Curriculum Committee December 11, 2012 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Luis Flores (ASCC), Donna Gibson, Dov Hassan, Jay Mumford, Don Plondke, Ernesto Victoria, Linnea Wahamaki Ex-Officio: Kaaren Krueg, Tram Vo-Kumamoto Guests: Aldrian Estepa, Rani Nijjar 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:08 by the chair, Jane Church. 2. Minutes of December 4, 2012 A typo was corrected. Begoña asked that her comment, “The committee is becoming an ‘editing’ committee.” be added. MSC (Cirera-Perez/Victoria) to approve the minutes of December 4 as amended. 3. Consent Agenda Jane brought Dov up to date on the consent process. a. Course Modifications BUS 10, Business Law, 4 units KINE 10, Nutrition for Fitness and Fat Loss, 3 units Reword Typical Assignment A to read “Read and be prepared to discuss…” KINE 11, Nutrition for Sports and Human Performance, 3 units Jane explained that she was waiting until Dov was in attendance to approve these courses because he had made a number of comments when he reviewed them. Dov said that he didn’t feel his suggestions were important enough to hold up approval. KINE 13, American Red Cross Lifeguarding, 2 units LIBS 2, Library Research and Information Literacy Skills via Popular Culture, 2 units MSC (Buti/Flores) to approve the above list as discussed. A general discussion ensued, covering the following: • Where do these courses fit into the program? • Do they transfer? • Are we cluttering our course list with classes that do not benefit our students? (Donna) • Why are we offering a Kinesiology class that is the same as a Nutrition class? Curriculum Committee 12/11/12, Page 2 • Should we offer courses that are valuable to our students whether or not they fit into our programs? (Begoña) Dov offered the opinion that the Committee should not be taking on programmatic decisions. Jane stated that this conversation should have occurred within the division during pre-launch. She added that while she has seen the committee vote down courses that do not meet a general education area, she is not aware of its voting down courses outright. She also spoke to our current lack of a handbook; having one might help answer these questions. b. Courses Proposed for IGETC/CSU/GE Review Jane distributed a list of courses she would like to submit for review by December 14. She reminded the committee that courses accepted in this submission become effective Fall 2013. If we miss this date, courses cannot be submitted until next December and will be effective Fall 2014. ENGL 31, Introduction to Gay and Lesbian Literature HUMN 50, The Artful Life HUMN 65, The American Style PSY 4, Introduction to Biological Psychology (see item #8) PSY 5, Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (see item #8) CHIN 1B, Elementary Chinese FRNC 1B, Elementary French GERM 1B, Elementary German ITAL 1B, Elementary Italian JPN 1B, Elementary Japanese SPA 1B, Elementary Spanish Jane added PSY 4 and PSY 5, courses being submitted as part of the proposed AA-T in Psychology, in the hopes that the committee can approve them in time for the IGETC/CSU/GE Review. Vote was delayed until after the faculty’s presentation later in the meeting (see item #8). 4. Equivalency Project with LPC Donna reported that her division is having a problem with CHEM 10 equivalency. LPC has started validating the list, and may contact their counterparts at Chabot.. If you haven’t heard from them, please start your own process and contact your counterpart at LPC. We are aiming for the March Board meeting. 5. Narrative Forms Required by the State Jane has requested that faculty proposing new or modified programs complete and include-the state required narrative forms (CCC501, 501, or 511) to aid the committee in their work. Curriculum Committee 12/11/12, Page 3 Don argued that the forms are part of the state approval process, and should not have a place in our approval process. He feels that the timing of completing these forms should be up to the proposer and dean. Jane replied that in order to put a program in the catalog it must be submitted to and receive approval from the state. Therefore, the state forms are part of our process. She added that the state forms address many of the things that used to be on our Statement of Rationale. Tram initiated a discussion on whether the committee should be aware of what the state requirements are when they are making decisions about programs. She clarified that we are looking for useful information to help our decision making, not the forms themselves. For the record, she added that this was a discussion only, and no vote was taken. 6. CurricUNET Review Process Don raised a question about courses under review “disappearing” from view. In a discussion, Jane commented that she has occasionally removed a proposal from the approval process at the author’s request so that changes could be made. In such cases, the author must resubmit the course into the approval process. Don disagrees with this action, stating that it wastes the time of the other committee members who may have already reviewed the course and made comments. Jane is not sure whether the action of removing and resubmitting negates previous comments. She will check with Governet. Tram commented that she does want to keep track of proposals’ flow through the process and asked who gets to see the data? Consensus was that proposals should not be removed from the approval process once launched. Send back as if requesting changes so that information remains visible to the committee. 7. Families Jane received the draft Families charts from School of the Arts. She apologized for failing to include them on today’s agenda. She will send Dov’s email with the charts to the committee; please review them and send comments to both Jane and Dov. 8. Presentation of PSY AA-T and accompanying courses Rani Nijjar and Aldrian Estepa joined the meeting to discuss their proposal. This would be the first Psychology degree offered at Chabot. Rani told us that developing the program took the whole semester. AA-T, Psychology, 19-23 units PSY 2, Introduction to Psychological Methodology, 3 units Submitted for C-ID approval in May. Sent back because the state wanted PSY 1 and a Math stats class as prerequisites. PSY 4, Introduction to Biological Psychology, 3 units This is a new course; it is the only course required by the state that we didn’t have. Curriculum Committee 12/11/12, Page 4 PSY 5, Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 4 units This existing course has been modified to meet the state’s requirement of a course in Elementary Statistics (Psychological, Behavioral, or Social Science Stats preferred). In answer to a question by Tram, Rani replied that many of her students transfer to CSUEB; however, many of the electives in this program also transfer to UC Berkeley. Donna asked whether Rani had talked with the math faculty about this course. Math faculty are afraid that students will take PSY 5 and then claim credit for MTH 43, because the prereqs are the same. Tram also has concerns. Many disciplines on campus seem to be developing stats courses. Jane asked for approval of PSY 4 and 5, and a vote on item 3.b., above. Donna does not feel comfortable acting on the PSY courses if there has been no consultation with her division. Rani thanked the committee for their time. She stated that psychology faculty are focusing on developing a strong TMC for the students, not on becoming a math discipline. MSC (Gibson/Wahamaki) to remove PSY 4 and 5 from the IGETC/CSU/GE submission list, with the understanding that they will not be submitted until Fall 2013 with approval for Fall 2014. Motioned carried: 5 yeas, 2 nays. MSC (Gibson/Wahamaki) to approve the rest of the IGETC/CSU/GE submission list (See item 3.b.). 9. Good of the Order Kaaren reported that MTT 71C was left off the list of repeatability removals approved at the November 27 meeting. She removed repeatability along with the rest of the courses in the discipline. Jane asked reps to go back to their divisions and identify any courses that still need removal of repeatability. 10. kk 12-13-12 The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 PM. Next meeting: February 5, 2013. c:\documents\word\curric\2012-13\12-11-12.min.doc