CHABOT COLLEGE September 20, 2011 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Alyn Campi (ASCC), Indrani Chaudhuri, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Lynn Klein, Don Plondke, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda Ex-Officio Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg Guests: Mireille Giovanola, William Hanson, Sara Parker, Kip Waldo 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by the chair, Jane Church. Jane reported that as we are now on a year-round submission cycle, the calendar started in January. This is the first meeting of the second half of the cycle, and courses approved this semester will go into effect in Fall 2012. Those present introduced themselves. 2. Minutes of May 10, 2011 MSC (Cirera-Perez/Buti) to approve the minutes of May 10, 2011, as presented. 3. Role of the Division Representatives to the Curriculum Committee Currently we have two divisions without representatives and some representatives who cannot come until the second half of the meeting. There was discussion on how difficult it will be to conduct business without full membership. MSC (Cirera-Perez/Buti) that the chair advise divisions which are proposing changes that if they have no representative, review of their proposals will be delayed. Jane shared a draft document on the role of the Division Rep to the Curriculum Committee she had prepared and asked for comments. She developed the draft with an eye toward preparing for transfer to CurricUNET. She commented that the tighter a packet is when it comes to the committee, the faster it can be processed. 4. Administration of Justice/Political Science 45, Law and Democracy, 3 units Presented by William Hanson and Sara Parker. New, cross-listed course, which will be team taught. The outline shown at the meeting was not the latest version. Jane apologized and said she would send the correct one to the committee. This course will be listed as an option in the Political Science AA-T Degree. Jane told William and Sara that if they want to add the course to their existing AA degrees, they should write up proposals and send them to her. MSC (Cirera-Perez/Klein) to accept the course effective Fall 2012. 5. Anthropology 4, Language and Culture, 3 units New course, presented by Mireille Giovanola, and Kip Waldo. Anthropology is divided into four fields: Biological/Physical Anthropology, Archaeology, Social/Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistic Anthropology, which is currently not represented in our Curriculum Committee 9/20/11, Page 2 curriculum. This course would round out our offerings. In answer to a question from Jane about identifying a UC comparable course, Kip stated that UC Davis offers a lowerdivision course, Anthropology 4, Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics. Needed: • At the end of the Catalog Description, say “3 hours. [Typical contact hours: 52.5]” • Under Methods of Evaluating Student Progress, correct c. to read, “Final examination or project: As a final capstone project…” MSC (Buti/Plondke) to approve Anthropology 4 pending corrections as noted. 6. MINOR CHANGES (Consent or FYI changes) Art 57, Graphic Design Internship, 2 units Removal of prerequisite Computer Science 14, Introduction to Structured Programming In C++, 4 units Addition of advisory: eligibility for English 1A. Physical Education 2FSC, Fire Science Conditioning, 1 unit Nursing 69 (tabled until October 11 meeting) DELETIONS (Consent or FYI changes) Political Science 40, Contemporary Issues in American Politics, 3 units Consent items were approved by consensus. 7. Good of the Order Jane shared a list of Duties of a Curriculum Chair, obtained from the state Academic Senate. Indrani and Lynn stated that it would be helpful to know what they should be looking for when reviewing course outlines. Jane will be happy to conduct training sessions on the weeks that the committee isn’t meeting to approve submissions. Jane explained the Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) degrees. We are expecting TMCs in Mathematics, Political Science, and Business. Jane reported that repeatability was a topic of discussion at the Curriculum Institute. She would like to add an area to the Rationale form for justification of repeatability. 8. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Next meetings: October 11 and 18, 2011 (regular-Room 751) and October 25 (training). kk 9/22/11 c:\documents\word\curric\2011-2012\9-20-11.min.doc