CHABOT COLLEGE November 15, 2011 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Jay Mumford, Don Plondke, Ernesto Victoria, Linnea Wahamaki Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg Guests: Tom Clark, Jan Novak, Barbara Ogman, Wayne Phillips, Eric Schultz, Tram VoKumamoto, 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:15 p.m. by the chair, Jane Church. Jane announced that Linnea Wahamaki will be the new representative from Language Arts. 2. Minutes of November 1, 2011 Debbie noted a typo in the date of the next meeting, which should be “November 15.” MSC (Victoria/Chaudhuri) to approve the minutes of November 1, 2011, as corrected. 3. Announcements Jane shared that we have received a letter from the State Chancellor’s Office granting us local approval of stand-alone courses. Jane distributed ASCCC Fall 2011 Resolutions on Repeatability. She asked that members familiarize themselves with the document, stating that these are not in Title 5 yet, but we are moving in that direction. These changes will impact programs in CTE, SOTA, and PE. Jane displayed the course outline for Entrepreneurship 40, which Jan Novak revised in response to the committee’s request that the Expected Outcomes be split into first and second enrollment periods to mirror the labs. 4. MATHEMATICS PROPOSAL (Continued) Presented by Indrani Chadhuri and Tram Vo-Kumamoto. Mathematics 65L, Elementary Algebra with Laboratory, 5.5 units Minor changes to lab content and textbook. Mathematics 47, Mathematics for Liberal Arts, 3 units New course. Replaces Mathematics 40, which will be removed from the catalog. Ernesto commented that he has been waiting for this course. He has wanted such a course for years for non-math-major students. Needed: • Add “or equivalent” after “55B” in the catalog description • Change Typical contact hours to 52.5 • Correct page headers to read “Course Outline for Mathematics 47” Curriculum Committee 11/15/11, Page 2 • Because this course will be proposed for the UC Transfer list, Jane asked Indrani to find a comparable lower division course at a UC to support the request. Mathematics 4908, Applied Algebra and Data Analysis, 6 units New experimental that might replace the two-semester developmental algebra path with a one-semester course designed to focus on skills that explicitly relate to data analysis and quantitative literacy. This path is only for students who are not majoring in mathematics, science, or engineering. Indrani reported that they have removed some topics not needed by students who are not going into calculus and have covered application topics in greater detail. It was noted that as written, this course does not meet transfer requirements. The problem is that as numbered “49” it is a transfer course. Offering this under a basic skills “100” number means that the units could not be used in the Associate Degree, even as an elective. No immediate solution to this situation was pinpointed. It was decided to vote on the course as numbered and change the number later as needed. After discussion, the instructor decided to remove the “May not receive credit” statement. Needed: • Spell out “Mathematics” in the first page heading • Change course number in the Catalog Description and subsequent page headings to “4908” • Remove “May not receive credit if Mathematics 65, 65L or 65B have been completed” • At the end of the Catalog Description paragraph, rewrite hours to read “6 hours lecture, 1 hour laboratory.” • Change Typical contact hours to “lecture 105, laboratory 17.5” • On page 2, add (Lecture) after Course Content • Correct Course Content (Lecture) 1.a.2) to read “Solving for one variable in terms of another” Mathematics, Associate in Science for Transfer Degree New TMC degree. Jane noted that local graduation requirements are not in place with a TMC. She will work with Indrani on formatting. Kaaren referred to the 2011 Catalog Addendum, recently posted online at and cited pages 7 and 22 as having examples of TMCs. Needed: • Work with Jane to correct layout • Correct the titles of Computer Science 15 to “Object-Oriented Programming Methods” and Computer Science 20 to “Introduction to Data Structures” • Replace the local GE requirements with the following: Curriculum Committee 11/15/11, Page 3 • “General Education Courses Complete either the CSU/General Breadth or the (CSU) IGETC pattern.” Add a footnote to the Total minimum units required…60* “*All courses making up the minimum must be transferable to CSU, and a minimum GPA of 2.0 must be maintained.” MSC (Buti/Victoria to approve the Mathematics Packet with changes as noted. 5. ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Wayne Phillips reported that they have been running courses in this revamped discipline (which replaced Electronics and Computer Technology) for 2 ½ years, and are now making changes based on that experience. Electronic Systems Technology 62, Home Technology Systems, 2 units Changes to Catalog Description and textbook. Electronic Systems Technology 63A, IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software I, 2 units New course. There was discussion on whether a student should be able to receive credit for both 63A and 53. Wayne replied that it is not a problem because there is enough new content in the revision. This is a hybrid class and will need to go to the COOL for review. Electronic Systems Technology 63B, IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software II, 2 units New course. These two courses update the personal computer and information technology infrastructure components of the ESYS program. They will replace ESYS 53 and 59. CompTIA, the certifying organization for the industry-recognized A+ exams, restructured the exams in 2009, and ESYS 63A and 63B will better align with the new exams. [NOTE: ESYS 53 and 59 will remain in the 2012-2014 Catalog, but may be removed in the 2013-2014 Catalog Addendum.] Consumer Technology, Certificate of Achievement Replaced ESYS 53 and 59 with ESYS 63A and 63B. Electronic Systems Technology, AS Degree Replaced ESYS 53 and 59 with ESYS 63A and 63B. Added Mathematics 36 and 37 to the list of degree-specific GE options. Ernesto asked whether Chabot’s changes align with the Electronics program at LPC. Wayne replied that faculty on both campuses are working to coordinate their programs so that students can move between campuses easily. Jane commented that it would be helpful for the counselors and evaluators to have a grid showing which courses can be used as substitutions for courses at the other campus. That would help counselors make substitutions rather than sending all Course Substitution Forms to Wayne for completion. MSC (Victoria/Cirera-Perez) to approve the Electronic Systems Technology packet as presented, assuming ratification by the COOL. 6. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Jan Novak, Barbara Ogman, and Eric Schultz presented two new certificates. Curriculum Committee 11/15/11, Page 4 Family Child Care Entrepreneurship, Certificate of Achievement Barbara explained the differences between family child care businesses and child care centers. The certificate would not only provide home child care providers with both the child care and the entrepreneurship skills they will need to start a highquality family child care business but would allow a family day care provider to be licensed as a head teacher if he/she decided to move to a center. It was noted that Entrepreneurship Certificates should be listed under both Entrepreneurship and the home discipline (such as Early Childhood Development) in the Catalog. Music Industry Entrepreneurship, Certificate of Proficiency This certificate is designed to provide students interested in self-employment in the music industry with the essential music business knowledge, a core music recording technology background and essential entrepreneurship skills they will need to successfully start and operate a business. Edna asked why this is being offered as a Certificate of Proficiency rather than Achievement. Jan stated that they are getting a lot of encouragement from the state to get these up and running quickly, and Eric doesn’t think that it would make a difference to the students which type of certificate it is. MSC (Cirera-Perez/Chaudhuri) to approve both new Entrepreneurship certificates. 6. Finalizing Curriculum Calendar Jane announced that there are two meetings left between now and the end of the term, and we are going to get some big proposals to act on before we close the books for this year. We also need time to discuss other business. After discussion, the committee chose to meet on the following dates: • November 29, Room 405 (Business meeting) • December 6, Room 758 • December 13, Room 758 The first meeting in Spring will be February 7, 2012, in Room 758. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. kk 11/1711 c:\documents\word\curric\2011-2012\11-15-11.min.doc