CHABOT COLLEGE December 13, 2011

December 13, 2011
Members Present:
Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Eliaser Hernandez
(ASCC), Jay Mumford, Don Plondke, Ernesto Victoria, Linnea Wahamaki
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Gary Carter, Tim Harris, Jon Palacio, Sara Parker, Edna Rodriggs, Eric Schultz,
Connie Telles, Dale Wagoner
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by the chair, Jane Church. She commented
that this meeting is packed, and the committee may not have seen all of the proposals
before today. It is up to the committee whether they choose to vote today or defer until
February 7. She noted that anything deferred to February 7 will still be effective Fall
Minutes of December 6, 2011
Corrections to the minutes:
• Art Studio, “Clayton Thiel introduced his three new courses…”
• Mass Communications, “…He wants MCOM 1 and MCOM 3 to transfer…”
• ANTH 29, the committee recommended that this course should remain in the
MSC (Victoria/Chaudhuri) to approve the minutes of December 6, 2011, as corrected.
Jane reported that MCOM 1 and MCOM 3 need further work before they can be
submitted for transfer. She did submit MCOM 41 for IGETC.
Consent Items
Nursing 50, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice: Review, 5 units
Nursing 75, Fluid and Electrolytes, 1 unit
Nursing 81, Obstetrical Nursing Theory, 2 units
Nursing 88, Pathophysiology, 3 units
Nursing 88L, Physical Assessment, ½ - 1 unit
LIBERAL ARTS AA (Adding courses that were approved during the 2011 curriculum
Emphasis 1 – Arts and Humanities
ART 23
ART 24
Art 25
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MUSP 12, 13, 15, 16 (Delete 12A/B, 13A/B/C, 15A/B, 16AB)
Emphasis 2: Communication in the English Language
No Changes
Emphasis 3 – Social and Behavioral Sciences
ANTH 4, 13
PSYC 2 (correction)
Emphasis 4- Mathematics and Sciences
ANTH 13 (provided approved for this GE area by CSU and UC)
Emphasis 5: Kinesiology and Wellness
PHED 25, 26 to Cluster 1
Change 50 hours of documented experience to 30 hours. As reflected in ASSIST for
CSU East Bay.
Consent items were approved by consensus.
Political Science AA-T
Sara Parker explained that this degree will better align with the lower division
courses in Political Science at various transfer institutions. The current AA degree
(as listed in the 2011 Addendum) will be deleted.
• Add POSC 12 to list B
• Correct number of units to be double counted to 16
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Victoria) to accept the Political Science AA-T with changes
as noted.
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International Studies AA
Sara stated that the International Studies degree as listed in the catalog has not been
updated in some time. The degree in its current form requires too many units,
incorporates courses no longer taught (at all) or regularly at Chabot and does not
include lower division course offerings in line with comparable BA international
studies/global studies/international relations degrees offered at CSU and UC
campuses. A new streamlined degree will allow students interested in this degree the
opportunity to complete it. Sara consulted with disciplines that had courses in the
degree as she revised it.
Jane noted that if all the Foreign Language units were waived, the degree would fall
below the mandated 18 units. There was brief discussion of how to remedy this
situation, such as requiring credit by examination for the Foreign Languages.
Further discussion was tabled to the February 7 meeting. The revised degree will
have to be submitted to the state before it can be placed in the catalog.
Jon Palacio and Tim Harris presented revisions to course outlines including updates to
accommodate repeatability.
MUSP 12, Wind Ensemble, 1 unit
Title and number change. Revised to accommodate repeatability. Replaces
MUSP 13, Wind Symphony, 1 unit
Title and number change. Revised to accommodate repeatability. Replaces
MUSP 12B, Wind Ensemble II, 1 unit
MUSP 13B, Wind Symphony II, 1 unit
MUSP 13C, Wind Symphony III, 1 unit
Request to remove from catalog.
MUSP 15, Jazz Ensemble, 1 unit
Title and number change. Revised to accommodate repeatability. Replaces
MUSP 16, Jazz Orchestra, 1 unit
Title and number change. Revised to accommodate repeatability. Replaces
MUSP 15B, Jazz Ensemble II, 1 unit
MUSP 16B, Jazz Orchestra II, 1 unit
Request to remove from catalog.
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Jazz Studies, Certificate of Achievement
New. Designed to give music students a jazz option as well as aligning courses with
• Change Performance Option statement to read, “Select course(s) from the
following for a total of 1 unit each semester.”
Music, AA Degree
Revised to accommodate new course numbering. The changes will need state
• Correct titles of MUSP 12 and 13 to read Wind Ensemble and Wind
• Correct the numbering of Guitar I and II: MUSA 20A and 20B
• Correct footnote to read “All music majors will be expected to pass a piano
or guitar proficiency…”
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Victoria) to approve the music packet with changes as noted.
Connie Telles gave an overview of changes being made. She said they are trying to
streamline the program to make the courses more theory packed. There was
discussion on whether adding content from deleted courses to existing courses
increases the courses’ units. Connie replied that the content was already in the
courses. The courses being deleted are redundant.
Nursing 50, 75, 81, 88, and 88L were approved by consent (see above).
Nursing 51, Nursing of the Childbearing Family (Obstetrical Nursing), 4 units
Changes to catalog description and textbooks. Course content separated by
lecture and lab.
Nursing 52, Nursing of the Childrearing Family (Pediatric Nursing), 4 units
Changes to catalog description and textbooks. Course content separated by
lecture and lab.
Nursing 53, Mental Health Nursing, 4 units
Changes to catalog description and textbooks. Course content separated by
lecture and lab.
Nursing 55, Fundamentals of Nursing Practice, 8.5 units
Changes to catalog description and textbooks. Slight modification of topics.
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Nursing 56, Essentials of Nursing Care Related to Human Growth and
Development, 0.5 unit
Minor changes.
Nursing 59, Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family, 8.5 units
Changes to catalog description, abbreviated catalog description and textbooks.
Course content separated by lecture and lab.
Nursing 60A, Adult Health I, 8.5 units
Changes to title, catalog description and textbooks. Course content separated by
lecture and lab.
Nursing 60B, Adult Health II, 6 units
Updated course. Addition of Nursing Practice Act and integration of Nursing 66
Nursing 60C, Adult Health III, 3.5 units
Changes to catalog description and textbooks. Removed corequisite.
Nursing 61, Clinical Nutrition, 1.5 units
Revised textbook. Removed Nursing 74 as a corequisite.
Nursing 66, Advanced Clinical Topics, 0.5 unit
Request to remove from catalog.
Nursing 69, Gerontological Nursing, 1 unit
Revised textbook.
Nursing 73, Intravenous Therapy, 1 unit
Revised textbook. Removed Nursing 74 as a prerequisite.
Nursing 74, The Nursing Care Plan, 1 unit
Request to remove from catalog.
Nursing 75, Fluid and Electrolytes, 1 unit
Revised textbook.
Nursing 81, Obstetrical Nursing Theory, 2 units
Revised content and textbook.
Nursing 82, Pediatric Nursing Theory, 2 units
Revised content and textbook.
Nursing 88, Pathophysiology, 3 units Nursing 73, Intravenous Therapy, 1 unit
Revised textbook. Removed Nursing 74 as a prerequisite.
Nursing 88L, Physical Assessment, 1 unit
Revised catalog description and textbook..
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Nursing, AA Degree
Revised to accommodate deleted courses and title change.
LVN Pathway
Suggestions were made for clarification of information in the two program pages.
Connie will send revisions to Kaaren and Jane.
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Mumford) to accept the Nursing packet as amended.
Early Childhood Development (AA-T)
Edna Rodriggs presented. This Transfer Model Curriculum degree will not
replace the AA degree currently in the catalog. The discipline wants to offer
both. There was discussion on why it is valuable to offer both degrees. Jane
revised the presentation page to put it into the proper TMC format.
MSC (Mumford/Cirera-Perez) to accept the degree as amended.
Nutrition 1, The Science of Nutrition, 3 units
Begoña Cirera-Perez presented. She reported that the revisions to the course
were developed jointly with LPC. Changes have been made to the title, catalog
description and textbooks, and an advisory has been added for Math 65. The
purpose of the changes is to encourage students majoring in the science and
health fields and discourage students who are not prepared.
• Move section “b” from Methods of Evaluating Student Progress into Typical
At 4:00 it was agreed to extend the meeting by 5 minutes.
MSC (Wahamaki/Plondke) to accept Nutrition 1 as amended.
Good of the Order
Jane stated that this is the last meeting of the 2010-2011 year. She thanked the
committee and stated that she is open to any suggestions on how to improve the way the
meetings are run.
Next meeting - February 7, Room 758
The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
kk 12-15-11