Texas Tech University Center - National Ranching Heritage Center

Unit Assessment Report - Four Column
Texas Tech University
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2010 Priority 1_Increase Enrollment and
Promote Student Success - We will grow
and diversify our student population in order
to improve higher education participation
and supply a well-equipped, educated
workforce for the state of Texas.
Start Date:
End Date:
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2010 Priority 2_Strengthen Academic
Quality and Reputation - We will attract and
retain the best faculty in the world in order
to enhance our teaching excellence and
grow our number of nationally recognized
Start Date:
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks Results
Assessment Method:
Priority 1_2010 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
increasing enrollment and promoting student
Promote Texas Tech as the university of
choice; Provide activities for K-12 students
that create a stimulating learning
environment associated Texas Tech
University; Provide facilities and activities to
meet academic goals for students and future
students; Create access to potential Texas
Tech University students; Increase use of
NRHC by faculty and students.
Action & Follow-Up
Assessment Method:
Priority 2_2010 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
strengthening TTU's academic quality and
Attain national recognition as a research
museum and historical park; Create
significant historical archives and collections;
Create database of historic preservation
theory and practices through digital imaging
and date storage/retrieval accessible by
external entities; Define and digitally store
categories of architectural and cultural
characteristics of NRHC structures; Offer
archival collections and artifact collections as
research resources to
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
students, faculty and staff; Create digital
information pathway to NRHC collections for
researchers and visitors; Promote and
support multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary
and inter-institutional research.
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2010 Priority 3_Expand and Enhance
Research and Creative Scholarship - We
will significantly increase the amount of
public and private research dollars in order
to advance knowledge, improve the quality
of life in our state and nation, and enhance
the state's economy and global
Start Date:
Assessment Method:
Priority 3_2010 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
expanding and enhancing research and
creative scholarship.
Promote research of NRHC collections and
archives; Conduct research projects by staff;
Support teaching opportunities of staff;
Promote the NRHC as a research lab and
classroom; Collaborate with other institutions
or departments on research and classroom
uses; Create digital means to share research
data using social media and other electronic
means; Enhance existing research projects
and develop new research initiatives;
Increase staff involvement in teaching and
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2010 Priority 4_Further Outreach and
Engagement - We will expand our
community outreach, promote higher
education, and continue to engage in
partnerships in order to improve our
communities and enrich their quality of life.
Assessment Method:
Priority 4_2010 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
expanding outreach and engagement
Create alliances with external entities that
support the mission of the NRHC; Promote
NRHC as a highly visible attraction to
national and international visitors;
Strengthen image of NRHC as a respected
Start Date:
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
member of the museum and university
communities; Continue marketing NRHC as
a unique historical and architectural resource
of American history based at Texas Tech
University; Ensure public access to NRHC
activities and resources; Increase public?s
trust of NRHC as a repository of historic and
artistic treasures; Create community
connections that enhance quality of life,
attract diverse cultural and ethnic audiences
and build external support; Continue to be
recognized as a valuable resource of
cultural, educational and recreational
opportunities for volunteers.
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2010 Priority 5_Increase and Maximize
Resources - We will increase funding for
scholarships, professorships, and worldclass facilities, and maximize those
investments through more efficient
operations in order to ensure affordability
for students and accountability to the State
of Texas.
Start Date:
Assessment Method:
Priority 5_2010 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
increasing and maximizing resources.
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2011 Priority 1_Increase Enrollment and
Promote Student Success - We will grow
and diversify our student population in order
to improve higher education
Assessment Method:
Priority 1_2011 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
increasing enrollment and
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Create historically significant collections for
research and exhibition; Continued to
publish significant publications; Maximize the
use of technology in the museum and
historical park?s operations, research
resources and marketing efforts; Maintain a
qualified work force and upgrade facilities to
support and optimal work and research
environment; Modify or increase NRHC
space for research and learning.
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participation and supply a well-equipped,
educated workforce for the state of Texas.
Start Date:
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
05/29/2012 - From January 1, 2011 to December
31, 2011, NHRC staff provided exceptional
educational activities for K-12 students creating a
stimulating environment associated with Texas
Tech. 201 students from TTU and other learning
institutions used the NRHC for research/class
assignments during 2010 including Museum
Science and Heritage Management graduate
students for the unique facilities for research and
training in their discipline.Interns, work-study
students, practicum students and graduate
assistants were added to the NRHC as temporary
staff.Computers and other equipment were made
available to interns, work-study students, graduate
assistants and students completing
practicums.NRHC staff contributed to the training
of graduate students in the Museum Science and
Heritage Management program by hosting
practicum students.NRHC staff contributed to the
education and training of graduate students from
the Agriculture Education and Communication as
they participated in research development at the
NRHC.Funding was available for graduate support
and assistantship levels to offset costs of
education.NRHC continues as host facility for the
regional History Day competition. Four hand-on
youth education classes held for children ten and
under. NRHC opened to 2,500 visitors as annual
educational event, Ranch Day. Summer Youth
Classes hosted twelve history classes for 100 K-5
students. The RHA Board of Directors in 2011
continued to provide financial resources to support
the mission of the NRHC.Texas Tech University
continued its agreement with the Ranching
Heritage Association allowing the RHA to provide
financial support and fund-raising volunteers for
the benefit of the NRHC.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
10/09/2011 - In 2011, the NRHC
staff will addressed specific
opportunities and challenges to
achieve goals of the Heritage
Center?s strategic plan;
Without an increase in the state
appropriated budget provided by the
University for employee payroll and
administrative and operational
expenses, development priorities
had to begin to shift to possible
acquisition of
endowments and multi-year grants
to maintain the current level of
A priority objective was completing
the final stage of the Master Plan?s
upgrade of the DeVitt-Mallet
Museum Building. This
included doubling the size of the
main gallery and creating a new,
more visible entrance to the
The acquisition of historic
structures will continue by actively
searching beyond Texas borders
and selectively acquiring ranch
buildings that fulfill the mission of
the Heritage Center.
NRHC staff will continue to assist
the Ranching Heritage Association
in the production of publications
such as the Ranch Record quarterly
magazine, exhibit gallery guides and
full-length books to promote
the mission of the Heritage Center.
Anticipating the increased use of
the internet by the public to access
promoting student success.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
No Action Needed
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Action & Follow-Up
centers of knowledge the expansion
and maintenance of the Heritage
Center?s Web site and other digital
outlets is vital. Visitors at the
historical park and e-visitors
accessing the NRHC Web site
have the opportunity to download
podcasts about exhibits and the
historic buildings.
Increased marketing aimed at
targeted audiences is designed to
increase tourist traffic and more
attendance at special education
events and provide researchers
throughout the world access to the
Heritage Centers collections.
NRHC staff will continue to create
opportunities for the acquisition of
key artifacts and collections of
artifacts that enhance the reputation
of the Heritage Center.
Heritage Center staff will continue to
promote to Texas Tech faculty the
advantages of fully engaging the
NRHC staff and facilities to
participate in the academic mission
of Texas Tech University.
NRHC staff will continue to pursue
research opportunities that fit the
mission of the Center and TTU.
NRHC staff will continue to
increase the research resources for
students, scholars, faculty and the
The NRHC?s success has been
the result of aggressive fundraising
by loyal volunteers from the
Ranching Heritage Association and
National Advisory Board. The NRHC
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
leadership will continue to make
fundraising a priority to obtain the
necessary support for improving and
expanding the facilities and
guaranteeing the retention of
qualified staff.
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2011 Priority 2_Strengthen Academic
Quality and Reputation - We will attract and
retain the best faculty in the world in order
to enhance our teaching excellence and
grow our number of nationally recognized
Start Date:
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
Assessment Method:
Priority 2_2011 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
strengthening TTU's academic quality and
05/29/2012 - From January 1, 201o to December
31, 2010, NRHC accomplished the following:
Completed the expansion of NRHC facility to
accommodate the need for enlarged
learning/research environment and exhibit space
with an addition or restructuring of approximately
10,000 square feet of space NRHC classroom and
meeting spaces equipped with state of the
audio/visual equipment.Heritage Management
graduate level classes from the Center for
Advanced Study of Museum Sciences and
heritage Management (CFAS) taught on location
at NRHC by staff member.NRHC staff hosted
Museum Science, Architectural History, Heritage
Management and Art classes on department
grounds.NRHC staff lectured to Museum Science
and Heritage Management graduate
classes.NRHC has staff member who is graduate
faculty.Approximately one-quarter of NRHC staff
hold Masters degrees or PhDs.NRHC staff
publishing peer-review journal article. NRHC staff
conducting research project of socio-economic
effects of wind energy on ranching. NRHC staff
using archives for publication sources.
Collaborative projects were completed with the
City of Lubbock Museums, the Museum of Texas
Tech, the Lubbock Arts Alliance, the Lubbock
Lake Landmark, the TTU Range and Wildlife
Management Department and Lubbock-Cooper
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10/09/2011 - The NRHC staff
interprets the cultural, economic and
architectural history of the livestock
industry in North America through
research, preservation and
education. The Heritage Center is
the only historical park of its size
(approximately 24 acres) devoted to
the preservation of ranch buildings
by relocating such structures to one
location. One historic structure, the
?80 John? House (c. 1910), was
added to the 47 other ranch
buildings now in the historical park.
Its history and role as the social
center of the ranch typifies the
mission of the NRHC. The 80
John ranch house is a milestone
asset for the NRHC. This building,
with its origin in the early 20th
century, extends the cultural range
of the interpretation and
preservation of the ranching industry
as portrayed at the NRHC. The
educational value of this ranch
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action Complete
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Action & Follow-Up
house is immense as an education
asset that joins the past of ranching
history to another cultural
dimension. Since 1999, NRHC staff
has acquired nine structures for the
historical park. The strategic plan
allows for the acquisition of select
ranch structures to complement the
NRHC mission. NRHC preservation
personnel have continued
conservation work
of the buildings in the
park with the exception of Barton
House whose restoration was
completed in 2009 to observe its
centennial. NRHC staff and other
TTU department members created
partnerships, such as the
exhibit and gallery guide
with Southwest Collection. Books
co-published by NRHC and RHA
are distributed by Texas Tech
University Press. NRHC exhibit
guides and publications
continue to win awards at the Texas
Museum Association and Lubbock
chapter of American Advertising
Federation competitions.
IN 1998, NRHC separated
operationally and administratively
from the Museum of Texas Tech.
Since then, the NRHC staff and
volunteers of its support group,
Ranching Heritage Association,
have given priority to the expansion
and upgrade of the existing DeVittMallet Museum Building to
accommodate additional research
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
resources, staff and. Since the
completion of the 16,800 square
wing in 2006, more than 5,000
square feet were renovated in the
DeVitt-Mallet Building, and another
1,300 square feet were added to the
Campbell Patio. The additional
space allows the Heritage Center
and other entities of the University
to use the facilities for functions and
educational/research purposes. Of
great concern is the lack of
adequate funding in the state
budget to cover
expenses mandated by the
University. Other than providing for
longevity pay, NRHC?s state
budgets for FY 2004
through FY 2010 have not
increased. The University required
employee pay increases to be selffunded
during those years from the
existing budget amounts, thereby
reducing funds available for
administrative and operational
expenses. Payroll of the full-time
NRHC employees comprised nearly
97% of its state budget. Local-fund
accounts scheduled for
maintenance of the historic
structures and grounds were
reallocated to cover costs of the
annual operations of the Heritage
Center, thereby depleting nearly 25
percent of the balance of the
current expense requirements, the
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
local-fund accounts may be
depleted in three years. The
Ranching Heritage Association and
other external sources funded vital
preservation activities and critical
personnel positions needed to
continue necessary museum
The Heritage Center is a highly
visible front door of the University.
It welcomes visitors from nearly all
states of the United States and
more than a dozen other nations.
While creating a positive image for
Texas Tech, the NRHC has no
direct participation in the
University?s academic mission,
other than to provide facilities as a
backdrop for other department
meetings, receptions and VIP tours.
The NRHC staff is very capable and
experienced in the museum
profession. Of the professional staff
employed, eight hold Master
degrees. Two of those also have
Ph.D.s; one recently completed a
second Masters degree in
Education. Of the employees, five
were awarded their Master of Arts
degrees in Museum Science (four
from Texas Tech Museum
Science program). However, only
one of the professional staff and
none of the Heritage Center?s
historic structures are fully engaged
in the University?s academic
mission by such entities as the
museum science and heritage
management program at the
Museum of Texas Tech, the
architectural preservation program
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
in the College of Architecture or the
History Department. In achieving the
Heritage Center?s goals as part of
the University community, the
NRHC staff must have the
opportunity to participate in Texas
Tech?s mission.
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2011 Priority 3_Expand and Enhance
Research and Creative Scholarship - We
will significantly increase the amount of
public and private research dollars in order
to advance knowledge, improve the quality
of life in our state and nation, and enhance
the state's economy and global
Start Date:
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
Assessment Method:
Priority 3_2011 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
expanding and enhancing research and
creative scholarship.
05/29/2012 - From January 1, 2011 to December
31, 2011, the NRHC accomplished the following:
NRHC staff conducts ongoing research related to
wind energy and ranch land use/management
while collecting oral histories of ranchers and
ranch families.The research material collected in
this project added to the collective knowledge of
ranching, the settlement of the West, sociology,
anthropology, agriculture, architecture, animal
husbandry and other fields of study.The project
material added to the research resources available
at the NRHC has been used for research and
publication. Ranch records numbering more than
300,000 documents covering the Pitchfork Ranch
history from 1937 to 1985 continued to be
accessioned into the NRHC collections and
archives.Ranch maps from the Pitchfork Ranch
dating from 1929 to the 1980s were added to the
NRHC collection as a research resource.584 items
were added to the NRHC collections during 2010
ranging from small hand tools to an early wallGenerated by TracDat a product of Nuventive.
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
mounted telephone.Another 230 books and
magazines were added to the collection. The
NRHC is amassing a collection of audio-visual
materials ranging from DVDs of NRHC oral
histories to ranch related matters. Equipment was
purchased to convert digital recordings to
DVD.Other equipment was purchased to aid in the
transfer of the taped research interviews to
DVD.Two Graduate Assistants from Agriculture
Education and Communication are employed as
part of the research project. Work-study students
from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology
and Social work, the Department of History and
Museum Science worked on the project tasks
also.NRHC significant historic collections are
available to students, faculty and scholars for
research and reference.NRHC staff served on six
Museum Science and Heritage Management
graduate committees, graduating three
students.NRHC staff serves on five current
Museum Science and Heritage Management
graduate committees.NRHC staff member spoke
to Heritage Management classes about historic
preservation.NRHC staff member lectured to
Museum Science class about curatorial issues in
historic houses.NRHC staff member lectured to
Historic Preservation class about historic
preservation.Classes from the Department of Art
and the College of Architecture accessed the
NRHC to complete drawing and research
assignments.Work study students from the TTU
student population were added as temporary
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action In Progress
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2011 Priority 4_Further Outreach and
Engagement - We will expand our
community outreach, promote higher
education, and continue to engage in
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
Assessment Method:
Priority 4_2011 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
expanding outreach and
05/29/2012 - From January 1, 2011 to December
31, 2011, NRHC continued the Helen Jones
Heritage Series by hosting for Women's History
Month, a one-woman show "A Way in the West"
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partnerships in order to improve our
communities and enrich their quality of life.
Start Date:
05/31/2012 4:04 PM
Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
engagement activities.
which sold out twice. NRHC staff and volunteers
continued popular educational and promotional
events such as the 41st Annual Ranch Day, the
5th Annual Heritage Halloween, 33nd Annual
Candlelight at the Ranch, 12th Annual Summer
Youth Classes, 13th Annual Boss of the Plains
Award Ceremony and the 34th Annual National
Golden Spur Award Dinner and Ceremony.Ranch
Day and Candlelight at the Ranch attracted 11,500
visitors to the NRHC during those two events.
Volunteers provided over 12,000 hours of service
during the two events.Heritage Halloween, an
educational event open to the public featuring
historical candy and autumn traditions attracted
4,000 visitors to the NRHC. Volunteers provided
300 hours of service during this event.A one-week
summer camp had 100 participants, ages 6-12,
and provided interactive historical activities for
educational purposes.NRHC staff hosted a
Members of the local community and Texas Tech
participated as living history volunteers, assisting
with special events, fundraising, educational
programs and served on committees and boards.
As a group, they provided over 17,000 hours of
their time in 2011.The NRHC continues a
cooperative program with the regional Girl Scout
Council to provide a merit badge program
incorporating education components.The NRHC
continues a partnership with the Texas State
Historical Association and hosted the South Plains
Regional History Day Competition in February
2011.The NRHC continued to use volunteers from
the Boy Scouts of America, local middle school
Junior Historians, National Charity League
members, Junior League members and Texas
Tech student assistants for special events.NRHC
staff member serves as a board member of the
Lubbock Arts Alliance.NRHC staff member serves
as a commissioner of the City of Lubbock Urban
Design and Historical Preservation
Commission.NRHC staff member serves on the
Lubbock ISD Partners in Education Advisory
Board.The NRHC was represented at
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Action & Follow-Up
several different Lubbock ISD and Region 17
teacher workshops.NRHC staff members spoke to
the Lubbock Women's Club as guest
lecturers.NRHC continues alliance with Ranching
Heritage Association, Texas Department of
Agriculture, Working Ranch Cowboy
Association.52,101 people visited the NRHC
during 2010 including 16,054 from places other
than Lubbock and 391 international visitors.There
were 173 school tours and 14 adult tours during
the year.NRHC staff spoke before the Lubbock
Rotary Club, the Lubbock Lions Club, the LISD
teacher's pre-service conference, a South Plains
Educational Resource Collaborative Workshop
and the Lubbock AJ Partners in Education
workshop for teachers.NRHC staff participated as
speaker for Lubbock Women?s Club, Delta Kappa
Gamma and the Daughters of the Texas
Republic.The NRHC continues to maintain a
relationship with the Comanche Nation.The
NRHC, in partnership with the RHA and seven
nationally recognized livestock and agricultural
organizations, hosted the 34th National Golden
Spur Award. The recipient of the award was Nolan
Ryan of Texas. NRHC and RHA presented the
13th annual Boss of the Plains Award to U.S.
Representative Bill Flores of Texas. Education
staff conducted workshops and training sessions
for volunteers of the NRHC.32 members of the
national Advisory Board, many of whom are Texas
Tech graduates, former members of the
University's Board of Regents and respected
leaders in their profession, continued to create a
positive and professional image for the NRHC and
assisted in the acquisition of funds and other
support for the Heritage Center.NRHC-published
books are marketed to retail outlets throughout the
USA and abroad.
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action In Progress
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Means of Assessment & Criteria / Tasks
Center - National Ranching Heritage Center
- 2011 Priority 5_Increase and Maximize
Resources - We will increase funding for
scholarships, professorships, and worldclass facilities, and maximize those
investments through more efficient
operations in order to ensure affordability
for students and accountability to the State
of Texas.
Start Date:
Assessment Method:
Priority 5_2011 Accomplishments. Please
provide a short narrative (500 words
maximum) that describes your efforts toward
increasing and maximizing resources.
04/26/2012 - From January 1, 2011 to December
31, 2011, NRHC accomplished the following:
NRHC staff performed restoration work on three
structures during 2011 to preserve the historic and
educational characteristics.A new Preservation
Center will better equip and prepare NRHC staff
for preservation and restoration work of historic
structures. Existing exhibit spaces are undergoing
refurbishment and expansion to better compliment
the learning/research resources available at the
NRHC.The NRHC quarterly publication, Ranch
Record, continues in publication. Carrying on the
mission of the NRHC to preserve and interpret the
heritage of ranching, the Ranch Record informs
readers of current events as well as featuring
articles of the history of the settlement of the west
by cattlemen and their families. The magazine is
written, edited and published by NRHC staff.Three
books and fourteen gallery guides published by
the NRHC are available to the scholars and the
public.Twenty-seven volumes of written histories
of ranch families published by the NRHC are
available as a valuable research
resource.Because of construction, few exhibits
were planned for 2011. An exhibit featuring items
from the historical collections of Red McCombs
was installed in late summer after construction
was complete. A virtual exhibit was created to
feature these artifacts on the NRHC website.
Virtual exhibits were developed to compensate for
a temporary loss of exhibit space. A spur
collection and a saddle shop were all presented
online as virtual exhibits. Facebook and Twitter
are part of raising visibility of the NRHC.
Announcements or special events and awards are
announced on social media.There has been a
steady increase in the fan base on both Facebook
and Twitter allowing the NRHC to reach hundreds
of people in the local region and across the United
States, even many outside this country.
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Action & Follow-Up
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Action & Follow-Up
Virtual exhibits were created and uploaded to
YouTube in 2011 and linked to the NRHC
website.A selection of podcasts of the collected
oral histories is available on the NRHC website.
Viewers are from as far away as China, Africa and
Greenland.Over the past year, 32,360 people
have visited the NRHC website. There were
11,268 oral history hits.NRHC leadership acquired
the most qualified candidates available for
employment in positions of leadership at the
Heritage Center.The Burk Burnett Library and
Reading Room is used continually to provide
additional facility and classroom space.The John
R. "Rich" Anderson room is used continually to
provide additional facility space and student
access.NRHC and members of staff maintain
memberships in professional museum and
historical organizations. NRHC maintains life
membership in Texas Historical Foundation. As a
historical park and museum, attendance and
rentals at the NRHC in 2011 were influenced by
weather, construction (which prevented facilities
from being available for rentals and student
educational programs) and higher fuel prices
(which affected tourism travel). Extreme inclement
weather necessitated closing the park for several
days. Colder and wetter days of the year
discouraged visitors and organizations from
coming to the Heritage Center for tours and
rentals. However, large events and an increased
level of interaction with organizations in the
community attracted additional visitors and rentals.
Rentals generate a portion of the NRHC's
revenue. NRHC staff observed strict guidelines for
acquisition of historic structures and artifacts.
Because of limited space in the historical park and
to prevent duplication of structures and artifacts
owned by the NRHC, staff declined structures and
many objects for accession into the collection.
Volunteers continued to be vital to the success of
the NRHC fundraising goals and education
programs. Members of the Ranch Hosts volunteer
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continue to be the mainstay of living history
programs and in attracting new members to the
organization. Volunteers in the Ranching Heritage
Association and National Advisory Board are an
important factor to the success of fundraising
efforts and increasing visibility of the NRHC. Other
volunteers also assisted in the Registration
Department and with NRHC and RHA special
Result Type:
Goal Met
Action Status:
Action In Progress
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