Regular Meeting September 13 3:00 p.m. Board Room Minutes-Draft Submitted By: JoAnn Galliano MEd., RDH IPBC Membership 2006-2007 Laurie Dockter, Chair Faculty Mike Absher Carolyn Arnold JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Gayle Hunt Joe Kuwabara Cristina Ruggiero Wanda Wong Members Present: Laurie Dockter, Carolyn Arnold, Mike Absher JoAnn Galliano, Chad Mark Glen, Gayle Hunt, Cristina Ruggerio, Wanda Wong, Robert Carlson, Marcia Corcoran, Farhad Javaheripour, Melinda Matsuda, Ron Taylor Members Absent: Joe Kuwabara, Karen Silva, Rachel Ugale, Tom Clark, Marge Maloney, Daryl Minus, Gerald Shimada, Dale Wagoner Guest: Norberto Ruiz-Curriculum Committee Chair I. Meeting Minutes-The meeting minutes from the August 23rd meeting were approved. Classified Catherine Powell Karen Silva Rachel Ugale II. Membership-Gayle Hunt will be the new representative from Language Arts. Tom DeWit and Catherine Powell are not serving on the committee. A representative from the Humanities Division is still needed. Administrators Robert Carlson Tom Clark Marcia Corcoran Farhad Javaheripour Marge Maloney Melinda Matsuda Daryl Minus Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor Dale Wagoner III. Discussion of Agenda Items A. Action Plan Form-Discussion of the new action plan template was led by Carolyn Arnold and Wanda Wong. A draft template was disst tributed to College Council on September 1 . As a result of the input from College Council, modifications were made to the template. Dr. Carlson asked the College Council Chairs to bring the completed th templates to the September 29 meeting of College Council. IPBC will be responsible for evaluating the measurements used by each group to meet the expected outcomes. Marcia Corcoran asked for clarification as to how much leadership each group has with their assigned objectives when the work that different groups are doing seemingly could overlap. She used the example of the objectives concerning SLOs. Both Staff Development and the Faulty Senate have objectives dealing with SLOs. In this case, is Staff Development free to work on their own to develop their action plans or are they to wait to receive direction from Senate before developing their action plans. After much discussion, the consensus appeared to be that each group can focus on what they would like to accomplish, but that they would coordinate with others groups in an effort to ensure that they IPBC September 13, 2006 Page 2 take into account what the other group may have already done or are currently doing. Groups would, hopefully, support each other in the accomplishment of the objectives. The groups ability to work on assigned objectives would not be contingent on the work of another group, but they would take into consideration what the other groups have done and/or are doing. To facilitate dialogue on the work on the action plans that each group establishes for their objective, Dr. Carlson has asked the Chairs to report on their groups progress at each College Council Meeting. Gayle Hunt asked for clarification as to why we are doing this. Her feeling is that this is already being done. It was explained that this is a new accreditation standard. Accreditation is asking for measures of student learning. It is no longer enough to say that the students are learning because they matriculate. It is our responsibility to demonstrate how we assess that learning has taken place. It was further articulated that this type of information needs to be relayed to the public and the community. Colleges are being asked to be accountable to those who are paying for the educational institution. The goal of this process is to use SLOs as clarifying tasks that will help the college confirm to ourselves what we are doing. This can be used to create a dialogue between faculty members and the college as a whole as to how we are measuring student success. Carolyn Arnold indicated that from what she has seen as part of meetings to prepare for an accreditation site visit, the most successful colleges are those that have spent time and money on training. This was the purpose of IPBC working with Staff Development and the administration to fund IPBC members attendance at the statewide conference in San Diego. Unfortunately, even though funding was obtained, the additional representatives from IPBC will not be able to attend because conference registration was closed by the time they applied. B. Timeline for Reporting to IPBCThe templates will be completed th by the September 29 College Council meeting. IPBC will then have the opportunity to review the templates. Laurie asked that the IPBC members review the template for IPBC th and e-mail any comments and/or edits to her by September 20 . Laurie will talk to Tom DeWit about incorporating what is being done in Program Review into the overall planning process that is being facilitated by IPBC. It was discussed that IPBC needs to be aware of what is being done in Program Review as this information is important to the development of the strategic plan. IPBC September 13, 2006 Page 3 C. Priority Objectives for 2007-08It is time for IPBC to write the priority objectives for 2007-08. These objectives are needed by the college to write Unit Plans for 2007-08. After much discussion centering on the fact that IPBC just published the 2006-07 priority objectives, it was agreed that these same objectives would be used for 2007-08. IPBC members are to review theses objectives and provide comth ments and/or edits to Laurie by September 20 , so that the committee can reach consensus as to whether we will be using the 2006-07 objectives for 2007-08. Dr. Carlson indicated that he felt that these objectives should constantly be under review. They are not set in stone and therefore, can be modified as needed. Norberto Ruiz asked that IPBC develop a calendar indicating when the priority objectives for the next cycle would be completed, so that those people who need them for Unit Plans would know when the objectives should be available. Chad supported Norbertos request indicating that the college should have some sort of master calendar, so that work can be planned out in realistic timelines and not rushed through. D. IPBC RetreatLaurie had hoped to have a retreat on Friday, nd September 22 . Due to scheduling conflicts, many of the members will be unable to attend. Many felt that their inability to attend was related to the late notice. It was decided, to avoid this happening in the future, that the IPBC Retreat date would be decided upon in March of each school year allowing individuals to have adequate time to adjust their schedules. It was agreed that we do need time to evaluate the 2006-09 Strategic Plan in order to begin work on the 2006-10 plan. To allow for time to do this in the absence of a planned retreat, IPBC will meet th from 3-6 on September 27 . The first hour will be used to discuss the Action Plan Templates and the Priority Objectives for 2007-08. The remaining two hours will be spent on reviewing the data that measures our progress in meeting the strategic plans goals and objectives. Carolyn Arnold asked the group for feedback as to what type of data we would like to see. She presented a sheet with the outcome data that she currently has and discussed what IPBC could do with this data. She indicated that through our review of the strategic plan objectives, we may find that additional data is needed. It was agreed that instead of trying to discuss all of the data at one meeting, IPBC would need to have time at a number of meetings to cover all of the data. IPBC September 13, 2006 Page 4 th For the September 29 meeting, IPBC will review data from the Fall Student Satisfaction Survey; the Internal Scan 2000-2010; Strategic Plan Objectives-Indicators that track progress over time; and the External Environmental Scan 200-2010 section iii. E. Update on the Basic Skills InitiativeRon Taylor provided a brief update on the Basic Skills Initiative. The college was sent an e-mail asking for input into what projects they would like to see as part of implementation of the initiative. He will be making a presentation to th College Council this Friday (Sept. 15 ) for those IPBC members that would like to attend to receive a draft of the recommendations/ideas that have been submitted. At this point, this initiative will help fund work on SLOs; incorporate what is being done in Program Review; provide funds to Staff Development to support SLOs for basic skills; possibly aid us in funding activities that relate to college wide learning goals; and fund the components of the Title III Plan (should the college not receive Title III monies). Mike Absher made a plea that assessment of basic skills be a part of any plan that we develop. Assessment of basic skill should be a part of all programs and should be done at the entry level. IV. Future Agenda Items: Program Review, IBPCs Action Plan Direction for SLOs Linking Planning to Budget Evaluations of Convocation