CHABOT COLLEGE October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Barbara Ogman, Catherine Pinkas, Wayne
Pitcher, Patricia Shannon, Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg
Gary Carter, John Komisar, Mark Schaeffer, Eric Schultz, Clayton Thiel
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of October 5, 2010
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Ogman) to approve the minutes of October 5, 2010, as presented.
School of the Arts Proposals
MINOR CHANGES (Consent or FYI changes)
Art 11, Design, Materials, and Color, 3 units
Art 12B, Oil/Acrylic Painting – Beginning II, 3 units
Art 12C, Oil/Acrylic Painting – Advanced I, 3 units
Art 12D, Oil/Acrylic Painting – Advanced II, 3 units
Art 13B, Acrylic Painting – Beginning II, 3 units
Art 13C, Acrylic Painting – Advanced I, 3 units
Art 13D, Acrylic Painting – Advanced II, 3 units
Art History 50, Introduction to Museum and Gallery Techniques, 3 units
Art History 51, Introduction to Museum Studies, 4.5 units
Digital Media 36A, Final Cut I, 1.5 units
Digital Media 36B, Final Cut II, 1.5 units
Digital Media Certificate
Music (MUSP) 13A, Wind Symphony I, 1 unit
Music (MUSP) 13B, Wind Symphony II, 1 unit
Music (MUSP) 13C, Wind Symphony III, 1 unit
Minor Changes were approved by consent.
John Komisar presented.
Art 12A, Oil/Acrylic Painting – Beginning I, 3 units
Art 13A, Acrylic Painting – Beginning I, 3 units
Curriculum Committee
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After discussion on the nature of an “advisory” requisite, the instructor agreed to
change the wording back to “Strongly recommended: Art 2A.” on both
MSC (Ogman/Cirera-Perez) to accept Art 12A and 13A as revised.
Mark Schaeffer presented.
Digital Media 40, Individual Projects in Digital Media, 1 unit
The instructor is requesting 3 repeats for this course.
Wayne checked the restrictions on repeatability in Title 5, and the committee
concluded that this course may be repeated.
There was discussion on whether completion of the prerequisite courses with a
“B” or higher is legal. It was decided that it is not. After a discussion with the
instructor on the reasons for the prerequisite (limiting the course to serious
students), Patricia Shannon suggested using a portfolio as an “audition” rather
than grades in a class. She cited MUSA 11A, Jazz Improvisation I, as an
example. The instructor agreed to the suggestion.
• Change the prerequisite statement to “Enrollment by portfolio or
permission of instructor.”
• List Prerequisite Skills as “None”
MSC (Victoria/Warda) to accept Digital Media 40 with changes as noted.
Music Recording and Technology, AS Degree
Eric Schultz presented. Wayne told Eric that he would get the forms to him for
presenting the degree and certificate for state approval.
There was discussion on:
• the differences between an AA and an AS Degree;
• likely next steps for students earning this degree;
• the possibility of developing both an AA and an AS and letting the
student choose which to take.
MSC (Buti/Cirera-Perez) to ask Eric to come back with completed program
Eric asked at what point he can tell students that this is the pattern that will be
used. Jane responded that until the state approves his degree(s), we can write
individual occupational majors for students who have completed the degree or
Curriculum Committee
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Presentations to Faculty Senate on October 14
Wayne distributed a page summarizing the Year-long Curriculum Cycle, which he will
use as a handout at the Senate meeting. He also shared a PowerPoint presentation with
the committee.
Patricia Shannon noted that Wayne will probably have 5 minutes for his presentation,
and in that time he can make 3 points. Discussion yielded the following suggestions:
• Talk about the BIG picture.
• Stress that we have streamlined the process.
• De-mystify the process.
• CurricUNET is going to make life easier for everyone.
• Curriculum Committee and CurricUNET Steering Committee members will be
available to help.
Christine reported that Michael Langdon is willing to submit courses during the spring
Pilot Program.
Jane distributed fliers, the text of SB 1440, her summary of that text, and a page from the
Ohlone College catalog showing how they are notifying students of residency
requirements. She discussed how SB 1440 might affect the way we offer our transfer
degrees, and the possible necessity for a catalog redesign. Patricia Shannon suggested
talking about what Jane sees as the main impact on our degree (the local requirements).
Our most immediate problem seems to be how to keep requirements for which we will
not be reimbursed by the state. Patricia noted that we need to begin that conversation
sooner rather than later.
Good of the Order
The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
Next Meeting: October 19, 2010, Room 1506
kk 10/13/10