Institutional Planning and Budget Council Meeting Notes Wednesday, March 30, 2005 Approved Present: Norma Ambriz, Debbie Budd, Jane Church, Chad Mark Glen, Ken Grace, Sally Jahnke, Joe Kuwabara, Rachel LePell, Marge Maloney, Melinda Matsuda, Rick Moniz, Laurie O’Connor, Gerald Shimada, Steve Small, Dale Wagoner, Judy Young 1. Review of March 9, 2005 Minutes Melinda Matsuda called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. She asked IPBC representatives to review the minutes from March 9, 2005. Minutes were approved as drafted, with an addition of one person left off the attendance list. 2. Discussion: Integrating KH Strategic Cost Management Analysis Information, Budget Committee Recommendations, and IPBC Unit Plans Review Process Melinda wanted to group to have a discussion regarding the role of IPBC in relation to the work of the Budget Committee, the work coming out of the Strategic Cost Management Analysis, and now IPBC’s process for reviewing unit plans. In other words, the real questions are exactly how much money will need to be cut, who will be doing that, and over what timeframe. She reviewed the KH timeline and process, and suggested that perhaps IPBC will want to schedule two meetings over the summer. Since KH was meeting with the Language Arts Division at the same time as our IPBC meeting, they would be rolling out a full data analysis for Chabot College at one of the next College Council meetings, which would be a joint meeting of College Council and IPBC. Members of the Budget Committee had been invited to this IPBC meeting. Dale Wagoner, Chair of the Budget Committee, passed out the Budget Committee Status Report. He reviewed the work of the Budget Committee, including its charge, Quick Start Proposal Interviews, 2005-2006 Budget Development Interviews (with managers), review of capital outlay requests, and review of requests for augmentations. The Budget Committee will make recommendations to IPBC for 1) moving monies within the budget; 2) moving monies from other divisions or departments; and 3) requests for new monies. It was again emphasized that IPBC would only be making INFORMED recommendations, as a result of reviewing unit plans, in conjunction with Budget Committee recommendations AND Strategic Cost Management Analysis information. Rachel LePell suggested that IPBC develop a resolution regarding our role in decision-making related to budget issues and the fact that we need to be proactive as opposed to reactive. Rick Moniz distributed a list of his own questions about IPBC and the level of authority IPBC has in terms of recommendations. The questions generated lots of discussion. The following conclusions were drawn. • • It was agreed that IPBC would be taking a proactive as opposed to a reactive stance in making recommendations related to potential budget cuts. To become informed to be able to make recommendations, the unit plans reviews would incorporate information from the KH Strategic Cost Management Project and Budget Committee recommendations. IPBC would draft a list of recommendations to forward to College Council and the College President. The recommendations would need to be agreed upon by the group after analysis and discussion. This • • would involve inquiry with the staff involved with programs and/or services. The Budget Committee is being encouraged to join IPBC in its meetings for the remainder of the academic year. There are ten Unit Plan Review Teams. During April and May, teams will review the highlights of each unit they reviewed with the full IPBC group. This would be Tier one. At Tier One, if a team wants to make a recommendation, the recommendation would be put on a list for consideration by the whole IPBC. At that time, the entire IPBC would review the unit plan, as well as any additional pertinent information, prior to the Tier Two Discussions. Tier Two discussions would occur during May, when the IPBC would reach consensus on those recommendations to forward to College Council. 3. Unit Plans Review It was agreed that Debbie Budd and Rick Moniz would review their unit plans at a subsequent meeting. 4. 2004-2005 Goals and Objectives Review This topic was tabled for a future meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm. Respectfully submitted by Melinda Matsuda.