Regular Meeting January 24, 2007 – 3:00 p.m. Board Room Minutes IPBC Membership 2006-2007 Laurie Dockter, Chair Faculty Michael Absher Carolyn Arnold JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Gayle Hunt Joe Kuwabara Cristina Ruggiero Wanda Wong Classified Yvonne Wu Craig Karen Silva Rachel Ugale Administrators Robert Carlson Marcia Corcoran Farhad Javaheripour Melinda Matsuda Attending: Carolyn Arnold, Waiz Badar, Bob Carlson, Marcia Corcoran, Yvonne Wu Craig, Laurie Dockter, Chad Mark Glen, Joe Kuwarbara, Melinda Matsuda, Cristina Ruggiero, Gerald Shimada, Karen Silva, Ron Taylor, Wanda Wong Absent: Mike Absher, JoAnn Galliano, Chad Mark Glen, Farhad Javaheripour, Daryl Minus, Rachel Ugale I. Minutes: The minutes from the December 13, 2007, meeting were approved after minor corrections (Mike Absher present, Yvonne Wu Craig not a guest but a member). II. Reports A. Basic Skills Cristina presented samples of the letters that had gone out to those whose projects had been funded, and the Project Plan format she had distributed to project leaders, and asked them to complete by Jan. 31 so that stipends and hourly pay could get on the Board agenda by the Feb. 2 deadline. After discussion with Dr. Carlson, departments from which multiple proposals had been funded, were asked to prepare a consolidated proposal. She will be tracking funds, and has set up ways to do that. Reviewing the list of funded projects, Cristina noted two that had been highlighted: Michael Thompson’s (History/Social Sciences) is going to be funded by Carnegie, Sherri Yeager’s (History/Social Sciences) has been withdrawn. Wanda asked if these changes would free up money to fund one or two projects that had been borderline. After discussion, it was agreed that these funds should be kept in reserve, perhaps to add to the amount available for faculty development. Cristina indicated we should review fund level after expenses are better known later this year. Cristina distributed a memo received from Sherri Yeager. After discussion of the letter, was agreed that the Chair would send a response letter gratefully acknowledging the central points made in the memo. IPBC Minutes – January 24, 2007 Pg. 2 B. Grants Carolyn and Yvonne summarized recent grants activity and actions of the Subcommittee on Grants. It is now known that the DOE will fund down the list of Title III applications, rather than advertising for new applications; whether Chabot is funded will be known sometime in late Spring. Current applications under discussion are for Daraja, STEM, and CCLI. An upcoming possibility is a CTE grant in partnership with the ROP, under discussion with Dean Tom Clark. Yvonne noted that anyone interested in current opportunities should make their interest known and she would give them summaries. Laurie took copies to review. Dr. Carlson asked about the NEH Challenge grants, and noted that if a match is necessary (as in this case), we should look at the kind of match requirements and see if the Foundation could help with match. III. Discussion Items A. Accreditation Melinda reviewed Chabot’s accreditation timeline. The self-study is due in Spring 2009, with the visit to occur in Fall 2009. In preparation for this, a Chair for the process will be appointed by the Academic Senate. IPBC will serve as a guiding council for the process, and Dr. Carlson will ask that the Chair attend IPBC as well as any team leaders. IPBC should decide this Spring how to structure the self-study. Melinda distributed copies of the new standards and the themes so members can review them in preparation for the decision on how to structure the report. Dr. Carlson indicated that he would like to use the Fall 2007 Convocation as a kick-off event for this accreditation process, so it is important to conclude appointment of the Chair and team leaders before end of the Spring term. To do that, a decision must be made on how to structure the self-study. B. Unit Plan Review Laurie had sent notes out to the various committees that IPBC had thought would need to review the unit plans, asking them what use they will make of the unit plans and what kind of feedback they can provide to those who have written the plans. IPBC itself must decide how to review the unit plans, and what kind of feedback to provide. An in-depth discussion ensued, centering first on whether IPBC would review each and every unit plan, or would review summaries provided by the deans and VPs. The consensus was that IPBC will review summaries, and needs to provide the deans with guidance on what the summaries will be used for, what IPBC is looking for, etc. Considerable discussion on whether IPBC will use the unit plans to establish institutional priorities. Dr. Carlson encouraged the group to remember the ways in which priorities established by IPBC can inform important resource decisions: by providing grounds for maintaining a program in a time of necessary cuts; by providing grounds for allocating 3rd-party or windfall funds; by providing priorities for seeking grants. IPBC Minutes – January 24, 2007 Pg. 3 The discussion then shifted to how those who wrote the plans will get feedback. After considerable discussion, the consensus was that individuals at the program level would get feedback via their dean’s synthesis, and that IBPC would identify priorities based on review of the various syntheses, and make these priorities known, and that they are based on the unit plan summaries. It was agreed also that the fact that feedback would occur in this way needs to be made known, both to the deans and to those who have written unit plans. In conclusion the discussion focused on the direction that would be given to the deans. Deans will be asked to use the current unit plan format for accomplishments, goals, etc., and would be told that they should make clear their division’s priorities in the their synthesis, with reference to the Priority Objectives especially. Ron and Laurie committed to coming up with direction for the deans, to be presented at the next College Council. IV. Future Agenda Items Review of Dean/VP Summaries of Unit Plans: these documents will be due to the VPs by Feb. 21, and reviewed at the Feb. 28 IPBC meeting. Timeline planning/input by Program Review: Laurie will ask Tom DeWit to come and report. Timeline planning and budget: ? Development of next strategic plan and priority objectives: to be tackled after the Feb. 28th review of unit plan summaries. Accreditation: Members who have served on teams or know of good selfstudies using the new standards should bring samples Next meeting is scheduled for February 14th. IPBC Minutes – January 24, 2007 Pg. 4