Regular Meeting August 17 –11:15 a.m. Building 1500, Room 1506 M i n u t e s IPBC Membership 2005-2006 Laurie Dockter, Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Joe Kuwabara Cristina Ruggiero Classified Catherine Powell Karen Silva Rachel Ugale Administrators Robert Carlson Tom Clark Marcia Corcoran Robert Curr Melinda Matsuda Daryl Minus Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor Dale Wagoner Attending: Chad Mark Glen, Rudolph Cockerham, JoAnn Galliano, Ron Taylor, Wanda Wong, Carolyn Arnold, Vanessa Cormier, Jerry Egusa, Laurie Dockter. Absent: (core representatives still to be confirmed) Minutes: Laurie Dockter reviewed the minutes from June 14 and July 12 meetings. General assent. Ron Taylor indicated he would confer with Kaaren Krueg about providing clerical support for minutes, agendas, etc., and report back. Meetings (Meeting Day and Next Meeting): discussion of the option of trading day/time with College Council (i.e., to meet on Fridays), and it was the consensus that in order to build membership, we should continue with the current pattern (meetings on 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 3 p.m.). Next meeting: Aug. 23, 3 p.m. in Board Room. Charge: Chad Mark Glen reviewed the charge of the council, referring to the current version of the Shared Governance/Collegial Consultation document. Reporting/Recommending: Included in Chad Mark Glen’s review of the council’s charge; general assent to the changes worked out by Chad and Dr. Carlson. Relation to the Strategic Plan (Priority Objectives): discussion of the need to ask the lead group for each objective to report back to IPBC in some concrete way. Consensus that the best means of doing this would be to communicate to these groups our expectations concerning accomplishment(s) on each objective for the 06-07 year, and to ask them to produce an action plan including specific activities, timeline, and benchmarks they feel can be achieved and reported on. Chair: Laurie Dockter was elected as Chair (nominated by Chad Mark Glen; MSC). Members: Laurie Dockter asked everyone present to introduce themselves. Then the roster of core representatives from 05-06, and the design in the Shared Governance description, were reviewed. Chad Mark Glen indicated he would like to see 100% representation as listed—that we would need to advocate for that, and follow-up with individuals and constituency representatives. The group agreed that we need to confirm membership by those who will provide key linkages—to Budget Committee and to Program Review Committee especially. The Chair will check with constituency leadership to ensure that the core representatives are identified and confirmed. Laurie Dockter indicated that we need to ensure there is a linkage with Program Review, and Ron Taylor responded that at least at the administrative level he had an arrangement in mind involving Dean Tom Clark. Ron also indicated he would talk with Dr. Carlson and the other VPs about extending Program Review to cover Student Services and Administrative Services functions. Further discussion concerning reporting relationship of Program Review Committee, with consensus that academic program review could report both to Academic Senate and IPBC, and perhaps the non-academic program review results could come only to IPBC, thus providing the needed institutional overview. Conferences Upcoming: Carolyn Arnold described the Learning Assessment conference planned for San Diego in October, and consensus was that Chabot should send a team, with Title III team and representatives from Academic/Faculty Senate (Chad Mark Glen) and IPBC also.