CHABOT COLLEGE October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Jay
Mumford, Don Plondke, Ernesto Victoria
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Susan Sperling
Mireille Giovanola, Rick Moniz, Jan Novak, Kurt Shadbolt,
Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by the chair, Jane Church.
Minutes of October 11, 2011
Jane reported that Shoshanna Tenn decided to use Ernesto’s suggestion, “Classic and
Contemporary Youth Literature,” as the title for English 28, and the course has been
submitted to UC for articulation.
MSC (Buti/Victoria) to approve the minutes of October 11, 2011, as presented.
Nursing 69, Gerontological Nursing, 1 unit
Non- substantive changes. Approved by consensus.
Automotive Technology
Kurt Shadbolt presented. Jane noted that Kurt had submitted all of the renumbered
outlines as “new,” when in fact most of them appear to be revisions. It was decided that
only ATEC 1, 6B, and 10 are actually new, the others are revised.
Kurt discussed why the numbering system for APAU is different from ATEC. It has to
do with billing requirements, because the Joint Apprenticeship Committee pays the
registration fees for apprenticeship students. The coursework in the two programs is
identical, and Kurt provided a table showing how the courses are aligned. Edna
reiterated that we have never issued a degree or certificate in Apprenticeship even
though they have been approved by the state. Kurt is trying to get information on
whether apprenticeship students would be interested in applying for an AS degree or
Automotive Technology (AS)
Automotive Technology (Emphasis in BMW Manufacture Training) (AS)
Automotive Maintenance Technology (Certificate of Achievement)
Automotive Chassis Technology (Certificate of Achievement)
Automotive Drivetrain Technology (Certificate of Achievement)
Automotive Engine Machining (Certificate of Achievement)
Automotive Engine Performance Technology (Certificate of Achievement)
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Automotive Technology 1, Automotive Engines, 4 units
Automotive Technology 6B, Automotive Electrical and Electronic Systems, 3 units
Automotive Technology 10, Automotive Advanced Engine Performance, 3 units
Automotive Technology 2, Automotive Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles,
3 units; changed from Automotive Technology 64B, Automatic
Transmission/Transaxle Assemblies, 3 units
Automotive Technology 3, Automotive Manual Transmissions and Transaxles,
3 units; changed from Automotive Technology 64A, Manual Drive Train and
Axle Assemblies, 3 units
Automotive Technology 4, Automotive Suspension and Steering, 3 units; changed
from Automotive Technology 66, Automotive Steering, Suspension, and
Alignment Systems, 3 units
Automotive Technology 5, Automotive Braking Systems, 3 units; changed from
Automotive Technology 65, Automotive Braking Systems, 3 units
Automotive Technology 6A, Automotive Electrical and Electronic Fundamentals,
4 units; changed from Automotive Technology 60, Automotive
Electrics/Electronics, 4 units
Automotive Technology 7, Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning Systems,
2.5 units; changed from Automotive Technology 62, Automotive Air
Conditioning, Cooling and Heating Systems, 2.5 units
Automotive Technology 8, Automotive Air and Fuel Delivery Systems, 4 units;
changed from Automotive Technology 61, Automotive Fuel Induction Systems,
4 units
Automotive Technology 50, Introduction to Automotive Technology, 3 units;
changed from Automotive Technology 50, Automotive Fundamentals, 2.5 units.
These courses have repeatability and textbook changes
Automotive Technology 63A, Introduction to Engines and Machining Processes,
3 units
Automotive Technology 63B, Engines, Machining and Assembly Processes, 3 units
Automotive Technology 90, Hybrid Vehicle Operation and Servicing, 2 units
BMW 10, BMW Technical Systems, 5 units
BMW 20, BMW Body Electronics, 5 units
BMW Chassis Dynamics, 5 units
BMW Engine Electronics and Engine Technology, 5 units
Automotive Technology 68, California BAR Basic and Advanced Clean Air Car
Course, 5 units
MSC (Victoria/Cirera-Perez) to approve the Automotive Technology packet as
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Environmental Studies
Presented by Don Plondke and Mireille Giovanola. New AA degree composed of
existing, articulated courses. Because all of these courses are currently being offered,
there will be no FTEF difficulties. Degree consists of a 12-unit core with four areas of
Emphasis 1 – The Social/Behavioral Environment
Emphasis 2 – Social Issues and Ethics
Emphasis 3 – Environment and Human Health
Emphasis 4 – The Physical/Ecological Environment
Discussion included:
Should Geography 10 be in all areas of emphasis?
Perceived lack of hands-on experiences in some areas of emphasis.
Possible content changes based on requests from the state when the course is
submitted for approval.
Should ECD 40, Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning, be
replaced with ECD 54, Child Health, Safety and Nutrition? Mireille will check
with the ECD faculty and get their feedback. Jane asked that she let us know the
decision before the November 1 meeting.
MSC (Victoria/Cirera-Perez) to approve the Environmental Studies packet as
presented. After discussion, Ernesto amended the motion to include replacing ECD 40
with ECD 54 if the ECD discipline is in agreement.
Jan Novak reported that faculty have been offering courses in this discipline for over a
year, and are making revisions based on their experience. Also being presented are a
new course and an AS degree.
Entrepreneurship 1, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, 3 units
Minor changes to catalog description and textbooks.
Entrepreneurship 10, Evaluating New Business Opportunities, 2 units; changed from
Entrepreneurship 10, Identifying and Analyzing New business Opportunities, 2 units.
Entrepreneurship 20, Marketing for Entrepreneurs, 2 units
Minor changes, shift in emphasis.
Entrepreneurship 30, The Business Plan, 3 units
Prerequisite and advisory changes.
Entrepreneurship 40, Business Incubation and Launch, 2 units
New course. Jan stated that this is being proposed as a repeatable class because
starting a business does not run on a semester schedule. Jane spoke to the need for
different content being needed for each repeat, and the discussion centered on
whether it would be better to show that on the course outline or to break the course
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into 40A, 40B, etc. Jan decided that she would reduce the repetitions to one, and
will provide separate lab content for the first enrollment and the second enrollment.
• decrease repeats to “one”
• laboratory content divided into first and second enrollment periods
• revised course outline including the above changes
Entrepreneurship, Certificate of Proficiency
Revised. Changes in coursework, including addition of Entrepreneurship 40. Edna
asked whether the discipline has considered petitioning the state to make this a
Certificate of Achievement, because Certificates of Proficiency are not transcripted.
Entrepreneurship, Associate in Science Degree
New degree. The 33-unit core requirement is justified based on the significant
knowledge base students will need to improve their chances of business success.
The 6-unit options list reflects the diversity of business ideas that students may
pursue, and gives them the flexibility to select areas for deeper study that will best
enhance the success of their chosen business concept.
Kaaren noted that if we wait until the next meeting to vote, we will be too late to submit
the new degree for the November board meeting.
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Mumford) to approve the Entrepreneurship proposal contingent
upon changes being made to Entrepreneurship 40. [NOTE: The revised outline and
rationale were waiting in my inbox when I came in on Wednesday, and they are attached.
Faces of Cuba
Presented by Rick Moniz. Rick explained that this was a popular course in the past, but
has not been offered since 2004 because of travel restrictions. Student travel to Cuba has
just been reopened.
The trip will be led by Rick and LPC instructor Catherine Suarez, and will provide
students an opportunity for an intensive study of Cuban culture: literature, history, the
arts, sociology, the economy, medicine, faith, education and politics, and Cuba's historical
relationship to and with the United States. This will be Rick’s 21st trip to Cuba.
General Studies 49.18, Faces of Cuba Travel Studies, 1 unit
• Add “[Typical contact hours: 17.5]”
• Add a final project to Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
• Add a Typical Textbook
• Edit the Abbreviated Course Description to read, “This is a travel
studies…Students travel to Cuba at their own expense and learn about…”
MSC (Buti/Plondke) to accept General Studies 49.18 based on revisions as noted.
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Good of the Order
Jane has sent an email to the campus saying that the last day to submit proposals for the
2012 year is November 15. That will give the committee two meetings in December to
finalize their work for the year.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Next meeting: November 1, 2011.
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