Tuesday, September 13, 2005
12:15pm – 1:37pm
These minutes represent bulleted highlights of the meeting and will not always reflect
specific details of questions, comments or concerns expressed or shared during the
PRESENT: Jack Bishop, Dan Leonardi, Glenn Comp, Richard Duchscherer, Isabel
Polvorosa, Ginger Ripplinger, Maggie Schumacher, Theresa Patchin, Janice Golojuch,
Desre Andres Salmon, Ernesto Victoria & Shari Jacobsen.
Emergency / Disaster / Crisis Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness is a mindset, not just a document that sits on a shelf
somewhere. You need to be prepared to calmly answer the question of “How do I
deal with this?”
Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of (New Orleans) and other gulf coast towns of
Louisiana and Mississippi proved that you cannot plan for everything, but you
had better be prepared for the worse.
Worse Case Scenario - in a bad event we could be on campus for up to 72 hours.
We discussed the procedural models, which are in place to manage our response
to a crisis or disaster.
NIMS National Institute of Management System
SEMS State Emergency Management System
Incident Command System
There are a number of excellent websites wit information about emergency
preparedness. Here are five of the best: ,,,, and
ii. EMERGENCY SUPPLIES - The emergency cabinet in Bldg. 200 is
supplied with hard hats, flashlights, batteries, first aid supplies and
emergency/crisis management documents/supplies. The Emergency trailer
located behind 1300 contains: items including, but not limited to: Batteries,
working gloves, masks, hard hats, stretchers, assorted tools and two small
generators. (MacGreagor wants to have 4 generators to meet emergency
power needs around the college campus, in the event of a power loss)
The college will be purchasing Evacu-chairs for every multi-story building.
The chair is a lifeline to safety. The evacu chair allows you to evacuate people
with disabilities or injuries up or down stairs.
The First Aid kits in the custodian closets and faculty buildings are not meant
for big emergencies [major trauma] they are for everyday use such as minor
scrapes, scratches and bruises.
iii. Disaster Preparedness– Personal / Family First (family safety local
response) the safety of your family is first; do you have a preparedness plan in
place? We cannot expect you to have your head in the game here at Chabot, if
you are understandably pre-occupied with the welfare of your loved ones. It is
important to remember that by law, once a disaster has been declared in our
area we become de facto disaster workers.
iv. Alternative Emergency Supply Sources: Kathleen Kaser, the bookstore
manager, has on hand a supply of bottled water, assorted food goods, 1st aid
kits and some medical supplies. Additionally, we have contingencies to
lockdown and utilize the cafeteria’s food & water stores in an emergency.
Should a disaster occur the emergency plan is based on the SEMS / ICS
command model. Responsibilities are determined based upon positional
responsibilities coupled with abilities.
Ideally, MacGreagor would like everyone to have taken the CERT
(Community Emergency Response Team) training, as is outlined and provided
thru FEMA. There are only 17 lessons in FEMA’s online self-paced course.
[Several Fire Departments in Alameda County also offer this training as a part
of community preparedness outreach: including Fremont, Pleasanton /
Livermore and City of Alameda Fire departments.] (added)
You cannot be simply involved; you must be productively involved, which
means making a personal and professional commitment. It's been suggested
that the difference between "commitment" and "involvement" is the difference
between a ham-and-eggs breakfast: a chicken was involved in your meal, but
a pig was committed to it. ☺.
MSBC Website: Showed an emergency where a 6yr old was carrying an
infant & 5 toddlers to safety.
The college will be having fire drill exercises / training. Practicing
evacuations has proven to be beneficial for the faculty and staff of institutions
such as ours. The days, dates and times will be determined with consideration
being given to minimal disruption of learning.
The instructors will be given directions on where and when the fire drill will
take place.
#2 a. Security Master Plan – Involvement and commitment is most important in the
implementation phase.
Chabot need an out reach to get vendors involved to show what items are needed
for 72 hours in case of a disaster.
Meeting ended at 1:52pm.
Next meeting Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 12noon in room 2340.
10/4/05 slb