Document 11526822

Curriculum Committee Minutes
August 25, 2009
Members Present:
Jaswinder Bhangal, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon,
Debbie, Soares, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, George Railey, Kaaren Krueg
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:20 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of May 5, 2009
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Shannon) to approve the minutes of May 5, 2009, as presented.
Introduction of New Members
Wayne announced new members of the committee:
Christine Warda, Language Arts
Debbie Soares, Library
Barbara Ogman, Social Sciences
George Railey, VP, Academic Services (ex officio)
Continuing members introduced themselves.
Curriculum Institute Update
Wayne stated that he was the only person attending from Chabot. He collected a number
of resources at the Institute, many on a flash drive. One, which he did not distribute, was
the Program and Course Approval Handbook, 3rd edition, which is available online at
CurricUNET Update
Wayne announced that the State Chancellor’s Office is now using CurricUNET.
Wayne distributed the following:
A call for Steering Committee members
Currently, we are looking at 18 months to implementation: Development and
Beta Testing this year and Fall 2010; go live Fall 2011. Meetings will be on
Friday mornings, three times a month, one at the District Office and two at
One representative from each division will receive a stipend of $1,500 per
semester. Jane Church applied to represent the Counseling Division. George
Railey and Kaaren Krueg were also named to the Steering Committee. Wayne
will email the call to the college.
Call for a CurricUNET Coordinator.
Wayne is not able to serve as Coordinator. The Coordinator will receive 3.75
CAH in release time, stipend pay, or a combination thereof. Several people have
been approached and declined the position. After contacting some candidates
suggested by the committee, Wayne will email the call to the college.
Curriculum Committee
8-25-09, page 2
Good of the Order
Stand-alone course approval training
Training on stand-alone course approval must be completed every year by those
involved in curriculum development. Wayne will conduct a training for the
committee and the deans at the September 1 meeting from 3:00-4:00.
Presentation Calendar
A new presentation calendar was distributed with the agenda packets, revised to
reflect the loss of the October 6 meeting due to Flex Day.
Begoña asked in which part of her division’s presentation Nutrition belongs,
Nursing/Dental Hygiene or Health/PE/Athletics. It was decided that she could
choose either depending on the size of the presentations.
Preparing for This Fall
Wayne distributed “Changes Which Trigger Course Outline Review” and asked
representatives to help their divisions decide what type of revision they are
Jane Church initiated a discussion of the role of the Articulation Officer in the
process, and expressed concern regarding the number of changes that are being
brought forward due to the Title 5 requirement of curriculum review of course
outlines of record every six years. There was discussion on ways to streamline
the process.
SLOs: If an SLO has been developed for a revised course, check that box on the
Rationale page; if the course is new or an SLO has not been developed, include
the appropriate SLO forms in the packet. SLO forms will be forwarded to the
new chair of the SLO Committee, Carole Splendore.
New Curriculum Handbook
Patricia Shannon distributed a draft of a revised Curriculum Handbook and
walked members through it. She requested that members review and return
marked up copies to her next Tuesday.
Jane reported that the LDTP has been discontinued due to budget cuts. Proposals
pending review will be processed but no new submissions are being accepted.
Next Meeting: September 1, 2009
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
kk 8/25/09