CHABOT COLLEGE October 19, 2010

October 19, 2010
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Barbara Ogman, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia
Shannon, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Susan Tong, Dale Wagoner
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of October 12, 2010
MSC (Ogman/Buti) to approve the minutes of October 12, 2010, as presented.
Presentation to Academic/Faculty Senate
Wayne reported that in accordance with suggestions by the Curriculum Committee, he
focused on the “big picture,” but in response to questions from the audience, he ended up
going through the whole presentation. Patricia Shannon, who was in attendance at the
Senate meeting, thought the general feeling was positive, although there were some
concerns about training and expertise.
Health/PE/Athletics Proposal
Health 85, Emergency Medical Technician – Basic: Refresher, 1.5 units
Begoña Cirera-Perez presented.
Changes made at meeting:
• Punctuation of Title – (see above for correct format)
• Changed “(May be repeated 3 times)” to “(May be repeated)”
• Removed “projected future needs” section from Abbreviated Course
• Add “[Typical contact hours: 24]” to end of catalog description.
There was discussion on the fact that the prerequisite (current EMT certification) is
not Banner enforceable. Currently, the instructor(s) verify the prerequisite.
Christine asked whether a line could be added in the Schedule of Classes saying
“Please bring verification of current EMT certification to the first meeting.” This
could be either part of the Abbreviated Course Description or a Schedule Note.
It was unclear from the dean’s checklist whether consultation with LPC actually
MSC (Shannon/Victoria) to accept Health 85 with revisions as noted.
PACE Proposal
Susan Tong presented. She reported that she consulted with Julie Machado and Christine
Warda among others. As a result of her research, she is now proposing just one course:
Curriculum Committee
10-19-10, Page 2
Psychology-Counseling 49.14, PACE Student Success and Transfer, .5 unit
Julie Machado, a counselor, will teach the class, with Susan volunteering as a
guest lecturer at no cost to the college.
Needed: Typical contact hours.
In place of General Studies 12 and 13, discussed at the October 5 meeting, the
program will offer a section of General Studies 1, Introduction to Online Learning.
In a general discussion about repeatability of experimental courses, Wayne asked
whether the course might be cross listed as both General Studies and PsychologyCounseling when it is brought back for a regular number.
Ernesto voiced his approval of the revised course. Patricia Shannon complemented
Susan on taking the concerns of the committee seriously and making changes based
on their comments. Ernesto agreed.
MSC (Warda/Victoria) to accept the course with contact hours added.
Good of the Order
Jane reported on an Articulation Officers Regional Meeting she recently attended. In
response to information gained at that meeting, she has changed her mind about the
“quick fix” she was considering for SB 1440.
In response to the new legislation, the State Academic Senate has been asked to convene
intersegmental discipline faculty groups to determine what courses would make up
transfer patterns in common majors. They would work with the C-ID numbering system
that is replacing LDTP.
A discussion of what is driving this proposal resulted in the following:
diversification of requirements at various 4-year institutions, making it difficult
for students to move among colleges;
difficulty for students to complete a degree in four years;
Parents’ expectations.
On a separate topic, Jane expressed concern about the reduction of courses being offered,
especially in areas with no full-time instructors. As a counselor, she is finding it difficult
to respond to students’ questions about when they will be able to complete degree and
certificate programs.
This is an economic problem, and all areas are having to make hard decisions. Patricia
Shannon noted a need for a college-wide discussion on what we are going to offer or not
offer. There was general discussion on how disciplines decide which sections to cut,
trying to minimize impact on students.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Next Meeting: November 2, 2010, Room 1506
kk 10/20/10