Front cover

Front cover
The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture: How the Right
Architectural Choices Unlock the Value of Lifecycle Tools
for Business Leaders
Carl Zetie
John Wiegand
Understand how teamwork, communication, and
collaboration lead to successful software projects
Learn the key role that lifecycle tools play in
fostering communication and collaboration
Apply the Jazz architecture to eliminate
long-standing barriers to teamwork
Executive overview
Almost as soon as software development entered the business mainstream, it evolved from
being the work of a small handful of programmers to the product of a team operating within a
recognizable lifecycle, incorporating identifiable activities of requirements definition, design,
coding and test. Just as rapidly, practitioners and project managers alike recognized an
essential truth: coordination between team members and across the lifecycle is both essential
to delivering business value but extremely hard to achieve1. Today, software delivery is both
more complex and more business critical than ever.
In the first part of this IBM® Redguide™ publication, we talk about the business value of
lifecycle integration in software development. We then discuss the major architectural
approaches that organizations have tried in the past to achieve that business value. We
explain why these approaches, which might seem attractive on paper, fall short in the real
world of business.
In the second part of this IBM Redguide publication, we introduce the innovative IBM Jazz™
approach. We explain both how it is a new technical architecture that draws heavily on the
extraordinarily successful architecture of the web, overcoming the shortcomings of previous
architectures, and also a new approach to the relationships between competing vendors and
between vendors and customers, emphasizing the creation of a value network.
Increasingly, development organizations turn to lifecycle tools not only in the hope of
improving individual productivity, but more significantly, team productivity. Such organizations
need to integrate those tools to address the lifecycle challenges of collaboration, integration
and information across the whole team, including its business sponsors:
򐂰 Collaboration enables team members from other roles to work together effectively,
enabling them to share resources and communicate in context to resolve problems or
ambiguities, such as failing test cases, more efficiently. Unfortunately, all too often
stand-alone tools for other members of the team build up rather than break down barriers
to communication.
As early as 1975, Fred Brooks documented his experience managing the development of the seminal OS/360
operating system in the 1960s (The Mythical Man Month, ISBN 0-201-00650-2). He coined the maxim now known
as “Brooks’ Law,” which says that adding more people to a late software project only makes it later, a testament to
the exponential growth of the complexity of communication in a software team.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011. All rights reserved.
򐂰 Integration enables the team to manage repetitive tasks such as builds, reliably, rapidly,
and with minimal manual intervention. Integration also plays a role in guiding team
members through the development process and supporting business-critical governance
such as checkpoints, handoffs and audits. However, when lifecycle tools have limited
integrations, slow and error-prone manual intervention becomes necessary.
򐂰 Information gathered automatically by lifecycle tools and presented to team members for
easy consumption is perhaps the most important business benefit of lifecycle integration,
but also the capability most frequently lacking. Timely information provides every
stakeholder with insight into project progress and even the ability to forecast future
progress through appropriate metrics, such as the rate of feature delivery or the story
backlog reduction. In many organizations, though, essential information lies behind the
opaque walls of individual tools, making it extremely hard to discover meaningful insights
across the lifecycle.
The unfulfilled promise of lifecycle tools
Companies that adopt lifecycle tools generally do so not merely to solve problems of technical
integration, but also with the expectation of a real return on investment (ROI). They hope to
reap a number of business benefits:
Higher quality
Increased customer satisfaction
Alignment of IT priorities and resources with business goals
Faster time to market
The development organization also expects to improve its own internal performance through
lower costs, higher productivity and more predictable delivery cycles.
These all seem like reasonable expectations, but in reality, the business outcome is often
disappointing. Typically, as few as one third of adopters of lifecycle tools report that they
achieved the value that they expected, leaving two thirds disappointed with their ROI. Many
things can cause this shortfall, but two stand out above all others:
򐂰 The pressure of day-to-day work and deadlines distracts teams from the work required to
implement and exploit their tools most effectively.
򐂰 Lifecycle tools prove much harder to integrate than anticipated.
As a result, teams fail to reap the expected benefits of tools, both for the individual and,
because of the lack of integration, the team. Many teams thus find themselves in this
unfortunate dilemma: to reduce the pressure of day-to-day deadlines, they need to better
integrate their lifecycle tools. However, better integration requires taking time away from
day-to-day work, which is impossible because of the deadline pressures. As an old adage
puts it, “When you’re up to your neck in alligators, it is hard to remember that you were trying
to drain the swamp.”
Sadly, this is hardly a new problem. Vendors have struggled with the need for, and difficulty of,
lifecycle integration for many years. It is instructive to briefly discuss the approaches that have
been tried in the past to better understand how the Jazz architecture represents an innovative
approach that avoids the traps into which previous efforts have fallen.
The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture
These earlier efforts can be broadly divided into four architectural families:
򐂰 A single repository: Usually controlled by a single vendor, this approach promises a
coherent, integrated meta-model and a range of associated tools tightly bound to a
proprietary repository technology. In practice, adopters are disappointed to find that they
are limited to few choices of tools from the vendor and its closest partners; furthermore
they have to give up their existing tools, and migrate their data to a new environment.
򐂰 Universal metadata: Often under the supervision of a formal standards body, a coalition of
interested parties attempts to define all the metadata of all the lifecycle assets in the hope
that tools will be able to import and export each others’ data. In reality, such
over-ambitious coalitions invariably move far too slowly to keep pace with the market, and
the desire to create a universal standard proves impractical as each vendor tries to
entrench its own advantages into the common standard.
򐂰 Common implementations: If lifecycle tools were all written on a single implementation
framework, surely integrating them would become much easier. Unfortunately, this
aspiration is even more ambitious than that of universal metadata. It is unlikely that a
critical mass of vendors would choose to abandon their existing implementations to start
over, or even if they did, that they would all adopt at the same pace as required for
compatibility. This approach has been known to work for a focused subset of the tools
stack, but not for the broader lifecycle.2
򐂰 Tool-to-Tool integrations: In the absence of a workable implementation of any of the other
approaches, most tool users resort to the most direct approach, namely point-to-point
integrations between pairs of tools. While this approach can solve the tactical problem for
a few critical integrations, it quickly becomes unmanageably complex as a strategy as the
number of tools grows. This approach depends on continuing cooperation between the
vendors of every pair of tools that the user wants to integrate, but worst of all, it is
extremely brittle. Integrations are prone to break unpredictably every time a tool is
upgraded, and users might be held back from upgrading for want of one missing link in
their tool chain.
First of all, these approaches all suffer from certain combinations of being slow to emerge,
disruptive to adopt, and restrictive of choice. Secondly, they do little to address the broader
challenges of integration, such as workflow, which crosses tool boundaries, consistent
governance regardless of where data resides or the ability to aggregate information about
status and progress from multiple sources. Thirdly, they fail to acknowledge the practical
difficulties of integrating existing tools and the important data that they contain or processes
that they embody.
Even when IT organizations do manage to achieve a degree of resource integration, they
often find that the multiple tools required for other roles introduce a new problem of their own:
each tool brings its own approach to managing coordination across the lifecycle. Each tool
may have its own concept of user accounts and permissions, projects and baselines, events
and workflow, and all the other elements. This means that tools do not merely connect to
each other, but actively coordinate with each other.
Given these shortcomings and difficulties, perhaps it does not seem so surprising that so few
development organizations achieve the integrations they hoped for nor that so much potential
value is left unrealized. Clearly, solving this problem demands new thinking. This realization
led to the Jazz architecture.
Eclipse and the various integrated development environments (IDEs) and related plug-ins provide an example of
successfully applying this approach to one part of the lifecycle.
Introducing the IBM Jazz initiative
IBM Jazz is an initiative for improving collaboration across the software and systems lifecycle.
This initiative consists of three elements: platform; community; and products. Jazz offers the
following benefits:
򐂰 An open platform for lifecycle tool integration: The platform comprises an architecture for
common lifeycle integration patterns, along with a set of optional frameworks, toolkits and
helpers that simplify the work of tool creators.
򐂰 A transparent community working together to integrate and develop lifecycle tools: All
stakeholders, whether inside or outside IBM, can collaborate at the website. This
collaboration permits visibility into and influence over the evolution of the Jazz platform
and products to any interested party.
򐂰 A set of products that take advantage of the Jazz platform: One of the essential features of
the Jazz initiative is that it doesn’t apply only to newly-developed tools; existing tools can
evolve to take advantage of Jazz integration patterns and can do so at their own pace. The
fact that the platform and the products are being developed in tandem ensures that the
platform is robust and useful, validated in real customer scenarios.
This paper primarily addresses the Jazz platform and, in particular, the architecture of Jazz.
Linked Lifecycle Data
At the core of the Jazz architecture is an implementation of the concept of Linked Data. This
is a design approach, advocated most notably by Tim Berners-Lee, that aims to make the
inherent connectivity of the web as valuable and as flexible as possible. As the Linked Data
community website succinctly puts it, “Linked Data is about using the web to connect related
data that wasn't previously linked, or using the web to lower the barriers to linking data
currently linked using other methods”.3 Linked data takes a few simple rules about how one
document or asset can refer to another and applies them universally. Those rules are
intended to ensure that the names of assets are uniform and unique; that those names can
be readily discovered; that the assets are available in common representations that can be
processed or formatted automatically; and that assets are richly populated with links to other
assets, promoting discovery of rich connections that are not immediately obvious.
Linked Lifecycle Data is quite simply an application of the Linked Data design approach and
technical implementation to the particular domain of assets in the software lifecycle. We treat
each asset, whether it be a Requirement or a Test Case or a source code file, as a resource,
with a unique resource identifier, or URI (this is the same as the URL that identifies a web
page). Every asset, regardless of which tool created it or owns it, is named and accessed by
its URI. For one asset to refer to another it simply stores that URI as the value of a property,
and can then ask the tool that holds that asset to perform simple operations (such as
retrieving it or updating it) using the URI to identify it.
Linked Data requires a shift in thinking from integrating tools to integrating data. The
immediate consequence of this shift is that tools are no longer dependent on each others’
proprietary application programming interfaces (APIs) or, worse, internal data structures to
find assets and follow relationships. Nor is there generally any need for data to be
consolidated into a single repository or exported and imported between different tools4.
Assets can remain with the tool that created them, in any format: to provide access to those
assets, the tool need merely expose a single standard interface.
More information about Linked Data and the many companies and individuals supporting it can be found at
The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture
For example, the link from a Requirement to a Test Case is simply a Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI) stored in the requirement management tool’s store. The Test Case in turn
might have links to other assets, such as Work Items or test logs. When the requirements
management tool needs access to the test case in question, it does not need to concern itself
with what specific quality management tool is serving its requests, and conversely, the quality
management does not care where the request came from. All tool-specific dependencies are
eliminated in favor of a uniform, simple interface. Contrast this with older approaches that
depended on replicating data and keeping copies in sync.
The Jazz architectural approach delivers immediate advantages:
򐂰 A loosely-coupled solution: Tools are not tightly dependent on each others’ APIs or
structures that change with every upgrade. Consequently, customers can upgrade their
tools independently of each other without waiting for vendors to synchronize their
integrations and without extensive and expensive regression testing of every tool upgrade.
򐂰 Technology-neutrality: Jazz does not depend on any particular programming language or
technical implementation. Just as the content on the web is generated by applications
written a variety of programming languages and technical implementations (many of which
did not even exist when the web was first conceived) delivered by a variety of web servers
to a growing variety of clients, both desktop and mobile, so Linked Lifecycle Data allows
existing and new tools to participate on an equal footing.
Thus by imitating the approach pioneered by the web, we gain the freedom for tools
implementers to use the language that makes sense to them, allowing in-house developed
tools, open source projects, and new tools such as IBM Rational® Team Concert™ all to
participate in the web of Linked Lifecycle Data.
The concept of Linked Lifecycle Data avoids the feasibility problems of two of the older
integration approaches, the single repository or pairwise tool-to-tool integrations. Linked
Lifecycle Data also eliminates any need to force convergence on a single technical
implementation. However, we also need to beware of the trap of trying to define an
all-encompassing meta-model. Another advantage of the Linked Lifecycle Data approach is
that we need to define only as much of the meta-model as is required to support specific
integration scenarios, to immediately reap the benefit of those integrations. As additional
scenarios and integrations are needed and understood, they can be added without
invalidating existing integrations. Again, the web itself has proven that this approach is
realistic and attainable even on a global scale.
In practice, there might be scenarios where for practical reasons such as performance, it makes sense to
consolidate certain data in a single place. For example, it might be useful to aggregate status and progress
information into a data warehouse to support business intelligence and reporting activities for managers of IT
projects. Just as in the equivalent situation for any other production data, the data in the tools remains the
“information of record,” while the familiar extract, transform and load steps for populating a data warehouse provide
a view that is more efficient for querying and navigation.
Linked Lifecycle Data and OSLC
Of course, even the best approach to data integration is only relevant if it is widely adopted.
For that reason, IBM has attempted to eliminate any hindrance that might discourage
adoption of the Linked Lifecycle Data approach. We have established an open, transparent
community called Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) to develop and publish
the specifications for lifecycle resources5. The work at OSLC is divided into domain-specific
workgroups, including requirements management, architecture management, change
management and quality management, with others being explored all the time. Any motivated
individual, whether an employee of a vendor or a user company, a researcher at an academic
institution, a contributor or committer on an open source project, or simply an individual in his
or her own right, can observe, participate in and contribute to the effort.
The specifications created by OSLC are as open as the process. Published under a Creative
Commons license, they are freely available to any implementer who wants to consume the
interfaces or provide the interfaces for others to consume. Furthermore, the Creative
Commons license is irrevocable: after it is granted, the right to use the published specification
can never be withdrawn nor a licensing fee imposed.
Linked Lifecycle Data and richer integrations
After tools have adopted this linked data approach to creating relationships, other interesting
integrations become much more feasible. For example, it becomes possible to perform
cross-cutting analyses, such as asking what the coverage of test cases to requirements is,
without needing to know anything about the test management tool. All that is necessary is to
verify that each requirement includes a valid link to a test case.
Tools can also use Linked Lifecycle Data to provide a simple, low-cost form of user interface
integration. In the past, separate tools have had separate user interfaces, and viewing the
resources of another tool required the user to learn and run an entire additional tool. Linked
Lifecycle Data enables a much lighter-weight approach. One innovation is the idea of user
interface previews: a suitably enabled tool can present the user with a preview of the resource
at the other end of a link. (If you have used an internet search engine such as Bing or Google
that allows you to preview a search result without navigating to the page in question, you will
be familiar with this concept). This requires no coupling between the tools or dependency on
the APIs of the other tool: it is enabled simply by the data-linking mechanism.
The Jazz architecture
While OSLC provides a powerful and versatile base for integrating the assets used in the
lifecycle, it is only the beginning of full integration. Extending integration across the lifecycle is
the role of the complete Jazz architecture, of which Linked Lifecycle Data forms one part.
Jazz architecture adds many additional services that promote a consistent user experience,
shared processes and governance, and higher value and lower cost of ownership.
The online home of OSLC is
The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture
Unlike older frameworks that required tools to conform to a specific technical implementation,
the Jazz architecture frees tools from dependencies on the implementation of the common
services. Tool access service interfaces through integration protocols that are
technology-neutral.The Jazz architecture enables several capabilities:
򐂰 Users can manage project progress with reports, dashboards, and process checkpoints
regardless of which tool owns individual assets.
򐂰 Users can trace changes and perform impact analysis across tools, following links from
asset to asset.
򐂰 Users will be able to perform configuration management across all their lifecycle assets
without having to migrate all their assets to a single store.
򐂰 Users will be able to define processes that govern the use and status of assets across
various tools, even though individual tools might have separate process models6.
In order to support these scenarios, IBM Jazz tools conform to a number of conventions that
we call “integration patterns.” Each tool in a particular integration scenario that conforms to a
given pattern increases the value of all the participating tools and decreases their cost of
ownership. Several examples of patterns for information integration are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Common Jazz integration patterns
User view
Lifecycle data access
I want my tools to be able to expose and share lifecycle artifacts
with one another to accomplish several possible day-to-day tasks:
򐂰 Create artifacts in one tool based on tasks performed in or by
another (for example, create a defect as a outcome of a
security scan or test execution).
򐂰 Identify relationships between one artifact and another (for
example, relate a change request to the requirement it
򐂰 Access properties of artifacts managed by one tool to support
user or automated tasks in another tool (for example, run a
test suite based on changes to last night’s build content or
view the summary of a work item from my project dashboard).
Project dashboards
I want to create dashboards to coalesce information from several
lifecycle tools. I want to be able to include information from other
parts of my business (for example, finance, social business, and so
forth) in the same dashboard.
Cross-lifecycle reporting and
I want operational reports that rely on data from multiple tools to
help me understand overall project health, which can give me
insight into how a change in one part of the lifecycle might impact
other parts.
Secure and seamless tool
Even though each of my tools have their own user management
and access control capabilities, I want them to be able to access
data from one another and to support tool-to-tool navigation
without disruptive user authentication challenges, while at the
same time ensuring data remains secure.
Other patterns address additional areas of value such as process integration and common
administration. Furthermore, these patterns provide a design template for Rational and its
partners to design future software products that can be expected to work well together.
Several of these capabilities are already available. Others will be implemented over time.
Business value of the Jazz architecture
With the Jazz architecture in place, the business value of lifecycle tools finally begins to
approach the business expectations that customers have in mind. Customers will be able to
reap the valuable benefits of lifecycle integration without having to sacrifice timely evolution,
incremental adoption, and open choice of tools.
This Redguide began with a pessimistic view of the disappointing ROI of typical ALM projects
and an analysis of the shortcomings and limitations of previous attempts to deliver lifecycle
integrations. We have now seen how the Jazz architecture brings new thinking to the
challenge and overcomes those limitations. With the Jazz architecture implemented in
Rational tools, IBM delivers the first lifecycle integration architecture with several benefits:
򐂰 Realistic: The Jazz initiative recognizes that customers will not replace their current
investments wholesale
򐂰 Pragmatic: Jazz architecture allows tools and services to be upgraded independently,
without sacrificing rich integration
򐂰 Open: Jazz integrations support the requirement to have a variety of tools from other
򐂰 Built for the 21st century: Designed using web architectural principles implemented with
web technologies, Jazz architecture delivers the distributed, scalable, and flexible lifecycle
integration that modern businesses demand.
This offering is only the beginning. Like the web itself, the Jazz architecture encourages new,
innovative, often unanticipated integrations, offering greater connectivity and fostering
collaboration. You can join the continuing discovery as part of the Jazz community at this
The team who wrote this guide
This guide was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the
International Technical Support Organization (ITSO).
Carl Zetie is a Senior Strategy Manager in the Rational Business Strategy team and is
responsible for numerous aspects of business strategy, including integration and open
standards. Before joining IBM five years ago, Carl worked as an industry analyst covering the
software development market for several years and authoring numerous industry reports, as
well as being a frequent contributor to the trade press. He is also known for his contributions
to the software usability community.
John Wiegand is an IBM Distinguished Engineer, working in Oregon, US. He has 25 years of
experience in software development environments. He holds an MS degree from the
University of Illinois. John is the Rational Chief Architect and is responsible for open tooling
architecture for the Jazz platform. Before this, John was the principal architect for the Eclipse
Platform infrastructure and is a former member of the Eclipse Foundation Board, playing a
key leadership role in establishing Eclipse as a successful open source project.
The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture
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The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture
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The Business Value of the Jazz Architecture