Institutional Planning and Budget Council Meeting Notes

Institutional Planning and Budget Council
Meeting Notes
Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Present: Laurie O’Connor, Clara McLean, Norma Ambriz, Stephen Small, Jane Church, Sally Jahnke, Gene
Groppetti, Joseph Kuwabara (note taker), Bob Curry, Rachel LePell, Carolyn Arnold, Ron Taylor, Chad Mark
Glen, Gerald Shimada
1. Review of February 23, 2005 Minutes
Carolyn Arnold called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. She asked IPBC representatives to review the minutes
from February 23, 2005. They were approved as written.
2. Next Meeting
March 30th might be in conflict with a series of meeting by the KH group. KH has proposed a series of meeting
for the instructional and student services divisions on March 30 & 31. It was proposed to invite KH to meeting
with IPBC on March 30th since they are meeting with almost every other group or division on campus.
3. Evaluation & Follow-Up of February 17th Flex Day
Ron Taylor distributed a copy of “February 17th Flex-Day Comments”. There was a short discussion of each
member’s reactions to the Flex Day activities. Rachel LaPell asked, “What are the next steps? Is this it? Do we
just go on? Isn’t there going to be some real follow-up? There needs to be some dialogue among colleagues on
this matter.” Gene Groppetti noted that “This needs to be an everyday event, not just a once or twice a year
special event.” Bob Curry said that the Classified sessions were very good with lively discussions.” Rachel
LaPell also noted that “The Program Review Committee should be a part of the IPBC.” It was agreed to invite
the Program Review Committee to a future meeting.
4. Faculty Hiring Update
Ron Taylor handed out the “Faculty Hiring Update – March 9, 2005” – Process & Results from Fall, 2004 –
Current Process, Spring, 2005 – Priorities, Factors and Data Considered. The next meeting of the Faculty Hiring
Committee will be on Wednesday, March 16th to consider proposals to fill retirements or resignations received
prior to March 15th. The Fall, 2004 process began in September, before the Strategic Plan was approved.
Therefore, the hiring proposals did not strictly adhere to the Strategic Plan’s Goals & Objectives. There was a
question, now that the Strategic Plan was approved, would there be different guidelines for presenting the hiring
proposals. Gene Groppetti noted that adhering to the Strategic Plan was one of the guidelines in developing a
hiring proposal. The IPBC did not give the Faculty Hiring Committee any new directions for its March 16th
5. Guidelines for Reviewing Unit Plans:
Carolyn Arnold handed out a memo from VP Melinda Matsuda – “Reviewing Unit Plans”. It was agreed that
IPBC members would read Unit Plans – Discipline Plans – Budgets as information items – be non-judgmental
and non-evaluative, and ask questions like: What did you learn from this review? What are the concerns and
challenges for the unit? This is a learning experience for those IPBC members who do not have any experience
with unit plans and budgets. Someone will “e” mail IPBC members when the packets are ready.
6. Review of 2004-2005 Goals and Objectives
It was agreed to have each IPBC member “e” mail Joseph Kuwabara his or her list of accomplishments and
activities to the 2004-05 Strategic Plan. Joe will comply this list and bring it to the next meeting.
7. College-Wide Learning Goals
Carolyn Arnold handed out a draft of “College Wide Learning Goals”. She suggested that the IPBC begin
discussion of this topic. It will be presented to College Council soon. There were many questions: How do we
know that our students are learning these goals? Do these apply to our degrees and transfer only? Does the
student who only takes a few courses achieve all the goals? Will all students leave Chabot College with all these
demonstrated competencies? The second page of the document listed the learning goals and examples of each.
This item will be an item on a future agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Joseph Kuwabara.