M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
October 11, 2006, 3:00 P.M.
Board Room
M i n u t e s
IPBC Membership
Laurie Dockter, Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Joe Kuwabara
Cristina Ruggiero
Karen Silva
Rachel Ugale
Robert Carlson
Tom Clark
Marcia Corcoran
Robert Curry
Melinda Matsuda
Daryl Minus
Gerald Shimada
Ron Taylor
Dale Wagoner
Members Present: Laurie Dockter, Carolyn Arnold, JoAnn Galliano,
Chad Mark Glen, Gayle Hunt, Wanda Wong, Marcia Corcoran, Farhad
Javaheripour, Ron Taylor
Members Absent: Mike Absher, Cristina Ruggerio, Karen Silva, Rachel
Ugale, Robert Carlson, Tom Clark, Joe Kuwabara, Marge Maloney,
Melinda Matsuda, Daryl Minus, Gerald Shimada, Dale Wagoner
Guest: Yvonne Wu-Craig, Grant Writer
I. Meeting Minutes-The meeting minutes from the September 27
meeting were approved as amended.
II. Discussion of Agenda Items
A. IPBC Priority Objective Worksheet
Laurie handed out a copy of the IPBC worksheet for the priority
objective that was assigned to IPBC to take the lead on for this
year. Discussion centered on the following issues:
3 Evaluation of the proposed activities-A list of ten activities
was outlined on the activity sheet. It was decided that this was
too many activities, and consensus was to consolidate them
into 3-4 activities. Gayle Hunt and Laurie Dockter agreed to
work on the consolidation of the activities. Once they have
consolidated them, they will present them to the committee for
3 What information does IPBC need from Program? What
do we need to know? Discussion centered on whether we
need information from program review to determine if what is
IPBC Minutes –October 11th, 2006
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happening in program review is being incorporated into the
Strategic Plan. Discussion also focused on what information IPBC
needs from program review in order to do a Strategic Plan.
3 How does program review link up with other processes
that are involved in developing our strategic plan?
IPBC needs to develop a system for making sure that what
happens in program review gets incorporated into the budgeting
and planning process. Carolyn Arnold indicated that she has
noticed in site visits to other colleges that had a successful
program review model that program review was incorporated
into planning.
The discussion concluded with a consensus that we need the
following information from program review.
a. What is the "Rock" that is the cornerstone for the "Rock
b. How is the program addressing the Rock?
c. What Progress has been made by the program in terms of
meeting the program's goals as outlined in the Rock Inquiry
Ron Taylor indicated that he could have a staff person in
Academic Services review the Rock Proposals and make a
summary page for each of the Rock Proposals submitted.
B. Review of Action Plans Submitted to College Council
The Facilities Committee and CEMC submitted their expected
outcomes and proposed activities for their priority objectives. The
Facilities Committee utilized the template supplied by IPBC.
CEMC submitted a chart in a format developed by CEMC.
Discussion occurred as to whether IPBC should request that CEMC
re-work their document into template provided by IPBC in IPBC’s
original request. It was agreed that in order for IPBC to ensure
that all of the information need is provided, IPBC should request
that CEMC provide the requested information in the template
provided by IPBC. The chart could then be attached to the
properly formatted document as supporting documentation.
Although IPBC does not want to make additional work for any
group, the members did feel that it was important to have one
template for purposes of clarity and to help IPBC determine that
IPBC Minutes –October 11th, 2006
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expected outcomes and the activities being proposed to meet the
expected outcomes are incorporated into planning. Having one
template would also make the document that combines the work of
all the campus committees more readable.
C. Unit Plans
In the past, IPBC has reviewed the Unit plans for each program
and/or division. The unit plan format has undergone several
revisions. Many program and divisions have expressed their
frustration with they perceive and the tedious busy work involved in
unit plan preparation. It does not appear to those doing the unit
plans that these unit plans are serving any useful purpose.
Ron Taylor indicated that he will be having a meeting next week at
2:00 PM to discuss the unit plans. At the meeting, he hopes to get
input into the unit plan process, and format. At the meeting, he
hopes get input as to how implement a unit plan process that will aid
the college in budgeting and planning.
Prior to the next meeting, he will send out the copies of the Dean's
summaries that were done last year. The summaries were to be
reviewed by IPBC in order to determine what needs to be
incorporated into planning. The summaries will be discussed at the
October 25th meeting.
D. Office of Institutional Research-Review of External Data
Carolyn Arnold provides more data to the committee to be utilized for
planning. The handout on external data was reviewed. A copy of the
handout with the discussion points will be distributed to all IPBC
III. Future Agenda Items
™ Direction for SLO's
™ Linking Planning to Budget
™ Evaluations from Convocation
Next meeting is scheduled for October 25th from 3-5 PM.