SOCIETY OF PHYSICS STUDENTS (SPS) EVENT Physics Department Fall Semester Welcome Party (AND FREE FOOD!!!) Abstract: Society of Physics Students (SPS) cordially invites ALL INTERESTED STUDENTS to our department’s Fall Semester Welcome Party. Come to say “hello” to the physics faculty, staff and students and learn about why we think: PHYSICS IS FUN! You’ll also learn about our programs, new physics classes, physics research projects, and even summer employment opportunities. Our short program will highlight multiple strengths of our department. It will include: welcoming messages from the SPS president, Krista Freeman, and the Physics Department Chair, Dr. Kaufman; a quick self-introduction and delightful musical performance by SPS officers; and (as always!) lots of pizza. So stop by on Thursday for fun, food, and friends in Physics! WHERE SI – 117 (room next to the Physics Computer Lab) WHEN Noon- 1pm Thursday, September 17, 2009