Benthic Invertebrates of the Lower West River

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Benthic Invertebrates of the Lower West River
Carmela Cuomo
Wesleyan University
Gabriele A. Zinn
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
The purpose of this study was to document existing benthic organisms of the lower West River in New Haven and
West Haven, Connecticut, in order to enable monitoring of salt marsh restoration. Seventeen sites were sampled
between the Chapel Street Bridge and the mouth of the West River during the month of July 1995. All sites contained
polychaete worms and other organisms typical of estuarine systems. The northernmost sites also contained some
freshwater organisms, the most abundant of which were chironomids and freshwater snails. The presence of estuarine
fauna within tide-restricted portions of the West River is attributed primarily to the malfunctioning of tide gates during
the sampling season in combination with a regional drought. These conditions provided a favorable environment for
estuarine organisms to colonize and provided an opportunity to determine that restoration of the estuarine benthos
would occur if estuarine water flow was returned to the river as a part of salt marsh restoration. Periodic sampling of
the benthic community would be an effective component of restoration monitoring.
Benthic invertebrate communities are integral components of
both freshwater and estuarine systems. The benthos – those organisms that live on or within sediments – influence sediment and
bottom-water chemistry (Rhoads et al. 1977, Aller 1980, 1982), alter
sediment organic content (Pearson and Rosenberg 1978) and structure (Rhoads and Young 1970, 1971, Bokuniewicz et al. 1975, Rhoads
et al. 1978, Rhoads and Boyer 1982), and serve as major prey species
for crustaceans and fish (Virnstein 1977). Although freshwater and
estuarine benthos perform similar ecological functions, organismal
composition is quite different. Common members of freshwater
benthic communities include oligochaete worms, chironomids
(dipteran larvae), numerous other insect larvae, insect adults,
leeches, freshwater gastropods (snails), and freshwater bivalves (e.g.,
clams). Estuarine benthos typically include nematode worms, polychaete worms, amphipods, crustaceans, marine gastropods, and
marine mollusks.
Rhoads and Germano (1982) documented a series of predictable,
successional stages for estuarine benthic communities. These successional sequences (Stages I, II and III) are characterized by particular,
functional types of benthic organisms. One functional type succeeds
another over time if all else remains stable. Organisms comprising
Stage I estuarine assemblages colonize newly available seafloor, such
as that which becomes available when a freshwater habitat is inundated by saline water. A change in benthic community composition
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from freshwater benthos to a Stage I estuarine benthic assemblage
can be expected to occur with salt marsh restoration. As saline
estuarine waters are introduced into a freshwater marsh environment, freshwater organisms such as chironomids, leeches, and oligochaetes will be replaced by salt-tolerant Stage I organisms such as
polychaete worms and amphipods.
The purpose of this study was to document the existing benthic
organisms and habitat characteristics (e.g. salinity, sediment type,
dissolved oxygen) of the lower regions of the West River. These data
were intended to form the basis for monitoring changes as a result
of salt marsh restoration.
Field collections were undertaken during July, 1995, at 17 sites
within the lower region of the West River (Fig. 1). Sites were chosen
to represent a cross-section of the variety of benthic conditions and
to include areas likely to be impacted by restoration. Primary criteria
included proximity to vegetation, proximity to shoreline, depth,
freshwater inflow, and bottom sediment type. The northernmost site
was located under the Chapel Street Bridge, and the southernmost
site was located at the mouth of the West River, where it enters New
Haven Harbor.
Three, and sometimes four, grab samples were taken at each site
using a small (0.25 m2) Van Veen grab. Samples were placed in 2-liter
Nalgene jars, fixed with 10% formalin, stained with rose bengal,
covered, and labeled with site identification. Upon return to the
laboratory, all samples were decanted and sieved through a 125 µm
sieve. Materials retained on the sieve were examined under a dissecting microscope, and all organisms were removed and placed in
labeled glass vials. Samples were later transferred to 70% ethanol
and identified. Some organisms were identified to species, but the
majority of identifications were to genus. This level of identification
was adequate for a preliminary study, given sampling and time
constraints. It is recommended that long-term monitoring include
species-level identification whenever possible in order to provide a
more detailed record of restoration.
Dissolved oxygen, sulfide, salinity, and water temperature were
measured from bottom-water samples taken concurrently with
benthic samples. Dissolved oxygen and sulfide were measured using
standard chemical titration methods (Campbell and Wildberger
1992). Sediment characteristics such as grain size, organic content,
and degree of cohesion were determined visually and recorded at the
time of collection.
Chironomid – a typical freshwater
benthic organism.
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Figure 1. Benthic invertebrate sampling locations in the lower West River, July, 1995.
All sites contained fauna typically associated with estuarine
systems (Table 1). Benthic polychaete worms, nematode worms, and
tubiculous amphipods dominated the samples. Few sites (i.e., 2, 4, 5,
and 6) contained benthic organisms such as chironomids, leeches,
gastropods, and insect larvae typically associated with freshwater
systems, and estuarine fauna dominated even these samples. No
endangered, threatened, or species of special concern were found in
any samples.
Polychaetes were dominated by capitellids, which were found
at all but one site (site 16). Ampeliscid amphipods (small tubedwelling crustaceans) were also present throughout the lower River.
Free-swimming gammarid amphipods were identified at some sites.
Benthic fauna collected at the mouth of the River resembled background estuarine communities typical of New Haven Harbor
(McCusker and Bosworth 1981).
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Table 1. Benthic organisms of the lower West River, New Haven, Connecticut, sampled during July, 1995.
Site 1
40 Capitella spp.
6 Gammarus spp.
2 Streblospio benedicti
1 Stenothoe spp.
Site 2
15 Capitella spp.
8 Ampelisca abdita
5 Streblospio benedicti
2 Chironomidae
Uca sp. (fiddler crab)1
Site 3
36 Capitella spp.
20 Ampelisca abdita
Site 4
15 Nematoda
7 Chironomidae
6 Capitella spp. (plus abundant
1 Amphipoda
1 Ostracoda
2 fish eggs
Site 5
887 Capitella spp.
144 Chironomidae
99 Nematoda
22 Nemertinea
12 Notomastus sp.
12 Ostracoda
11 Amphipoda
5 fish eggs
4 fly larvae
2 Copepoda
2 Ophelidae
1 Stenothoe sp.
1 Leech
Site 6
15 Capitella spp.
4 Streblospio benedicti
1 Chironomidae
Site 13
45 Ampelisca abdita
16 Capitella spp.
3 Pectinaria gouldii
Site 7
17 Capitella spp.
12 Ampelisca abdita
6 Ophelia sp.
1 Streblospio benedicti
Site 14
23 Capitella spp.
14 Ampelisca abdita
10 Steblospio benedicti
3 Ophelia sp.
Site 8
24 Capitella spp.
10 Ampelisca abdita
5 Gammarus spp.
1 Streblospio benedicti
Site 15
11 Capitella spp.
2 Streblospio benedicti
2 Sabellidae
2 Gammarus spp.
1 Ampelisca abdita
Uca sp. (fiddler crabs)1
Site 9
16 Capitella spp.
13 Streblospio benedicti
5 Gammarus spp.
Callinectes sapidus (blue crab)1
Site 10
10 Capitella spp.
6 Gammarus spp.
Site 11
12 Ampelisca abdita
7 Streblospio benedicti
6 Ophelia sp.
5 Capitella spp.
1 Gammarus sp.
Site 12
12 Capitella spp.
7 Ampelisca abdita
4 Streblospio benedicti
Site 16
34 Ampelisca abdita
30 Streblospio benedicti
2 Scolecolepides spp.
Site 17
18 Nematoda
12 Streblospio benedicti
11 Ampelisca abdita
10 Gammarus spp.
7 Capitella spp.
7 Corophium volutator
7 unidentified benthic foraminifera
4 Mysid shrimp
2 Copepoda
1 Isopoda
1 Polydora ligni
Numerous polychaete fragments
Collected by Moore et al. during their study of West River fish communities.
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Table 2. Physical parameters and bottom water dissolved oxygen and sulfide at West River sampling sites, New Haven,
Connecticut during July, 1995.
Salinity Temperature
black mud, leaf litter
muddy sand
black mud
sandy black mud
muddy sand
rocky with a distinct odor of H2S
black mud with leaf litter
fine, black mud with H2S odor
large rocks
rocky sand
black mud
black mud
muddy shell hash
muddy peat
watery black mud
mud with Ulva sp. (sea lettuce )
Storm sewer outfall or groundwater flow.
Salinity measurements ranged from 1.9 parts per thousand (ppt)
to 27.5 ppt (Table 2). Overall, there is a decrease in salinity as one
moves up river. Low salinity readings from downstream (e.g., site 8)
are attributed to groundwater percolation and/or presence of storm
sewer outfalls. Bottom-water temperatures ranged from 19.3°C to
27.5°C. The range can be attributed to differences in water depth, as
well as relation to local groundwater influx and storm sewer outflows. Sediments ranged from mixed pebbles and silty sands to
black, colloidal, sulfidic muds. The majority of sites sampled contained muds and sands typically associated with river systems. The
larger rocks and hardground areas are believed to be areas of fill.
Dissolved oxygen and sulfide measurements also varied over the
sampling region (Table 2). Organic content of the sediments appeared
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to be rather high, as evidenced by black color of the sediments,
abundance of plant debris, and the distinctive odor of H2S detected
at many sites. Low dissolved oxygen levels and/or presence of H2S
can be directly related to the abundance of organic matter present
and the relative amount of water movement. High organic content,
such as that near sewer outfalls, increases decomposition resulting in
lowered dissolved-oxygen levels in bottom-waters. Species tolerant
of low levels of dissolved-oxygen and high levels of organic matter,
such as capitellids, rapidly and abundantly colonize such areas
(McCall 1977, Pearson and Rosenberg 1978).
The benthic fauna of West River above the tide gates at Congress
Avenue were expected to represent a New England freshwater system.
Indeed, since a primary purpose of tide gates is to eliminate saltwater
inflow, only freshwater-tolerant benthic organisms should have
been found. However, the tide gates failed to function properly
during the sampling period. We regularly observed one gate wedged
open by debris and at least one other malfunctioning. Thus, a significant amount of saltwater exchange was able to occur upstream
of the tide gates, reaching as far north as the Chapel Street bridge,
where salinity was 1.9 ppt. Further complicating the situation was a
drought that persisted throughout the spring and summer of the
sampling year. At one point, freshwater flow from the headwaters
ceased, as evidenced by the dry river bed observed north of Whalley
Avenue (J. Cunningham, Foote School Science Program, personal
communication). The only freshwater input to the lower reaches of
West River during this period came from overland runoff, groundwater percolation, and storm-sewer discharge.
These factors provided favorable conditions for studying the
potential estuarine benthic recolonization of West River that would
result from restoration of estuarine water flow. Rather than providing baseline data on the freshwater benthic communities of West
River, this study showed that estuarine restoration of the West River
benthos could be readily accomplished given increased exchange
with Long Island Sound. Tracking changes in benthic organisms
appears to be a viable method for detecting whether or not the system under restoration is responding to salinity shifts, such as would
be expected by opening existing tide gates or installing self-regulating
tide gates.
Rhoads and Germano (1982) have described a characteristic,
estuarine, benthic pioneering community (Stage I) that inhabits
recently disturbed and/or newly created estuarine sedimentary
Life stages of Capitella capitata – a
typical polychaete of the lower West
River (not to scale).
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environments. These assemblages initially consist primarily of small,
surface deposit-feeding, tubiculous polychaetes, oligochaetes, and/or
mactrid bivalves, such as Mulinia lateralis. Such organisms are frequent and abundant prey species for commercially important fish
and crustaceans that inhabit Long Island Sound, such as flounder
and blue crabs (R.Whitlatch, Director, Department of Marine
Sciences, University of Connecticut, Groton, Connecticut, personal
communication). Species composition of the Stage I community
depends on sediment type, disturbance frequency, larval availability,
and organic/pollutant load. Certain polychaetes, such as Capitella
spp., are extremely tolerant of organically-loaded and/or polluted
systems and low-oxygen, highly sulfidic environments. These organisms are frequent colonizers of dredge-spoils, sediments near sewage
outfalls, and other polluted environments (Pearson and Rosenberg
1978). Capitella spp. were the most common organisms found above
the tide gates (Table 1).
Pioneering organisms are joined by small, tubiculous amphipods
(e.g. Ampelisca abdita) and/or shallow-dwelling bivalves (e.g. Tellina
agilis)at a slightly later time. This assemblage comprises Stage II of
the developing community. If no disturbance occurs to reset the
successional process, the intermediate Stage II community will
eventually be succeeded by organisms, such as maldanid polychaetes
and/or nuculid bivalves and/or Molpadia oolitica (sea cucumbers),
that feed and burrow deeper in the sediment. Estuarine sediments
located at or above mean storm wave base rarely develop communities beyond Stage II, because they are subjected to frequent sediment
disturbance (McCall 1978). Such disturbance resets the successional
sequence and maintains the system in a Stage I-early Stage II assemblage (Rhoads and Germano 1982). This is also true for areas receiving large amounts of sewage and/or dredge spoil (McCall 1977, 1978,
Pearson and Rosenberg 1978, Rhoads and Germano 1982).
Most of the sampling sites within West River fit the Stage I-Stage
II descriptions of the Rhoads and Germano (1982) model. Sites 4, 5
and 6, located in the upper reaches of the lower West River (Fig. 1),
were dominated by capitellid polychaetes and can be characterized
as early Stage I communtities. These sites also contained some relict
freshwater fauna such as chironomids, as well as some brackish-water
tolerant gastropods. The sites located within the reflecting pool
(sites 1, 2, 7, and 8), as well as those located in the side channel and
the lower part of the main channel (sites 3, 9, and 10-13) can be
classified as being in late Stage I-early Stage II of estuarine benthic
succession. Interestingly, no purely freshwater, benthic community
was documented within the lower West River. Sites below the tide
gates (sites 14-17) also contained organisms characteristic of a late
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Benthic fauna of the potential salt
marsh restoration area in the West
River represent a dynamic system
that will respond readily to changing
salinity of the overlying water.
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Stage I-early Stage II evolving nearshore, organic-rich, estuarine
community. Such communities are typically representative of
benthic communities located on fine-grained sediments above mean
storm wave base in this region of Long Island Sound (Rhoads and
Germano 1982).
The sampling scheme employed in this study worked quite well.
It is recommended that such a scheme be used as one method for
gauging the progress of estuarine restoration. This study has shown
that organism identification down to the genus level, supplemented
by occasional species-level identification, is more than adequate for
monitoring restoration. The presence of Stage I assemblages can be
taken as early indicators that the benthos is responding to salinity
change. The ultimate, successional stage reached by benthic communities in any salt marsh restoration effort, however, is going to be
dependent on many factors, not the least of which is the successional
stage of the larger estuarine system in immediate contact with the
restoration area. For example, the successional stages present in a
restored salt marsh in the lower reaches of the West River should, at
maximum development, be functionally identical to those located
below the tide gates, although individual species composition and
abundance may vary somewhat.
A common argument for salt marsh restoration is that it will
reduce downstream pollution loads. Whether or not Stage I and
Stage II organisms bioaccumulate sediment contaminants is under
study by the authors, but is not known at the present time. It is also
uncertain whether establishment of Stage I and Stage II estuarine
benthic communities contributes more to pollution remediation
than the presence of a freshwater benthic community.
Benthic fauna of the potential salt marsh restoration area in
West River represent an early, successional, estuarine community.
Freshwater benthic species are rapidly displaced by Stage I, estuarine
colonizers such as those sampled in the West River upon introduction of estuarine waters. This indicates that the potential restoration
area is a dynamic system that will respond readily to changing salinity
of the overlying water. Monitoring of the benthos is an excellent way
to gauge whether or not the estuarine component of a salt marsh
restoration is successful. Additionally, since many commercially
important species feed upon Stage I and Stage II organisms, the
presence of such communities should enhance local fisheries. Thus,
a recorded shift toward estuarine, Stage I organisms can be taken as
a leading-edge indicator that other non-benthic estuarine species
(e.g. fish) may follow.
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The authors would like to thank Amymarie Bartholomew, Jennifer Beck, David Casagrande, Tom Casagrande, Brett Elderd, Jon
Moore, and Lara Nachiem for help with the field work. We would
like to thank Emly McDiarmid for her constant resourcefulness,
David Skelly for generous loan of lab space, and Paul Bartholomew
for his lab assistance. This manuscript benefited from the reviews of
Donald Rhoads, Ray Pupedis, Eric Lazo-Wazem, and Jon Moore.
This work was funded, in part, by the Connecticut Department of
Environmental Protection’s Long Island Sound License Plate Program.
Aller, R. C. 1980. Relationships of tube-dwelling benthos with sediment and overlying water chemistry. In
Marine benthic dynamics, ed. by K. R. Tenore and B. C. Coull, 285-308. Columbia, SC: University of
South Carolina Press.
Aller, R. C. 1982. The effects of macrobenthos on chemical properties of marine sediment and overlying
water. In Animal-sediment relations: The biogenic alterations of sediments, ed. by P. L. McCall and M.
Tevesz, 53-102. New York: Plenum Press.
Bokuniewicz, H. J., R. B. Gordon, and D. C. Rhoads. 1975. Mechanical properties of the sediment-water
interface. Marine Geology 18:263-278.
Campbell, G., and S. Wildberger. 1992. The monitor’s handbook. Chestertown, MD: LaMotte Company.
McCall, P. L. 1977. Community patterns and adaptive strategies of the infaunal benthos of Long Island
Sound. Journal of Marine Research 35:321-366.
McCall, P. L. 1978. Spatial-temporal distributions of Long Island Sound infauna: The role of bottom disturbance in a nearshore marine habitat. In Estuarine interactions, ed. by M. L. Wiley, 191-219. New
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McCusker, A. J., and W. S. Bosworth. 1981. New Haven Harbor ecological studies: Summary report 1980.
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B. C. Coull, 113-138. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press.
Rhoads, D. C., and L. F. Boyer. 1982. The effects of marine benthos on physical properties of sediments: a
successional perspective. In Animal-sediment relations: The biogenic alterations of sediments, ed. by P. L.
McCall and M. Tevesz, 3-52. New York: Plenum Press.
Rhoads, D. C., and J. D. Germano. 1982. Characterization of organism-sediment relations using sediment
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American Scientist 66:577-586.
Rhoads, D. C., and D. K. Young. 1970. The influence of deposit-feeding organisms on sediment stability
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Rhoads, D. C., and D. K. Young. 1971. Animal-sediment relations in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts II.
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Virnstein, R. W. 1977. The importance of predation by crabs and fishes on benthic infauna in Chesapeake
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Dr. Cuomo is a benthic ecologist and geologist with over 10 years of research and teaching experience specializing in
animal-sediment geochemical relationships in modern and ancient estuarine environments. She received her Ph.D. in
Geology from Yale University in 1984, under the direction of Dr. Donald C. Rhoads. In 1996 she assumed her present
position as visiting assistant professor in the Geology Department at Wesleyan University while continuing in her role as
Research Associate at the Center for Coastal and Watershed Systems at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental
Studies (F&ES). She is presently researching the role of metal cycling by benthic polychaetes in estuarine systems, as well
as continuing to refine the techniques she developed for identifying the presence of polychaetes in the fossil record.
Gabriele Zinn received his M.E.S. from Albertus Magnus College where he concentrated on ecology. In addition to his
work in the West River, he has studied nutrients in ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest and Puerto Rico. He is
currently a research assistant at Yale F&ES studying the impact of disturbances on nutrients in hemlock/spruce and salix/
myrica communities in Alaskan forests.
All correspondence through: Carmela Cuomo, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wesleyan University,
265 Church Street, Middletown, CT 06459, Tel: (860) 685-2284,
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