Mitigating climate change impacts through sustainable development solutions Thomas B. Johansson Energy and Atmosphere Programme, United Nations Development Programme Gail V. Karlsson Environmental Lawyer and Consultant Abstract Energy is central to the current international discussions about climate change because it is the human activity that contributes most to the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is also a critical element of national plans for economic and social development among the poorer countries of the world that currently lack su≤cient energy to power modern cities, industries and transportation systems. Transformation of the world’s energy systems to promote energy e≤ciency, increased use of renewable energy resources and cleaner conventional energy use can promote overall economic and social development while at the same time e≠ectively addressing the threats of climate change. E≠orts to control greenhouse gas emissions can go hand in hand with measures to address the needs of developing countries for increased energy services. Focusing on the positive aspects of environmentally sustainable development will be more e≠ective in building support for climate change mitigation than a strategy that primarily emphasizes the need for limiting worldwide emissions. Increased energy e≤ciency, adoption of renewable sources of energy, and cleaner use of conventional fuels are the most promising options for providing the level of energy services needed in the developing world, while at the same time limiting energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. Introduction: What are the environmental, social, and economic threats presented by climate change? The potential impacts of climate change include increased frequency of extreme weather events like drought, floods, and intense storms; rising sea levels; melting of glaciers and the Arctic ice cap; and disruption of a wide range of natural ecosystems. Such environmental changes will likely cause adverse social and economic consequences, affecting agriculture and food production, forestry, fisheries, freshwater resources, and human health. 85 86 The large percentage of the world’s population living near coastal areas will become increasingly vulnerable to storm damage and infrastructure loss. Sea level rise due to warming of ocean waters and melting of glaciers could cause extensive coastal flooding, forcing large population migrations and elimination of entire cultures in low-lying areas. Dry areas will be prone to increased desertification, and whole forests could disappear as temperature zones shift much faster than forests can naturally migrate. Reduced water supplies in arid regions could provoke international conflicts, while food shortages tend to destabilize shaky governments. Direct health effects could include deaths from intense heat waves as well as widespread transmission of infectious diseases like malaria and yellow fever, which are currently confined to tropical areas. Some of the poorest developing countries will be especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change on agricultural production, water supplies, and the natural ecosystems on which they rely for basic necessities. Many of these Increased energy efficiency, adoption of renewable sources of energy, and cleaner use of conventional fuels are the most promising options for providing the level of energy services needed in the developing world, while at the same time limiting energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. countries are located in regions that are already subject to heat waves, drought, desertification, deforestation, flooding, tropical diseases, and natural disasters, as well as poverty and lack of infrastructure. Some of the low-lying Pacific islands are likely to become almost completely inundated by rising sea levels. Yet, for the most part, these countries have not obtained the benefits of the industrialization that led to interference with the climate system. Moreover, they generally have the least financial and planning resources available to undertake mitigation measures to protect against long-range environmental threats. Most of the scientific research on climate change has been compiled and analyzed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of over 2,000 scientists organized in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization. Their first report confirmed the seriousness of the problem and provided the scientific basis for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Their second report, published in 1996, concluded that there is discernible human influence on the climate system that is magnifying the natural greenhouse effect. Efforts to avert these threats will require a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gases generated by human activities. Surface temperatures on the earth have increased over the last century, particularly during the last decade. If current trends remain unchanged, greenhouse gas emissions will continue to rise substantially during the next century. In order to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations, it will be necessary to reduce emissions below present levels. Moreover, since carbon dioxide and some of the other greenhouse gases accumulate and remain in the atmosphere for many decades, the challenge of dealing with climate change will last for many generations. Much emphasis has been placed on the perceived economic costs of addressing climate change. Yet it is important to recognize that policies designed to establish sustainable energy systems can both promote sustainable economic and social 87 development and at the same time mitigate the impacts of climate change. The benefits of poverty reduction, improved human health, and better local and regional environmental conditions provide strong incentives for adopting sustainable energy policies, even without considering climate change factors. What are the sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gases? The bulk of human emissions of major greenhouse gases come from the energy sector, primarily as a result of burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) to provide electrical power, heat, transportation, and energy for industrial production processes. Carbon dioxide is by far the most significant of the greenhouse gases, and over 80% of the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere by human activities can be attributed to the use of fossil fuels.1 Methane and nitrous oxides are other important greenhouse gases released, in part, from the use of fossil fuels. Outside the energy sector, there are several other potentially significant greenhouse gases, including hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexachloride, which are used for refrigeration and air conditioning as well as industrial purposes. The impacts of these gases are small today, but could become more extensive over the long term. Carbon dioxide is emitted from many natural sources, particularly from the decay of organic materials. But these sources are generally balanced by natural “sinks” that absorb carbon dioxide. Most importantly, new plants take up carbon dioxide as they grow. Overall, huge amounts of carbon are exchanged yearly among the oceans, the atmosphere, and land vegetation. Human activities, including combustion of fossil fuels as well as land-use changes and agriculture, add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in amounts that exceed the absorption capacity of existing natural sinks. This extra carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere from year to year and reduces the amount of heat radiated from the earth’s surface into space, trapping more heat in the lower levels of the earth’s atmosphere. Land clearance for agricultural purposes is a major factor affecting the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and the decrease in carbon dioxide absorption by natural sinks. Globally, land use changes account for close to 20% of the Much emphasis has been placed on the perceived economic costs of addressing climate change. Yet it is important to recognize that policies designed to establish sustainable energy systems can both promote sustainable economic and social development and at the same time mitigate the impacts of climate change. The benefits of poverty reduction, improved human health, and better local and regional environmental conditions provide strong incentives for adopting sustainable energy policies, even without considering climate change factors. carbon dioxide emissions caused by human activities. Expansion of cultivated lands has generally come at the expense of forests and woodlands, which have greater absorption capacities. Many of these croplands have subsequently been degraded due to unsustainable land management practices that cause loss of topsoil, wind and water erosion, and salinity. In addition, large-scale deforestation is accelerated by commercial timber harvesting, industrial and mining operations in forest areas, and construction of roads and highways through wooded lands. It is the continued reliance on fossil fuels for energy production, however, that is the main element in projected greenhouse gas emission increases in the future. 1 All statistics quoted are derived from the documents cited in the Reference Material section at the end of this article. 88 Stabilization of carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere will require substantial changes in the world’s energy systems and technologies in order to reduce future emission rates. The primary challenge in addressing the long-term impacts of climate change will be to find ways to provide necessary energy services without at the same time increasing greenhouse gas accumulations in the atmosphere. Are there reasons besides the threat of climate change to consider changes in energy systems? In many parts of the world, limitations on the availability of energy services create barriers to socioeconomic development. Increased access to energy is needed in order to promote income generating activities, educational advancement, availability of health services, and greater opportunities for women. Worldwide, more than 1.5 billion people lack electricity and approximately two billion people use traditional solid fuels like firewood or dung for heating and cooking purposes. The considerable amount of time and physical energy spent by women and children in gathering fuel and carrying it over long distances reduces their ability to engage in other social, economic, and educational activities. In addition, unvented wood and dung fires contribute to indoor air pollution and respiratory health problems. Acute respiratory infections are the leading cause of death for young children worldwide, accounting for over 2 million deaths annually. Because of high capital investment requirements and the need for extensive transmission and distribution lines, there are many countries where it has simply not been possible to meet the energy needs of rural populations using conventional large-scale, fossil fuel-based power plants. Limited economic opportunities in these rural areas encourage migrations to already overcrowded urban areas. Meeting the energy needs of rural communities through increased availability of small-scale non-polluting energy technologies can raise living standards in these areas and also mitigate climate change impacts and other local environmental threats. Besides contributing to climate change, combustion of fossil fuels produces smog, ground-level ozone, particulates, and other forms of local air pollution that Although industrialized countries are currently responsible for more than twothirds of annual greenhouse gas emissions, by 2025 developing countries are likely to account for two-thirds of annual emissions, unless they pursue a different energy path. Cumulative emissions by developing countries, however, would not catch up to those of industrialized countries for approximately another one hundred years. Since it is the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that causes climate change, a country’s cumulative emissions are a better indicator of its level of responsibility than its annual emission rate. are directly harmful to human health. Burning fossil fuels also produces emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides that form acid rain, which can damage sensitive forests and lakes, even far away from the source of pollution. Coal mining and oil drilling damage fragile land and water ecosystems, while oil spills are a continuing threat to surface waters, coastlines, and groundwater aquifers. In addition to environmental and health concerns, energy supply issues may also play a major role in geo-political tensions and international security matters. Since major supplies of fossil fuels are concentrated in relatively few areas, efforts to control and exploit these resources have led to political crises and military conflicts. Countries without domestic supplies are subject to energy security threats due to their dependence on foreign producers. Some poor countries spend large amounts of money on imported fuels, reducing the availability of foreign exchange for other essential domestic investments, and adding to unsustainable debt accumulation. Because other sources of energy, like wind, sunlight, rivers, and crop residues are more widely distributed, using them as alternatives to fossil fuels can reduce energy dependence. Marketing, distribution, and servicing of these new energy technologies can provide new economic opportunities for local entrepreneurs as well as international corporations. Why do developing countries and industrialized countries tend to have different perspectives on climate change? In general, developing countries are more concerned with immediate and pressing domestic issues such as providing for economic development, employment, public health, safe food and drinking water, sanitation, and transportation. Poverty is their overriding concern. About 1.3 billion people in developing countries live on less than U.S.$1 per day. In many developing countries, the financial costs of providing electricity through extensions of the grid to currently unserved regions are prohibitive. Moreover, they are facing the prospect of rapidly growing populations. Consequently, these countries are concerned that climate change mitigation plans could substantially increase their energy supply costs, or place limits on their ability to provide energy for development. In international climate change negotiations, developing countries have argued that because industrialized countries are responsible for over 75% of greenhouse gas accumulations, they should also take the lead on emissions reductions. (Carbon dioxide emissions can remain in the atmosphere for up to one hundred years.) Historically, it was the industrialized countries that produced the majority of greenhouse gas emissions that have now accumulated in the atmosphere. They also generated sufficient wealth from their industrialized economies to be able to afford to undertake environmental protection measures. Many of the industrialized countries have, in fact, accepted the challenge from the developing countries and are working within the terms of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Although industrialized countries are currently responsible for more than twothirds of annual greenhouse gas emissions, by 2025 developing countries are likely to account for two-thirds of annual emissions, unless they pursue a different energy path. Cumulative emissions by developing countries, however, would not catch up to those of industrialized countries for approximately another one hundred years. Since it is the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that causes climate change, a country’s cumulative emissions are a better indicator of its level of responsibility than its annual emission rate. Energy usage has seemed so critical to national economies that the amount of energy consumed per capita has become one of the key indicators of modernization and progress. This, however, is a misleading indicator. It is the availability of energy services which is the real measure of development, not energy consumption. For developing countries, measures promoting energy efficiency, renewable 89 90 energy sources, and alternative technologies could allow them to leapfrog over the relatively inefficient path of economic growth followed by the industrialized countries and achieve a high level of energy services without the same economic, social, and environmental costs. What efforts are being made internationally to move toward a sustainable energy future? Most of the recent international discussions on energy have focused on climate change concerns, rather than on the other significant economic, social, and environmental benefits of altering existing production and consumption patterns. In connection with the Convention on Climate Change, there have been extensive debates about the need to reduce worldwide dependence on fossil fuels as well as the need for new technologies and new approaches to energy supplies. At this point, however, climate change concerns alone do not provide sufficient motivation to drive the transition towards sustainable energy policies. This might change, of course, if the impacts of climate variability actually begin to be felt and can be traced conclusively to accumulations of greenhouse gases caused by human activities. In the meantime, focusing on the critical role of energy in sustainable development may provide a more acceptable and effective route towards worldwide recognition of the need to change current energy patterns and policies. The 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change set specific emission reduction goals only for industrialized countries, in light of their greater responsibility for greenhouse gas accumulations and their greater resources for addressing climate change problems. The convention also recognized that per capita Energy usage has seemed so critical to national economies that the amount of energy consumed per capita has become one of the key indicators of modernization and progress. This, however, is a misleading indicator. It is the availability of energy services which is the real measure of development, not energy consumption. For developing countries, measures promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and alternative technologies could allow them to leapfrog over the relatively inefficient path of economic growth followed by the industrialized countries and achieve a high level of energy services without the same economic, social, and environmental costs. emissions in developing countries are still relatively low, and will likely need to grow in order for those countries to meet their social and developmental goals. Acknowledging the fact that environmental protection cannot be dealt with separately from economic development, the convention called for financial and technical assistance for developing countries, as well as transfers of environmentally friendly technologies in order to encourage their participation in international climate change mitigation efforts. Worldwide demand for cleaner energy production has already been stimulated to some extent by the Convention. Since a large proportion of future investments in new energy capacity will be in developing countries, it is important to direct international resources towards low-emission energy investments in those countries. The Kyoto Protocol to the Convention provides new incentives that encourage public and private investment by industrialized countries in energy efficiency 91 Still, at this point, most countries will not choose unfamiliar or more expensive energy options solely because they would help mitigate climate change impacts. People are more likely to adopt new low-emission technologies because they provide affordable, reliable, effective, and convenient energy supplies. Concerns about current local air quality and adverse health conditions are likely to be more compelling than potential long-term environmental consequences. projects and low-emission technologies that minimize additional greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. Moreover, emissions trading markets could eventually generate large capital flows channeled into developing countries, which could be used for climate change mitigation projects, including investments in sustainable energy systems. Still, at this point, most countries will not choose unfamiliar or more expensive energy options solely because they would help mitigate climate change impacts. People are more likely to adopt new low-emission technologies because they provide affordable, reliable, effective, and convenient energy supplies. Concerns about current local air quality and adverse health conditions are likely to be more compelling than potential long-term environmental consequences. At the 1997 Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly addressing sustainable development, world leaders recognized that energy is essential to an improved quality of life. They recommended greater international cooperation in promoting energy conservation and efficiency, the use of non-fossil energy sources, and the development of innovative energy-related technology. In furtherance of this goal, they decided that the ninth session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in 2001 should focus on energy in its discussions and negotiations. A World Energy Assessment sponsored by the UN Development Programme, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the World Energy Council provides background scientific and technical information for evaluating the social, economic, environmental, and security issues linked to energy, as well as an analysis of technology and policy options for more sustainable production and use of energy.2 What are the best ways to conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Improved technological performance can provide opportunities for people to enjoy satisfactory levels of energy services while consuming much less fuel and generating lower emission levels. Heating and cooling of buildings, transportation, and industrial production are among the most promising areas for energy efficiency gains. Building design is an area with tremendous potential for energy savings. Better insulation combined with passive solar design techniques can virtually eliminate the need for traditional heating and cooling systems. Simple measures like planting shade trees, orienting buildings for optimal exposures, and placing windows for cross ventilation can dramatically reduce energy requirements. New technologies like windows that let in sunlight but block unwanted heat can improve comfort while reducing costs and energy use. Inside houses and offices, the overall energy drain can be minimized by using super-insulated refrigerators, compact fluorescent light bulbs, and other types of energy-efficient equipment. 2 For further information see /activities/wea/images/ weahome.gif. 92 Redesigned cars can also provide substantial reductions in emissions. Promising technologies include hybrid vehicles that combine small internal combustion engines with electrical generators, as well as cars powered by fuel cells. Several major manufacturers are already producing and marketing hybrid vehicles, and several manufacturers have plans to introduce fuel cell engines starting in 2003. In addition, transportation requirements can be reduced through urban designs that eliminate sprawl and long commutes and instead emphasize pedestrian access as well as mass transit facilities. Moreover, in some cases transportation needs can be virtually eliminated by communications technologies that can make the home into an effective workplace. In manufacturing operations, there are substantial opportunities for improving the energy efficiency of energy intensive industries such as iron and steel production, chemical processing, petroleum refining, pulp and paper manufacturing, and cement production. Improvements in production processes can boost energy efficiency significantly and at the same time reduce material requirements. Cogeneration of heat and power is another promising avenue for cutting emissions. What sorts of alternative energy sources can be used to produce power? Renewable sources of energy already in use include solar, wind, hydro and geothermal technologies, in addition to biomass. Altogether, renewable energy technologies currently account for about 16% of world energy use. As these technologies become more advanced and widely distributed, they can provide cost-effective alternatives capable of meeting a large percentage of the world’s energy requirements. Moreover, they can help address local and national environmental problems like urban air pollution and acid rain as well as climate change. The use of biomass fuels to replace fossil fuels is another way to reduce net carbon emissions. Biomass fuels are derived from agricultural and other organic wastes, or from special crops grown for that purpose. Biomass takes up carbon dioxide as the plants grow and releases it again when they are burned, so that the carbon dioxide emissions do not add to overall atmospheric emission concentrations. Biomass can be used to produce liquid or gaseous fuels, and to generate electricity. Hydroelectric generators are widely used renewable energy systems, providing about 20% of the world’s electricity supply. They produce almost no greenhouse gases and no local air pollution. Water wheels on fast-flowing rivers provided energy for early textile factories. Now large hydropower plants generate electricity by damming rivers and allowing the captured water to fall hundreds of feet through turbines. These large-scale projects have come under intense criticism because they require flooding of vast tracts of land behind the dams, interfere with downstream flows, and hinder fish migrations and spawning. Small hydropower plants are less destructive to natural ecosystems, however, since they have smaller reservoirs, or in some cases simply channel the stream flow through the turbines. Some of the other negative environmental impacts of hydroelectric facilities can be reduced by the use of fish ladders to help fish migrate over dams, and maintenance of minimum flow rates to prevent downstream damage. Wind energy has been used for centuries to pump water, mill grain, and power ships. It is now being promoted as a non-polluting, renewable sources of electrical power. High-efficiency wind turbines are already being used to produce electricity for commercial distribution. Currently, the installed wind power capacity throughout the world exceeds ten gigawatts, and its use is growing by about 30% Over the next hundred years the world’s commercial energy system will be replaced at least twice, given the projected useful lives of power plants and energy grids. That turnover in energy infrastructure, combined with replacement of existing industrial, commercial, and residential facilities, will present opportunities for a gradual transition to sustainable, low-emission energy systems. The question, in terms of climate change mitigation, is whether that transition will take place soon enough to avert dangerous interference with the climate system. per year. In windy areas, the cost of electricity produced in wind power stations is competitive with new power plants that use fossil fuels. Small wind turbines designed for small-scale residential and commercial use are attractive options for remote rural areas. The electricity can be stored on-site in batteries (for very small systems) or through compressed air storage for large applications. In areas when there is an existing electricity grid, the electricity can be fed directly into the commercial distribution system. Solar panels collect the sun’s energy and convert it directly into electricity by means of photovoltaic cells. As with wind power, the electricity produced can be stored in batteries and used in small-scale stand-alone power systems. Although using solar panels to produce electricity is still expensive, it is the least cost choice in certain niche applications. The photovoltaic market is currently 200 megawatts per year, and is expected to grow by about 30% per year. Solar panels are most often used in remote areas not reached by existing electrical transmission systems. They can also be connected to the commercial power utility, providing needed energy at peak demand times and avoiding the costs—and emissions—of new central power stations. Building-integrated applications of photovoltaic technologies reduce costs by incorporating the solar panels into the structure and surfaces of homes and offices. Another form of solar energy technology concentrates the sun’s rays onto receivers using mirrors or special lenses. The collected solar thermal energy is then used to heat a liquid that drives a conventional electric power conversion system. Geothermal energy stored in the earth’s crust can be used to heat buildings directly and to generate electricity. The heat is partially released by the radioactive decay of elements such as uranium and potassium. In areas where molten rock is located near the earth’s surface, hydrothermal reservoirs have been discovered filled with hot water. These reservoirs can be tapped to power electricity generators for commercial energy production or to provide space heating. These types of cleaner technologies can provide environmentally sustainable sources of power. As new investments are made in energy infrastructure, needs for environmental protection and economic development can be met simultaneously through the adoption of these new and renewable energy technologies. Over the next hundred years the world’s commercial energy system will be replaced at least twice, given the projected useful lives of power plants and energy grids. That turnover in energy infrastructure, combined with replacement of existing industrial, commercial, and residential facilities, will present opportunities for a gradual transition to sustainable, low-emission energy systems. The question, in terms of climate change mitigation, is whether that transition will take place soon enough to avert dangerous interference with the climate system. 93 94 Are there alternative ways to use fossil fuels that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions? In some cases it is possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by switching to low-carbon fossil fuels like natural gas. Natural gas produces slightly more than half the carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy produced by burning coal. It is currently being adopted as a low-cost, low-emission fuel choice for new electric power plants. In a compressed form it can be used as an alternative fuel for motor vehicles. There are also techniques for using fossil fuels in less polluting ways. One example is the production of syngas, a clean gaseous mixture consisting mainly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, which can be made from natural gas, coal, heavy oils, petroleum coke, and a number of other substances. Syngas can be used to produce electricity and heat, as well as alternative gas and liquid fuels, with low levels of pollution. With further processing, syngas can become a source of hydrogen for use in fuel cells. Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that convert fuels like hydrogen and natural gas into electricity directly, without any combustion, by combining the fuels with oxygen from the air; consequently they produce almost no emissions, except water. In the future, besides being used to power nonpolluting electric drive vehicles, they might also be used for central and decentralized electricity production. Since emissions from motor vehicles represent a large percentage of overall carbon dioxide emissions, commercialization of fuel cell vehicles would have a dramatic impact on greenhouse gas accumulations, and on urban air quality. As fuel cells systems become more widely available, hydrogen could become the preferred fuel for transportation and electricity production. Hydrogen can be produced through steam processing of natural gas or syngas, through gasification of coal or other carbon-based feedstocks and through electrolysis of water. Processing fossil fuels to produce hydrogen is currently the least expensive technique, one which could provide a way to use familiar fuels in new, low-emission technologies without significantly increasing energy costs. How can developing countries meet increasing demands for energy services to fuel economic and social progress while limiting climate change impacts? Energy efficiency efforts and investments in renewable energy technologies are essential for establishing sustainable energy systems both in developing countries and in industrialized nations. But there are considerable economic and social disparities between the richer, high-consuming nations and the poorest ones. Developing countries require greater availability of energy services that can be used for household needs and productive purposes, which will lead to increased use of energy. Rather than focusing on increasing overall energy supplies, developing countries would be better served by using integrated resource techniques to identify the lowest-cost and most efficient options for achieving their energy goals. This concept involves undertaking comparisons of various energy supply technologies, such as conventional coal-powered plants, wind turbines, hydroelectric generators facilities, and photovoltaic installations, while also considering installation of end-use technologies that reduce energy demand levels, like compact fluorescent light bulbs and increased insulation. After evaluating all the potential options, the lowest-cost mix of technologies can be identified and adopted as investment pri- orities. In many cases, the technologies that seem to be the cheapest and easiest in the short-term turn out not to be the most cost-effective or efficient from a slightly longer term perspective, especially when their social, environmental, and health costs are also considered. Investments in new production and distribution facilities that emphasize energy efficiency can dramatically reduce energy requirements in comparison with conventional power plants and manufacturing operations. The additional costs attributable to the introduction of these energy-efficient technologies will generally be offset by reductions in the price of energy. Because traditional sources of energy are used so inefficiently, and because countries constructing modern facilities have the opportunity to utilize new energy-efficient technologies and equipment, they can achieve substantial improvements in living standards without significantly increasing per capita energy use over current levels. Following this path, developing countries could pursue their economic and social development goals without substantially increasing their energy consumption or emissions levels. Most of the two billion people who lack modern energy services live in rural areas in developing countries. Projected capital costs for extending conventional electric power grids into these areas are prohibitively expensive, so their prospects for obtaining grid-based electrical service in the near future are not encouraging. Decentralized renewable energy systems, however, could provide electrical power to these remote areas more quickly and less expensively—without producing greenhouse gas emissions. Introduction of these systems could promote employment and educational opportunities in rural areas, as well as improved access to health care, clean water, and sanitation facilities. Renewable energy systems using wind, solar, biomass, and small-scale hydroelectric power are particularly easily adapted for rural electrification purposes. Rural consumers relying on inefficient use of fossil fuels like kerosene and diesel are often already paying high energy prices and would be better served at lower cost by modern renewable technologies, if these became available to them. Others, particularly women, who must now spend long hours gathering and using traditional fuels, could gain both time and electrical power that could be applied to other productive purposes. What barriers are there to the adoption of sustainable energy technologies? Primary obstacles to the wider application of energy efficiency measures and installation of renewable energy systems include: low commodity market prices for fossil fuels; government subsidies that support conventional fossil fuel technologies; energy prices that do not incorporate environmental and social costs; discrimination in capital markets against small-scale energy and energy-efficiency projects; and general lack of information about new designs for low-emission and renewable energy systems. In addition, there are formidable economic and institutional forces opposed to a transition in world energy markets away from continuing reliance on fossil fuel technologies. Current national and international debates about the prospective hazards of climate change have, to some extent, raised public awareness concerning the need to alter energy production and consumption patterns. But there is not yet any general consensus about the impacts of climate change and the need for concerted mitigation efforts. Much more public education is needed regarding low-emission energy alternatives. 95 96 Existing subsidies for fossil fuel technologies make it very difficult for alternative energy products to enter markets or achieve competitive positions. Worldwide, these subsidies amount to some 200 billion U.S. dollars per year and actually encourage wasteful consumption by failing to pass on to users the real market costs of providing the energy fuel. Direct government subsidies often take the form of payments designed to hold down consumer energy prices. On the production side, subsidies frequently provide incentives and support for fossil fuel exploration and processing. Although intended to enhance the availability and affordability of energy services, these subsidies limit energy choices by favoring existing fossil fuel energy systems and suppliers. Additional indirect subsidies are granted to conventional energy providers in the form of tax credits and exemptions, depreciation allowances, preferential loans and guarantees, and procurement preferences. Public financing of conventional utilities by means of tax exempt bonds and low interest loans means that potential competitors seeking to introduce competing renewable energy systems will have to pay much higher amounts for needed capital. Many countries also grant monopolies to national utilities, thereby removing the possibility of any real energy market competition. Restructuring of energy markets to introduce competition can reduce costs but, without accompanying regulatory measures, can also make it less likely that energy suppliers will support public benefits. Even without the artificial minimization of prices provided by government subsidies, fossil fuel prices are already unrealistically low because they do not include all of the costs associated with their production and use. Environmental and public health costs are externalized, that is, paid for by society as a whole rather charged to the producers, vendors, or consumers of fossil fuels. These costs include public health and cleanup expenditures attributable to air pollution and water contamination, the effects of acid rain, damages to land and ecosystems due to fossil fuel extraction and distribution and, of course, the impacts and mitigation costs related to climate change. Unless damages to the environment are charged back to responsible parties, market-pricing mechanisms will encourage destruction of resources rather than conservation. Widespread dissemination of information about the advantages of energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies is needed in order to build awareness and confidence among investors, lenders, governments, and consumers. Too often, ignorance about energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies keeps them from receiving serious consideration in energy planning processes. What sorts of policies would create an enabling framework to promote environmentally sustainable energy systems? Governments can set the overall framework for economic activity, but clearly sustainable energy development cannot be accomplished by governments alone. For the most part, governments are moving away from acting as direct providers of energy services. Instead, many are taking steps to establish more efficient and environmentally sustainable energy markets. In general, this will require the breakup of monopolies and promotion of competitive markets. Since private capital will be required, maintenance of stable investment, banking, and legal institutions will become a fundamental priority in order to attract lenders and investors. New incentives for investments and entrepreneurial ventures will also be needed to promote environmentally friendly products and services. One of the most important things that governments can do is to help create a level playing field for competing energy technologies. As a first step, this will require elimination, or redirection, of subsidies for conventional fossil fuel technologies. Energy price subsidies are generally designed to help low-income households, but often the intended beneficiaries receive only a small portion of the total subsidy amount, while other consumers who could afford to pay more obtain the largest share of the government benefit. More carefully targeted measures could provide the desired support to poorer families without distorting the entire energy market. Temporary subsidies for energy efficiency measures and installation of alternative energy systems could also help establish competitive opportunities to attract new market entrants. Another important step in leveling the playing field for energy technologies will be to set up mechanisms for taking into account the environmental and social costs attached to the use of fossil fuels. These external costs can be charged back to One of the most important things that governments can do is to help create a level playing field for competing energy technologies. As a first step, this will require elimination, or redirection, of subsidies for conventional fossil fuel technologies. those who enjoy the profits and benefits of the energy use through carbon emission taxes, usage fees, or fines for damages. Resulting revenues could be used to support more environmentally sustainable enterprises. Governments can also adopt regulations limiting environmentally harmful activities, including greenhouse gas emissions, thereby pressuring energy companies to develop and market new alternatives. Other alternatives for government interventions include tax incentives, collaborative research and development ventures, and green labeling schemes. Government subsidies, supports, and procurement preferences can help open markets for new technologies and build public awareness of their environmental and economic benefits. Direct government support may be needed to demonstrate the advantages of some new energy technologies. In order to move beyond demonstration projects, however, there will have to be established marketing, distribution and service networks for new energy products. Restructuring energy industries is one strategy for introducing competition and decentralization in the energy market. With proper regulations and policies that support investment and competition, governments can promote economic efficiency and diversification in the energy sector while also encouraging sustainable development and addressing the needs of disadvantaged groups. Market reforms can be accompanied by such measures as environmental performance requirements for energy equipment, green certificate markets or renewable portfolio standards mandating that a specified percentage of energy be produced using renewable sources, and requirements that energy grids be open for inputs from independent power producers. One option for promoting energy efficiency is through the creation of energy service companies. These companies introduce efficiency measures designed to reduce energy usage in commercial and residential buildings, and are paid out of the cost savings they are able to achieve. Customers continue to pay regular utility 97 98 bills, and the energy service company finances its operations by being able to engineer energy savings. After the energy service company has completed its work, customers will enjoy lower utility bills, and the building will produce lower emissions. Appropriate financing mechanisms for alternative energy producers and consumers are critical. In rural areas, micro-credit financing for renewable energy systems can help provide access to energy services for currently unserved users who cannot afford high initial capital costs, but can afford monthly fees similar to a regular utility bill. In some cases, poor households are paying high costs for small amounts of inefficient energy services based on the use of kerosene, candles, fuel wood, or diesel generators. Although they might not be able to pay up-front for solar panels or a wind generator, many probably could afford to pay for them over time if credit facilities were available. By facilitating the organization of investment pools designed to provide small loans for small-scale electrification projects, governments could contribute to the widespread dissemination of low-emission energy technologies and also promote employment, education, and public health. What framework does the Kyoto Protocol provide for international agreement on reducing the threats of climate change? The Kyoto Protocol established plans for industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by agreeing to adopt legally binding emission targets which are to be met in the period extending from 2008 to 2010. Overall, the industrialized countries committed to a reduction of their combined emissions by approximately 5% from 1990 levels. The specific targets vary, however, from country to country. The reduction target for the United States is 7% below 1990 levels, and Japan’s target is 6%. The European Union has a general target of 8% below 1990 levels, but that is averaged among the group members so that some of the poorer members will actually be allowed to increase their emissions while others will be required to make substantially greater reductions. Russia’s target is stabilization of emissions at its 1990 level. The Protocol will enter into force when it is ratified by 55 countries, including countries responsible for at least 55% of the total 1990 carbon dioxide emissions from the industrialized country group. The Protocol contains legally binding commitments only for the industrialized countries. Under the 1992 Climate Change Convention, developing countries agreed to facilitate emission reductions. Many are already actively promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, but they did not commit to specific reduction targets. The Kyoto Protocol contains provisions for a “Clean Development Mechanism,” which is intended to assist non-industrialized countries in achieving sustainable development and in contributing to the ultimate objective of the Convention on Climate Change, while assisting industrialized countries in achieving compliance with their quantified emissions limitations and reduction commitments under the Convention. The mechanism will permit industrialized countries to finance emission-reduction projects in developing countries as a means of meeting their obligations under the Protocol. Developing countries could benefit by receiving financing for the adoption of low-emission energy technologies, while industrialized countries could fulfill their emission reduction commitments at a lower cost. It is often less costly to achieve emission reductions in areas where new power supply systems are being constructed, before energy-using infrastructures are established, rather than trying to limit emissions from existing facilities. Thus, developing countries could potentially obtain substantial investments in energy technologies that would promote their own national development programs and at the same time assist industrialized countries in pursuing low-cost climate change mitigation measures. Although the details of the Clean Development Mechanism remain to be worked out, it holds out the promise of mutually supportive international cooperation in addressing both the sustainable development and climate change challenges. Conclusion Energy is fundamental for socioeconomic growth, but current patterns of energy production, distribution and use do not support the sustainable development goals of environmental protection and social equity. Making a transition to new models for energy markets throughout the world is an enormous undertaking, requiring complex, long-term strategies that engage consumers and producers as well as governments. It is an attainable goal, however, to reconcile economic growth with wider access to reliable and affordable energy supplies and with reduced environmental harm. Through international cooperation, and through adoption of appropriate policies and economic frameworks, governments can promote energy efficiency, use of renewables, and cleaner conventional fuel technologies. Perhaps the most important impact of these measures would be to allow countries that are not yet industrialized to follow cleaner routes to development—routes that provide the energy services needed for improved health care, education, livelihoods, clean water, transportation, and communications, while limiting greenhouse gas emissions. Reference materials . Energy After Rio: Prospects and Challenges. New York: United Nations Publications, 1997. . Issues and Options: The Clean Development Mechanism. New York: United Nations Publications, 1998. and The World Resources Institute. Trends and Baselines: Promoting Development While Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions. New York: United Nations Publications, 1998. UN Department of Social and Economic Affairs, , and the World Energy Council. World Energy Assessment, available at Thomas B. Johansson is the Director of the Energy and Atmosphere Programme of the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Division in the Bureau for Programme and Policy Services of the United Nations Development Programme (undp). On leave from the University of Lund in Sweden, Professor Johansson will be teaching energy policy at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies starting in the spring of 2001. He has served as the Convening Lead Author of the ipcc Energy Supply Mitigation Options (Working Group IIA); Vice-Chairman of the UN Committee on New and Renewable Sources of Energy and on Energy for Development;Chairman of the UN Solar Energy Group for Environment and Development (unseged); Director of Vattenfall, the Swedish State Power Board; and International Co-Chair- 99 100 man of the Working Group on Energy Strategies and Technologies of the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. His publications include Energy After Rio: Prospects and Challenges, Renewable Energy: Sources for Fuels and Electricity, and Energy for a Sustainable World. Professor Thomas B. Johansson Director, Energy & Atmosphere Programme United Nations Development Programme 304 East 45th Street, Room 9100 New York, NY 10017 Telephone: 212.906.5030 Fax: 212.906.5148 E-mail: Gail V. Karlsson is an environmental lawyer based in New York City. She is a consultant to the United Nations Development Programme in the Energy and Atmosphere Programme. Ms. Karlsson has been a lawyer with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and with the New York firm of Lord Day & Lord, Barrett Smith. Ms. Karlsson has participated in all of the sessions of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (csd) as a representative of the United Nations Association-USA and, for the last several years, as a non-governmental advisor on the United States delegation to the csd. She has also written extensively about environmental protection and sustainable development. Gail V. Karlsson 258 Broadway 5A New York, NY 10007 Telephone: 212.267.4239 Fax: 212.587.1148 E-mail: