CHABOT COLLEGE September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Barbara Ogman, Judy O'Toole, Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Shannon,
Ernesto Victoria, Christine Warda, Patricia Wu
Members Present:
Jane Church, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, George Railey
Kathy Kelley, Carole Splendore
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of August 31, 2010
Item #7 was corrected. The second paragraph should refer to Art History 7, not Art
History 4.
MSC (Ogman/Victoria) to approve the minutes of August 31, 2010, as corrected.
Barbara stated that she found the discussion on experimentals at the last meeting to be
useful to her role as a committee rep.
Wayne introduced Judy O'Toole, who is replacing Jaswinder Bhangal as this year's rep
from the Applied Technology and Business Division.
Stand-alone course approval training update
Wayne thanked those who attended the CCCConfer session on September 7. For those
who were not able to participate, Wayne will email the information on how to access the
Curriculum training
Wayne distributed "Changes Which Trigger Course Outline Review." He reported that
Patricia Shannon is working on the Curriculum Handbook. It is not quite finished
because we have not yet implemented CurricUNET. Jon Palacio is chairing the
CurricUNET steering committee. We are in the process of getting the bugs out of the
system. We hope to be beta testing at the end of Fall Semester and piloting starting in
the Spring.
Diane Zuliani will be presenting a revision to Art History 7 for resubmission to UC. It
was noted that if you have a course that targets 6 different cultures you should have a
text for each culture.
Jane stated that in her opinion, the revision to ECD 51 has enough changes that it should
have a new number. (ECD 56 has been chosen). She has spoken with LPC, and they are
willing to change their course to match. Wayne scheduled review of this course for
September 21.
Edna reported that LPC has gained state approval for their Early Childhood Development
(Associate Teacher) to be a Certificate of Achievement. Chabot's remains a Certificate
of Proficiency. We should petition the state for the same approval.
Curriculum Committee
9-14-10, Page 2
SLOs and the Curriculum Committee (Carole Splendore)
Carole described the process used last year to create CLOs in preparation for the ACCJC
(WASC) visit. We aimed for one CLO per course, and ACCJC said that was
insufficient. The SLOAC (Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment Cycle)
Committee has changed the requirement based on course units:
1 unit - 1 outcome
2 units - 2 outcomes
More than 3 units - 3 outcomes
As clarification, Carole reported that when the project started, we referred to “SLOs”
because we were only doing one kind of learning outcome. Since then, we have changed
to CLOs (Course Learning Outcomes) and PLOs (Program Learning Outcomes). We also
have Collegewide (Institutional) Learning Goals.
Wayne led a discussion on the pros and cons of including CLOs on the course outline.
Christine asked the difference between Expected Outcomes on the course outline and
CLOs. A CLO is a summary of the Expected Outcomes. It was noted that 4-year schools
do not have course outlines, only syllabi. There was discussion on the differences
between course outlines and syllabi.
There was discussion on the standardization of K-12 education and whether the trend is
spreading to the college level. The fact that not all students come into a course with the
same preparation was discussed. Wayne mentioned that pre- and post-testing would
measure each student’s amount of improvement.
Wayne summarized that SLOs are a work in progress. He will keep the committee
updated on how CurricUNET is going to attach SLOs to course outlines.
Good of the Order
Wayne reminded the committee that he is stepping down as chair at the end of this
semester. Anyone who is interested in replacing him should talk to him or to Kathy
Kelley, President of the Academic/Faculty Senate.
Jane is still concerned about course outline alignment between Chabot and LPC. LPC
still contends that outlines need only an 80% match. She thinks this number came from
LDTP. She said as this is an ongoing problem, maybe it is time for us to think about
changing our policy. Patricia Shannon responded that last year we asked the District
Curriculum Council to resolve this issue. She thinks we should hold to that request as
this is a district issue.
Christine went through a couple of interactions she has had with faculty and asked for
input from the committee.
Basic Skills is thinking of increasing units on some of their courses. Christine
told them that they would have to increase content to account for the increased
hours. The committee agreed with her response.
Foreign Languages want to add repeatability to their conversational courses.
Consensus is that it is not allowed.
Next Meeting: September 21, 2010
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
kk 9/22/10 c:\documents\word\curric\2010-2011\9-14-10.min.doc
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