Report Number 10 Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher Education Report on the Northeast Campus Sustainabliity Consortium 3rd Annual Conference and International Symposium, November 2–4, 2006 Julie Newman and Lisa Fernandez, editors Office of Sustainability, Yale University Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies publication series 205 Prospect Street New Haven, Connecticut 06511 USA yale school of forestry & environmental studies The Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium (NECSC) was established in October 2004 to support the growing network of campus sustainability professionals from the Northeast U.S. and maritime Canada. The NECSC is committed to advancing the goals of education and action for sustainable development at colleges and universities in the region. For more information go to Yale F&ES Publication Series Report Number 10 April 2007 Julie Newman and Lisa Fernandez Jane Coppock Conference photos, Michael Marsland Bryan Gillespie, Yale RIS Dorothy Scott, North Branford, CT Yale RIS 100% post consumer, FSC-certified To download a free PDF of the report or to order printed copies, please go to the Yale F&ES Publication Series website Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies publication series To capture exciting environmental projects at Yale of interest to a broad professional audience, the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Publication Series issues selected work by Yale faculty, students and colleagues each year in the form of books, bulletins, working papers and reports. All publications since 1995 are available for order as bound copies, or as free downloadable pdfs, at our online bookstore at Publications are produced using a print-on-demand system and printed on 100% post consumer FSC-certified paper. For further information or inquiries, contact Jane Coppock, Editor of the F&ES Publication Series, at jane.coppock © 2007 Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies The Yale University Office of Sustainability is responsible for facilitating the integration of sustainability principles and practices into the operational functions and educational framework of the institution. This is manifest in the development of policies, practices and standards that lead to decisions which prioritize ecosystem health and human health in the context of economic viability. For more information go to Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher Education Report on the Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium 3rd Annual Conference and International Symposium November 2-4, 2006 Julie Newman and Lisa Fernandez, Editors Office of Sustainability, Yale University Table of Contents 1 acknowledgements introduction 3 Julie Newman, Director, Yale Office of Sustainability 5 welcoming address Richard Levin, President, Yale University NORTHEAST CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY CONSORTIUM (NECSC) CONFERENCE keynote address Climate Change in Institutions of Higher Learning J. Gustave Speth, Dean, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies 11 workshop summaries – focal area i: accomplishing organizational change for sustainability at academic institutions Strategies for Institutionalizing Sustainability in Higher Education Julie Newman, Yale University Matthew St. Clair, University of California 15 Building a Business Model for a Climate Neutral Campus Leith Sharp, Harvard University Robert Pratt, Henry P. Kendall Foundation 21 Sustainability Indicators Working Session Gioia Thompson, University of Vermont Sarah Hammond Creighton, Tufts University 27 Tools for Smart Growth and Sustainable Campus Development Richard Miller, University of Connecticut Michael Dietz, University of Connecticut 33 yale school of forestry & environmental studies Sustaining Environmental Justice on and around the Campus Eliezer Cruz, The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Vernice Miller-Travis, Groundwork USA Mark Mitchell, Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice Colleen Murphy-Dunning, Yale University 39 workshop summaries – focal area ii: sector-specific approaches within the university 1. People Engaging Students in Sustainable Behavior Caroline Howe, Yale College ‘07 Daniel Worth, National Association of Environmental Law Societies Emily Biesecker, Yale College ‘08 45 Does the Faculty Care? Engaging Faculty across Campus on Sustainability Issues Kim Marsella, Skidmore College Sandra Wachholz, University of Southern Maine Jack Byrne, Middlebury College 49 2. Food Service University-based Models for Sustainable Food Systems Thomas Kelly, University of New Hampshire Kelly Brownell, Yale University 53 3. Procurement Best Practices in Green Purchasing Services Jacob Park, Green Mountain College Chantal Line Carpentier, North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation John Turenne, Sustainable Food Systems, LLC Corinna Lowe, Green Mountain College ‘07 57 4. Service Learning College-Community Environmental Sustainability Initiatives: Local and State Partnerships in Pennsylvania Richard Bowden, Allegheny College yale school of forestry & environmental studies 63 workshop summaries – focal area iii: reducing the impacts of the university 1. Comparative Analysis of Carbon Sequestration Models Building a Credible Carbon Offsets Portfolio Bradford Gentry, Yale University James Heath, Ecosecurities Group Katherine Hamilton, Katoomba Group Derek Murrow, Environment Northeast 69 2. Developing Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories and Reduction Targets Measurement Equals Management! Conducting a Greenhouse Gas Inventory Jennifer Schroeder, Clean Air-Cool Planet Ryan Levinson, World Resources Institute 73 Appropriate and Practical: Setting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets on Campus Steven Lanou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology John Bollier, Yale University Jennifer Schroeder, Clean Air-Cool Planet 79 3. Energy Systems Energy and Climate Change: Risk and Opportunity Sarah Hammond Creighton, Tufts University William Leahy, Eastern Connecticut State University 85 4. Green Building and Low-Impact Design Setting the Bar High in Design and Clearing It in Construction Kurt Teichert, Brown University Paul Stoller, atelier ten 91 5. Recycling on Campus Recycling and Sustainability: A Practical and Theoretical Pairing Mary Jensen, Keene State College Mark Lennon, Institution Recycling Network Robert Gogan, Harvard University 99 yale school of forestry & environmental studies strategies for institutionalizing sustainability in higher education workshop summaries – focal area iv: broadening the perspective internationally An International Exchange of Campus Sustainability Experiences Bernd Kasemir, Novatlantis and sustainserv, inc. Leith Sharp, Harvard University Keisuke Hanaki, University of Tokyo 103 The Movement towards Sustainable Campuses in Canada: Processes and Experiences Melissa Garcia Lamarca, Concordia University Christopher Caners, University of Toronto Mélanie McDonald, University of Sherbrooke Anjali Helferty, Sierra Youth Coalition Canada 109 Sustainable Development in Higher Education – A Swedish Perspective Nils Brandt, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden 113 concluding plenary of the necsc conference Challenges to Institutionalizing Sustainability on Campus 117 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION opening presentation 123 The Pilot 2006 Environmental Performance Index and the Role of Higher Education in Advancing Sustainability around the Globe Daniel Esty, Yale University plenary and roundtable discussion 127 The Role of International Alliances to Advance Sustainability Objectives on University Campuses appendix 131 Workshop Organizers about the editors yale school of forestry & environmental studies 135 acknowledgements acknowledgements The work and vision of the steering committee members of the Northeast Campus Sustainability Consortium were invaluable in the development of the 2006 conference. Over the past two years we have fostered a working relationship steeped in good humor and intellectual exchange. Thanks to Richard Bowden, John Cusack, Sara Hammond Creighton, Melissa Garcia Lamarca, Mary Jensen, Thomas Kelly, Steven Lanou, Kim Marsella, Jennifer Schroeder, Leith Sharp, Kurt Teichert, Gioia Thompson, Shana Weber, and Norman Willard. My appreciation as well to the workshop organizers and speakers from Yale and elsewhere who volunteered their time and expertise and inspired much valuable and sometimes heated debate in the workshops they organized. All workshop organizers are listed in the Appendix. My gratitude goes to Lisa Fernandez, Conference Coordinator, who worked diligently to create and support the vision of the conference. Lisa brought a wonderful sense of professionalism and experience combined with a gentle sense of humor and an uncanny ability to go with the flow. The conference itself was made possible by the Yale Office of Sustainability with support from the Yale University Green Fund. Jane Coppock, Editor of the Yale F&ES Publication Series, worked hard to print this report by a challenging deadline and was wise and generous in sharing advice early on that made the production of this report as smooth as possible. Thanks also to Dorothy Scott, the indefatigable page setter for the Publication Series. Many thanks to Jane and the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies for agreeing to publish this report. Last but not least my tremendous gratitude goes out to the student volunteers, without whom the conference, symposium and this report would not exist. They dedicated themselves to making sure the conference ran smoothly and brilliantly rapporteured the workshops and wrote most of the summaries of this report. My profound thanks to Matthew Eckelman, Michael Davies, Benson Gabler, Katherine Gasner, David Gottesman, Meleah Houseknecht, Caroline Howe, Rosi Kerr, Christopher Kral, Sarah Percy, Jason Rauch, and Sara Smiley Smith. Many thanks to all who made possible the NECSC 2006 Conference and International Symposium and this report. Julie Newman, Ph.D. Director, Yale Office of Sustainability yale school of forestry & environmental studies 1