M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
September 27, 2006, 3:00 P.M.
Board Room
M i n u t e s
IPBC Membership
Laurie Dockter, Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Joe Kuwabara
Cristina Ruggiero
Karen Silva
Rachel Ugale
Robert Carlson
Tom Clark
Marcia Corcoran
Robert Curry
Melinda Matsuda
Daryl Minus
Gerald Shimada
Ron Taylor
Dale Wagoner
Members Present: Laurie Dockter, Carolyn Arnold, Mike Absher,
JoAnn Galliano, Chad Mark Glen, Gayle Hunt, Wanda Wong, Karen Silva,
Marcia Corcoran, Farhad Javaheripour, Gerald Shimada, Ron Taylor
Members Absent: Cristina Ruggerio, Rachel Ugale, Robert Carlson,
Tom Clark, Marge Maloney, Melinda Matsuda, Daryl Minus, Dale
Wagoner, Joe Kuwabara
Guest: Tom DeWitt-Program Review, Chair
I. Meeting Minutes-The meeting minutes from the September 13
meeting was approved.
Discussion as to the protocol for minutes: It was decided that the
draft minutes would be e-mailed to all committee members no more
than one week after the meeting. The members would review the
minutes and supply any corrections to JoAnn Galliano by the end of
that week. JoAnn will send the corrected draft minutes to Bella for
posting. The draft minutes will be on the IPBC website until the next
meeting. Once they have final approval from the committee, Laurie
will re-submit the minutes to Bella for posting on the IPBC website.
II. Discussion of Agenda Items
A. Tasks for IPBC to accomplish this year
Laurie handed out a list of tasks that she felt the committee needs to
accomplish this year. The following tasks were included:
1. Write priority objectives for 07-08
2. Write three year strategic plan 07-10
3. Evaluate how this year's priority plan is proceeding
a. Help start groups working on plan-get copies of action plans at
college council from lead groups.
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b. Identify or help groups identify bench marks for this year.
c. Work on developing input into priority objectives from
groups or individuals other than those specified as the lead
d. Ask for unit plans to incorporate priority objectives for
07-08; edit unity plan format if needed.
e. Give a status report at the end of the year of how we met
priority objectives for this year. Look over kinds of
information needed to verify progress as called for in
4. Develop a strategic plan for incorporating planning into budget
5. Develop a timeline for this year's tasks
6. Develop a timeline for next year to fit into the overall timeline
for planning at the college
7. Develop ways of increasing college dialogue on planning
Discussion focused on #3.c. This was a task given to College Council.
This discussion led to a discussion on one of the priority objectives
which is to increase timely communication regarding college level
planning and decision making process to the entire campus. The
question was raised as to how the rest of the college can contribute
to the planning process. President Carlson has asked the leads to
give feedback at every college council meeting as to their progress on
the assigned objective(s).
The question was posed as to how the leads are involving others in
their planning/implementation processes. At least for some of the
objectives, the Dean's Council has been charged with working with
the divisions on those objectives ensuring that some level of college
wide interaction would occur on those objectives.
B. IPBC Calendar of Dates
Laurie distributed a calendar with the dates for the IPBC meetings for
the year. November 22 is the Thanksgiving Holiday, so it was agreed
that that meeting would be re-scheduled to November 29th. The
April 11th meeting is during Spring break, so it was agreed to cancel
that meeting.
Carolyn Arnold and JoAnn Galliano indicated that they will not be
available to attend the October 25th meeting.
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C. Priority Objectives 2007-08
The discussion began with the question as to whether there were any
priority objectives from 2006-07 that will be completed this year
and/or could any of the priority objectives be re-worded for next
year. Each objective was discussed. The likelihood that the 06-07
objectives would be completed was discussed, and it was agreed that
in almost all cases the objectives would not be completed by the end
of the 06-07 year. So, the committee agreed to adopt the same
objectives for the 07-08 year. The lead groups are responsible for
developing action plans and measures of evaluation for expected
Assessing Student Learning and Institutional Effectiveness
Integrate program review findings into institutional planning, evaluation
and budgeting. Two year implementation
Provide professional development opportunities enabling faculty and
staff to develop ways to improve student learning and institutional
effectiveness; focus faculty development on student learning outcomes
and learning assessment. Ongoing
Formulate and execute a comprehensive plan for implementing student
learning outcomes and learning assessments for courses, programs and
degrees. Ongoing
Aggressively implement Facilities Master Plan, focusing on learningcentered college concepts as integral to the design of each new facility.
Due to building reconstruction this objective will not be
completed before 2010
Increasing Enrollment and Student Retention
Improve the quality and scope of distance education offerings; increase
response to online enrollment demand. One year-possible that this may
be accomplished this year
Maintain or increase enrollment during bond-funded construction; formulate
a scheduling plan and marketing plan addressing reduced classroom
capacity during construction and moving classes into afternoon, early
morning, and evening. Two year implementation
Expand marketing and outreach activities; improve the college’s profile in
the community. Ongoing-discussion involved reporting back on
what has been done in this area. The divisions were asked to give
up FTEF's to help promote work in this area, and they have not
received information as to what has been accomplished.
Increase semester-to-semester persistence; develop new and
enhanced support mechanisms and services to help Chabot students
stay and become successful in their courses. Ongoing
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Increase persistence from basic skills to college-level courses. Focus
of the discussion in agenda item III. E.
Engaging in an On-going Dialog about Learning and Institutional
Initiate a conversation about what learning-centered means for
Chabot College, including college-wide dialog about the population
that the college intends to serve, with participation by 100% of
regular fulltime staff, and X% of hourly/adjunct staff. Ongoing
Increase timely communications regarding college-level planning
and decision-making processes to the entire campus community.
Ongoing discussion involved how communication will occur, who
will be the lead(s)? College Council has been designated as the
lead. Dr. Carlson has incorporated a "lightening round" into each
meeting. During this time the members are to summarize what
they have done to date on assigned tasks. A suggestion was made
that this information be put into a newsletter for dissemination to
the whole college.
It was agreed that IPBC would adopt the 2006-07 priority objectives as the
objectives for 2007-08.
D. IPBC Priority Objective
IPBC was assigned the following objective: "Integrate program
review findings into institutional planning, evaluation and budgeting."
In order to begin work on this objective, Tom DeWitt, chair of the
Program Review Committee was asked to provide IPBC with an
update on program review. He began with a summary of the
program review process, highlighting what is done in each of the
steps of the process. He indicated that it is a three year process
once a program begins the program review cycle. Workshops are
being held next week for any members interested in obtaining more
information regarding the process.
The first programs have completed the first year and are in the
process of implementing their action plans. The intent is to have the
action plans done in advance of the budget cycle, so any budgetary
needs would be incorporated into the budget planning process. The
action plans would span a two year time period.
IPBC requested that the program review proposals developed in Fall
of 2005 be forwarded to the committee for review. A copy of the
interim reports from the programs in the process of working on
action plans was also requested. IPBC would then review the
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proposals, action plans and interim reports to determine what would
be needed as a focus in planning and budgeting.
It was requested that the program review committee forward copies
of this year's proposals once they have been reviewed by the
program review committee.
Discussion arose as to whether
programs would view this negatively as there is the feeling among
some groups that the information provided could be used to eliminate
programs. It was agreed that Tom would share with the programs
involved in the process and assure them that the review by IPBC was
informational only. Further discussion centered on the need to
educate the college as to the difference between the program review
process and the program discontinuation process.
Tom also indicated that program review was not mandating that
programs in the process focus on SLO's. The accreditation timeline
for SLO's will be discussed as part of the program review committees
training meetings. It was discussed that since the program review is
based on the review of student success data, that the programs
involved are in a sense developing SLO's in that the are evaluating
student success and developing plans that would enhance student
success within their programs. He felt that it needed to be clear,
however, that the program review committee did not feel that they
were to be the lead on the development of a plan for incorporating
SLO's campus wide. He felt that the Faculty Senate was the
appropriate group to take the lead in that area.
Chad indicated that Faculty Senate may end up making a
recommendation that program review submits a summary of program
proposals to the Faculty Senate. Faculty Senate would then possibly
draft resolutions based on the information provided by the program
review committee. Chad also recommended that the program review
committee have Bella develop a website for the college to access
information regarding program. The website could have information
as to the programs involved in program review as well as information
on the processes involved in program review.
At this point, program review focuses on the traditional disciplines.
Eventually, units will need to be incorporated into the process.
The following questions need further discussion:
™ How do we integrate program review finding into planning and
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™ Will the reports provided to IPBC satisfy accreditation mandates
for reporting/monitoring?
™ What does integration of program review into planning and
budgeting involve? Timelines for submission of proposals/interim
reports? What does IPBC do with the information provided?
IPBC needs to develop an action plan to formulate a planning cycle
for program review to submit proposals/interim reports.
E. Office of Institutional Research-Review of Data
Carolyn Arnold and Rajinder Samra presented a report on internal
data that IPBC requested. The data is to be used to aid IPBC by
providing a background for strategic planning. The focus of the
presentation of the data was on evaluating what the numbers
provided mean and what the planning implications could be based on
the data that we have.
The questions addressed included:
™ I. Are our current students changing?
™ II. How well are we meeting the needs of our current students?
™ III. Are we getting better at increasing success, persistence and
ed goal attainment? How are we doing with groups that were
targeted in our student equity plan?
Questions I and III were the focus of discussion. The discussion and
ideas formulated are attached to the meeting minutes for committee
III. Future Agenda Items
Review of external data
Direction for SLO's
Linking Planning to Budget
Evaluations from Convocation
Next meeting is scheduled for October 11th from 3-6 PM.