CHABOT COLLEGE November 30, 2010

November 30, 2010
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Barbara Ogman, Catherine Pinkas, Wayne
Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu
Members Present:
Jane Church, Kaaren Krueg
Bob Buell, Hisako Hintz, Roberto Mendez, Eric Schultz, Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. by the chair, Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of November 16, 2010
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Ogman) to approve the minutes of November 16, 2010, as
Election of New Chair
Wayne has consulted with Dale Wagoner and Jim Matthews on procedures. On their
advice, he will not be presiding over the election. He has asked Debbie to chair this part
of the meeting. Candidates (Jane Church and Begoña Cirera-Perez) will not be present
for discussion. The election will be by confidential ballot, and the results will be
retroactively unanimous (i.e., the count will not be revealed). Since not all voting
members were yet in attendance, the election was postponed until later in the meeting.
Minor Changes (Consent or FYI changes)
Computer Science 15, Object Oriented Programming Methods, 4 units
Computer Science 20, Introduction to Data Structures, 4 units
“in C++” has been removed from both titles. Other changes are minor.
Eric Schultz presented. He explained that the proposed changes are the result of
having taught the courses for a year and discovering that there was a need for more
class time in certain areas.
Music Recording and Technology 22A, Electronic Music Production I, 3 units
Music Recording and Technology 22B, Electronic Music Production II, 3 units
Music Recording and Technology 25, Live Concert Sound, 1 unit
Music Recording and Technology 21B, Audio Recording II, 3 units
Being replaced by MURT 23. Remove from catalog.
Music Recording and Technology 27, Music Business, 3 units
Being replaced by MURT 26 and 28. Remove from catalog.
Music Recording and Technology 21, Audio Recording I, 3 units
Number changed from MURT 21A.
Curriculum Committee
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Music Recording and Technology 23, Audio Recording II, 3 units
Replaces MURT 21B.
MSC (Shannon/Victoria) to add MURT 21 and 23 to the list of Minor Changes.
The minor changes were approved by consent.
Major Changes
Music Recording and Technology 24, Advanced Mixing Techniques, 3 units
Music Recording and Technology 26, Music Business and the Law, 3 units
Music Recording and Technology 28, Music Industry Career Development,
3 units
These are new courses. Patricia Shannon asked about the repeatability. Eric
replied that to be consistent he gave these courses the same repeatability as those
already approved. Patricia agreed that the repeatability might be justified as
“improving mastery.”
The committee made various suggestions concerning wording in the Course
Content and Expected Outcomes sections, stressing the need for differentiation
between Lecture and Laboratory content. Eric made the changes at the meeting
and will email new outlines to the secretary. He is not submitting degree and
certificate proposals at this time.
MSC (Shannon/Cirera-Perez) to approve MURT 24, 26, and 28 with changes as
noted. Eric thanked the committee for taking his changes at the last minute.
Christine Warda has been working with Arturo Lopez Yanez on revisions. He has
agreed to keeping ASL in the titles and inserting “Following an immersion
instruction format, the class is entirely taught in the target world language of the
selected course” to mirror the outlines for other world languages. Arturo has not
been able to meet with the Articulation Officer yet. He needs to schedule an
MSC (Shannon/Victoria) to review Sign Language 24, 26, and 28 and vote via
email as long as the outlines are received on or before noon on December 8.
Hisako Hintz presented. Because experimental courses numbered “49” are
transferable, we will be using 149M and 149N to identify these courses.
English as a Second Language 149M, Basic ESL Support for Career
Technical Education, ½ unit
English as a Second Language 149N, Intermediate ESL Support for Career
Technical Education, ½ unit
Discussion revealed that students can qualify for these courses either by passing ESL
110B or by demonstrating eligibility for ESL 110C via the ESL Placement Process.
Suggestions were made on how to show increased learning expectations from course
to course.
MSC (Shannon/Cirera-Perez) to accept these courses with prerequisites spelled
out in the catalog description and the Prerequisite Skills section completed.
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Election of New Chair (Continued)
All voting members being present, Wayne turned the gavel over to Debbie.
MSC (Pitcher/Victoria) to engage in discussion. The candidates were asked to leave
the room. A confidential discussion took place.
MSC (Pitcher/Shannon) to limit the Chair’s term of office to two years, establish a
Vice-Chair position, with the Vice-Chair succeeding the Chair, and follow these
changes through the appropriate governance groups to final approval.
Further discussion of the candidates’ fit to the needs of the committee ensued. A
proposal was constructed, but no vote was taken pending Faculty Senate approval of
changes to the committee structure outlined above.
The candidates rejoined the meeting. Wayne took back the chair and read the following
We would like to propose to have a chair and vice-chair. We feel both of you
bring valuable skills to the table. At this time we want Jane to be chair with
Begoña as vice-chair. Jane and Begoña will work together with Jane mentoring
Begoña for future succession as chair.
The committee will meet briefly next Tuesday to review and rewrite their charge.
[Note: In researching the committee structure I discovered the following on pages 56 of the Chabot College Shared Governance and Collegial Consultation Process. kk]
Open meetings mean that any individual may join and fully participate in the meetings of the Governance
groups designated as having open meetings.
The Committee for the subsequent year will be formed in the spring (approximately April) of the previous
academic year. New appointees will take office on July 1.
The Chair, or co-Chairs, of the Committee, if not designated, will be elected by the core representatives in the
spring term and take office on July 1.
Following the vote for Chair, all open meetings will be conducted via the consensus model.
Agendas for all open meetings must be posted* and distributed by 9:00 a.m. the day before the meeting.
Minutes, for meetings that have them, will be distributed* one day after their approval.
Representatives of various governance groups, identified as core representatives, bear the primary
responsibility for both informing their constituency of the committees’ work and informing the committee of the
constituency’s position on matters under deliberation. It is not the Committee Chair or College
Administration’s responsibility to inform constituency groups of matters under deliberation by the governance
Chairs of Committees, unless designated, shall not normally serve for more than three consecutive years.
Chair may mean Chair or co-Chair.
Changes to this document must be proposed to the College Council and ultimately approved by the College
President and President of the Academic/Faculty Senate. Specifically if a committee wishes to change its
charge, representation, or reporting responsibilities, this process must be followed.
Next Meeting: December 7, 2010, Room TBA.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
kk 12/1/10