corrections were discussed and will be conveyed to the division for correction. AS Degree, Automotive Technology (Emphasis in BMW Manufacture Training) New degree. MSC (Shannon/Buti) to approve the BMW presentation packet with corrections as noted. 4. Deleted courses ECD 80, Advanced Topics in Childhood Development, 1-3 units Fire Technology 64A, Hazardous Materials I, 2 units Fire Technology 64B, Hazardous Materials II, 2 units Fire Technology 70A, Basic Rescue Practices, 2 units Curriculum Committee 3-2-10, page 2 Fire Technology 70B, Advanced Rescue Practices, 2 units Fire Technology 73A, Fire Prevention IA, 2 units Fire Technology 73B, Fire Prevention IB, 2 units Fire Technology 73C, Fire Prevention IC, 2 units Fire Technology 75A, Fire Instructor 1A, 2 units Fire Technology 75B, Fire Instructor 1B, 2 units Health 50, Orientation to Health Care Delivery System, 2 units Health 53, Quality and Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care, 1 unit Health 54, Utilization Management, Risk Management and Medical Staff Credentialing, 1 unit Health 56, Introductory Pharmacology/Lab Tests and Values for the Health Occupations, 2 units Health 58, Introduction to Medical Transcription and Document Format, 1 ½ units Health 59A, Physician Office Notes, 1 unit Health 59B, Radiology, 1 unit Health 59C, Emergency Room Notes, 1 unit Health 59D, Pathology/EKG, 1 unit Health 59E, History and Physical Examinations, 1 unit Health 59F, Consultations, 1 unit Health 59G, Discharge Summaries, 1 unit Health 59H, Operatives—General, 1 unit Health 59I, Operatives—Urology and Reproductive, 1 unit Health 59J, Operatives—Cardiovascular, 1 unit Health 59K, Operatives—Orthopedics and Oncology, 1 unit Health 59L, Special Reports, 1 unit Health Information Technology 50, Introduction to Health Information Management and Documentation, 3 units Health Information Technology 51, Health Information Systems, 2 units Health Information Technology 52, Information Retrieval and Statistics, 2 units Health Information Technology 55, Legal Aspects of Health Information, 2 units Health Information Technology 56A, Basic CPT and Outpatient Coding, 2 units Health Information Technology 56B, Intermediate Outpatient Coding, 2 units Health Information Technology 57A, Introduction to Coding and Classification, 2 ½ units Curriculum Committee 3-2-10, page 3 Health Information Technology 57B, Advanced Coding and Reimbursement, 2 ½ units Health Information Technology 59, Topics in Quality Assurance, 2 units Health Information Technology 60, Management and Organization in the Health Information Management Setting, 3 units Health Information Technology 64, Topics in Health Information, 2 units Health Information Technology 65A, Clinical Practice I, 3 units Health Information Technology 65B, Clinical Seminar II, 3 units Health Information Technology 66A, Clinical Practice Seminar I, 1 unit Health Information Technology 66B, Clinical Practice Seminar II, 1 unit Health Information Technology 67, Coding Clinical Practice, 1 unit Health Information Technology 69, Health Information Review and RHT Exam Preparation, 1 unit Physical Education 7, Aerobic Super Circuit, 2 units Physical Education 22, Health and Fitness Assessments, 3 units Physical Education 28L, Components of Physical Fitness—Laboratory, 1 unit Sociology 31, Dependency in Old Age, 3 units Sociology 32, Social Policy, Programs and Services for Elders, 3 units Sociology 63, Social Worker Designee Training, 2 units Deletions were approved by consent. Remind faculty that Jane needs to know about any changes, including deletions. 5. Minor (Consent/FYI) Changes Dental Hygiene 56A, Community Dental Health I, 1 unit Needed: (56A) Change advisory from “Speech” to “Communication Studies; more recent text if available; remove “or most recent edition.” Edna noted that Communication Studies is a Special Application requirement and wondered why the advisory is necessary. Dale will research. He thinks it may be required by the accrediting board. Dental Hygiene 56B, Community Dental Health II, 1 unit Needed: More recent text if available; remove “or most recent edition” ECD 65, Administration, 3 units Needed: Change outline date to “Fall 2010” ECD 83, Adult Supervision, 2 units ECD 85, Mentor Seminar A, ½ unit ECD 86, Mentor Seminar B, ½ unit Fire Technology 50, Fire Protection Organization, 3 units Fire Technology 51, Fire Service Operations, 3 units Fire Technology 54, Fire Prevention Technology, 3 units Curriculum Committee 3-2-10, page 4 Fire Technology 55, Fire Protection Equipment and Systems, 3 units Fire Technology 56, Building Construction for Fire Protection, 3 units Fire Technology 72, Fire Management I, Management for the Company Officer, 2 units Fire Technology 74A, Fire Investigation 1A: Fire Origin and Cause Determination, 2 units Fire Technology 91B, Hazardous Materials First Responder – Operational Level, 1½ units Fire Technology 91C, I-200 Basic ICS (Incident Command System), 1½ units Health 51A, Basic Medical Terminology, 4 units Health 51B, Disease Process and Advanced Medical Terminology, 4 units Medical Assisting 70A, Clinical Skills for the Medical Assistant I, 3 units Nursing 56, Essentials of Nursing Care Related to Human Growth and Development, ½ unit Nursing 59, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family, 8½ units Needed: Remove reference to Nursing 57. Nursing 60B, Adult Health II, 6 units Needed: Change Physiology 2/2L to Nursing 88/88L. Nursing 73, Intravenous Therapy, 1 unit Needed: Add date to text. Physics 2A, Introduction to Physics I, 4 units Physics 2B, Introduction to Physics II, 4 units Physical Education 13, American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, 2 units Physical Education 13R, American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Review, ½ unit Physical Education 14, American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, 2 units Minor Changes were approved by consent. 6. Changes that need committee discussion FIRE TECHNOLOGY Fire Technology 52, Firefighter Safety and Survival, 3 units Title change from Firefighter Safety and Public Education. There was discussion on whether the course needs a new number. Bob Buell reported that the content hasn’t changed significantly, only the emphasis. The state still accepts the previous version as meeting requirements. Consensus (with one objection) that the number be retained. Fire Technology 71A, Fire Command 1A: Command Operations for the Company Officer, 2 units Fire Technology 71B, Fire Command 1B: All-Risk Command Operations for the Company Officer, 2 units Both contain title, content and prerequisite changes. Kaaren noted a discrepancy in the relationship of the class hours and typical contact hours. Bob Buell Curriculum Committee 3-2-10, page 5 replied that these are short term classes that are run for 8 hours a day over a 5 day period. Needed: Change the wording to “30 total hours lecture, 10 total hours laboratory.” Fire Technology 73, Fire Prevention 1: Fire and Life Safety Inspections for the Company Officer, 2 units New course. Needed: Change the wording to “30 total hours lecture, 10 total hours laboratory.” Fire Technology 76A, Fire Instructor 1A: Cognitive Lesson Delivery, 2 units Fire Technology 76B, Fire Instructor 1B: Psychomotor Lesson Delivery, 2 units New courses. Needed: Change the wording to show total hours spent, using the model we discussed at the meeting. MSC (Ogman/Warda) to approve the Fire Technology packet with changes as noted. NURSING Nursing 60B, Adult Health II, 6 units Prerequisite changes. Needed: • Content review for revised prerequisites • Change grade of…“CR” to grade of…“P” in catalog description Nursing 74, The Nursing Care Plan, 1 unit Needed: • Remove “May be offered in Distance Education mode.” • Remove “Prerequisite: None” from the catalog description. • Change to “1 hour. [Typical contact hours: 17.5]” Nursing 75, Fluids and Electrolytes, 1 unit Prerequisite changes. MSC (Buti/Ogman) to approve the Nursing packet with changes as noted. MEDICAL ASSISTING Jane Vallely reported that these revisions are necessary due to changed accreditation standards. Medical Assisting 71A, Administrative Skills I, 2 units Medical Assisting 71B, Administrative Skills II, 2 units Needed: • Prerequisite skills should be the outcomes from Medical Assisting 71A. Medical Assisting 75, Administration of Medications for the Medical Assistant, 3 units Needed: • Add Textbook(s) (typical) section MSC (Warda/Shannon) to approve the Medical Assisting packet with changes as noted. Curriculum Committee 3-2-10, page 6 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN Dale will send electronic copies of Health 81, 83, and 85 revisions to Wayne, who will forward them to the committee. PHYSICS Tim Dave presented. Physics 11, Descriptive Physics, 4 units It was noted that Mathematics 105 and 105L have been deleted. Suggestion was to replace with an advisory for Mathematics 103. Needed: • Change Prerequisite Skills to “None.” • Correct methods of evaluating student progress per discussion in committee. • Change text date to 2006. • Make a decision on Mathematics prerequisite (ID appropriate course(s) or delete prerequisite) and bring back to the next meeting. Physics 18, Preparatory Physics, 3 units Needed: • • • Correct catalog description to read, “Basic problem solving techniques in mechanics as foundation for …Intended for mathematics, engineering, physics, and science students…” Change Prerequisite Skills to “None.” The committee asked the faculty member to rewrite the outline and bring back to the next meeting. MSC (Warda/Buti) to approve Physics 11 with changes as noted. 7. Good of the Order Jane reported that the Political Science 10 changes will require re-articulation with CSU. Because we have linked our American Institutions criteria with CSU, she doesn’t feel that we should add the course to American Institutions until the re-articulation is finalized. Consensus was that the discipline should re-submit for American Institutions in next year’s curriculum cycle. 8. Next Meeting: March 16, 2010 9. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. kk 3/4/10 c:\documents\word\curric\2009-2010\3-2-10.min.doc