Regular Meeting August 22, 2007 3:00 P.M. Board Room M i n u t e s IPBC Membership 2007-08 Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Heidi Finberg, Rosemary Delia, Debra Howell, Dr. Robert Carlson, Gerald Shimada, Marcia Corcoran, Carolyn Arnold, Chad Mark Glen, Ronald Taylor, Mike Absher, Norma Ambriz Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher Tom DeWit JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Joe Kuwabara Wanda Wong Linda Rhodes Cristina Ruggiero Members Absent: Tom DeWit, JoAnn Galliano, Joe Kuwabara, Wanda Wong, Linda Rhodes, Rachel Ugale, Tom Clark, Melinda Matsuda Classified Rachel Ugale Yvonne Wu Craig II. Discussion of Agenda Items Administrators Robert Carlson Tom Clark Marcia Corcoran Farhad Javaheripour Melinda Matsuda Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor I. Introductions All meeting attendees introduced themselves. A. Review General Goals and Activities for 2007-08 The meeting began with a discussion on what the IPBC does. It was stated that the IPBC creates the long term plan for the college unit plans, priorities objectives and strategic plan. IPBC sets goals for the college. Chad Mark Glen will do a regular report on Accreditation. There will be an annual planning retreat where the strategic plan will be created. The following question in regards to the forms arose: “Is the information gathered in a way that the committee would like to see it?” Also, there was a question as to how IPBC was aligned with other committees on campus. The Shared Governance and Collegial Consultation Process Handbook answers this question. B. Review Tentative calendar Briefly discussed the Tentative IPBC Calendar for 2007-08. The handout attached to the Agenda maps out the goals and activities for 2007-08. Discussed how the Fall semester is when most of the work will be for making the unit plan format and division summaries. Every third IPBC Minutes –August 22, 2007 Page 2 meeting there will be an Accreditation report. IPBC is asking for input on the process. C. Review/Approve 2 year Planning Calendar (Goes next to Senate and College Council). There will be an update to the Unit Plan each Spring. The process was brought to the Dean’s in early Summer where they received a positive response. Want this basic process approved. The Unit Plan is usually done in the Fall, but they found that Spring is better. It has been expanded to two years. Becomes a more meaningful process to do Unit Plan in Spring, because Fall there are several other activities to tend to. Brought up discussion of time frames and dates for planning. Decided that this year is our catch up year. Individuals in unit are going to do things in the year. They roll over what they have already done and revise it. Unit Plans would be submitted after spring break. Dr. Carlson asked for clarification, he is concerned that it will not be analyzed and updated, and will merely be rolled over. Cristina stated that “off” year is to evaluate and update with revisions. If there is any change in resources there should be a new Unit Plan submitted. The Unit Plan submitted for the years in between will serve as a progress report. The question arose of new programs and old programs. Then there was a discussion on Program Review and what it is. There was a suggestion for IPBC to work with the chair of Program Review so units don’t resent the Unit Plan process. Unit Plan process makes resources available. Program Review is not the planning process, it is supposed to be the assessment process (which is one part of the circle). Planning is the other part of the circle. Program Review process evolves as you go, when you match it with the Unit Plan process it causes confusion. Program Review and Unit Planning can not be reconciled. Program Review is an analysis, with goal setting, action, and analyze again. Program Review and action is Unit Planning. There was a discussion on functions and time frame of Program Review. Writing the Unit Plan in Spring covers the two years ahead. Resources are allocated ever year because you can not do a two year Budget. Need to collect times and calendars from all committees. Corrections will be made to the IPBC Planning Timeline, and Yvonne will bring it to the next meeting. IPBC Minutes –August 22, 2007 Page 3 Farhad stated that presentations have been made to the Budget Committee and there are not any funds. He suggested that there should be a separate fund where the money can be taken from. No decision has been made on the two year cycle. The “off” year is for revision on goals, not rewriting the Unit Plan. For example, new Unit Plan for 2009, then in 2010 there will be a revision, then a new Unit Plan in 2011. As a Faculty member, the most important part in the Unit Plan is the spreadsheet of classes to offer. It is usually, a matter of when classes will be offered, because that is when you have to find faculty to teach the classes. And there are also ongoing items. You can not neglect that you need to equipment, supplies, classified employees, faculty, etc. The benefit in reviewing the Unit Plan each year is that it forces them to review and revise. For some departments the Unit Plan is felt to be meaningless. People do not spend a lot of time because they have not received a lot of increase. There is not enough money to even spend the time on it. If there aren’t any changes made, the emphasis will not change. There was a suggestion for IPBC to look at what’s changed, not at what’s the same as last year. Cristina stated that there is value in planning, and they want to address the concerns, and work on details by taking small steps to move forward. The role of this committee arose once again. Yvonne stated that IPBC will report and make recommendations to other committees. Yvonne and Cristina will clean up the timeline and add points made in the meeting. Everyone will have a chance to review it before it goes to Senate. D. Budget Committee Report (Mike Absher) (after 4pm) Mike Absher also represented the Faculty Senate at this IPBC meeting. At the Budget Committee meeting, the members were asked what their duty was. There were scattered responses, some concerns, and some consensus. One concern was that there are things that happen through IPBC that the Budget Committee is only informed of. Even though there are few monies, the Budget Committee should be a part of monetary items. The Budget Committee feels that they do not have a say in decisions that are made. The question arose, “How would the Budget Committee like IPBC to give input?” Before money comes in, the Budget Committee should be involved in how the money is going to be spent. IPBC Minutes –August 22, 2007 Page 4 Cristina stated that once IPBC has their planning and priorities in order, things will begin to work the way they’re supposed to. There are established procedures, and members should be well-versed on their goals, priorities, and duties. Instead, IPBC became a center for paperwork. There is now an opportunity for change. It is difficult to distinguish the difference between the IPBC and the Budget Committee, and there are discrepancies of both groups. Yvonne and Cristina stated that there are things they’re going to work on. And they assured the committee that they are trying to better align the committees to make them work better in tandem. The unit plan for 2007-08 already exists, so that is the work for the current year. The Board of Trustees does decision making based on recommendation. It is easy to forget the system, when the focus is on the IPBC paperwork, but remember to look at the facts. When others see a system, it will increase attendance. E. Committee Representation – Do we have enough representatives? If not, suggestions for members, ideas for recruiting? Carolyn Arnold asked Marcia Corcoran and Norma Ambriz about recruiting new members from their departments. The issue arose that there is a negative impression of what IPBC does. The processes are going to change in the next two to four weeks. Once this change takes place, other will take more interest in IPBC purpose, and they will begin to realize that IPBC is the planning council. When others see the role of IPBC, then maybe they’ll be more interested in participating. For instance, the Unit Plan process is useful and it helps that units come to Deans with their needs, and it is also useful to look at their priorities. F. Grants Subcommittee Membership The Grants Subcommittee meets on the third Thursday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Ideally members would be from IPBC because they are aware of the college goals and have grant experience. IPBC Minutes –August 22, 2007 Page 5 III. Future Agenda Items Review feedback received about Unit Plans and Planning Process from Deans and Farhad. Having units in program review, do Unit Plans (Change in policy) Updated IPBC Planning Timeline Continue Revision of Unit Plan Format Create and finalize unit plan and college planning timetable Accreditation update from Chad (Sept. 26th) Next meeting is scheduled for September 12th from 3-5 PM.