M i n u t e s Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
September 12, 2007 3:00 P.M.
Board Room, Building 200
M i n u t e s
IPBC Membership
Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair
Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair
Carolyn Arnold
Mike Absher
JoAnn Galliano
Chad Mark Glen
Joe Kuwabara
Wanda Wong
Linda Rhodes
Cristina Ruggiero
Debra Howell
Rachel Ugale
Yvonne Wu Craig
Robert Carlson
Tom Clark
Marcia Corcoran
Farhad Javaheripour
Melinda Matsuda
Gerald Shimada
Ron Taylor
Heidi Finberg
Norma Ambriz
Rosemary Delia
Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Marcia
Corcoran, Ron Taylor, Debra Howell, Farhad Javaheripour, JoAnn
Galliano, Melinda Matsuda, Joe Kuwabara, Rosemary Delia, Carolyn
Arnold, Chad Mark Glen, Mike Absher, Tammeil Gilkerson
Members Absent: Wanda Wong, Linda Rhodes, Rachel Ugale, Robert
Carlson, Tom Clark, Gerald Shimada, Heidi Finberg, Norma Ambriz
I. Meeting Minutes - The meeting minutes from the August 22nd
meeting were approved.
Discussion of Agenda Items
A. Review and finalize IPBC Planning Timeline
Incorporated aspects of planning timeline from the last meeting. The
“IPBC Planning Timeline (Proposed Two-Year Cycle)” worksheet was
reviewed at the meeting, and some changes were made. Incorporated
other committees and set dates for what parts go on the timeline and
Asked for additional comments on the timeline. Comments: It is better
to have unit plan to put in the budget. It is organized very well.
Faculty/Staff Request – have been using Administrative staff to sort out
classified positions. Need to change time they put out Unit Plan, it
should not be the end of Spring.
Equipment request – Budget
Committee is developing a timeline also. Equipment requests during
Fall, Budget in Spring, in the future both may be done in the Fall. Based
on the IPBC timeline it pushes it to Fall. So everything comes in the Fall.
This is the catch up year. Use the plan in December and update. 200809 Budget 0 Augmentation Request is this Fall. And the Unit Plan is the
same one through 2009.
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A member of the Budget Committee was asked about the priority preference for requests.
IPBC wants to lay a foundation and build towards moving forward. Discussion – not
responsive for an area that grows rapidly. Is there any way to react to unforeseen
change? Updating will revise and anticipate needs that are different for the next year.
Example: Biology – staffing, supplies, etc. They require these items after the unit plan
has been submitted.
It is important that IPBC think about the budget for accommodating needs. Must think
programmatically. The Budget Committee is where it comes from. Items were added to
the Unit Plan spreadsheet. They will send to council what they have and will bring it to
the next meeting.
B. Accreditation Committee (Standard I) Recruiting – Carolyn
Accreditation Committee are all separate and Carolyn wants to connect as a consultant
group. IPBC knows about its goals, processes, etc. At the next meeting Carolyn will
explain the standard to IPBC. All meeting attendees were asked if anyone would like to
be on the committee. They would have to gather evidence and decide what to write. Fall
would be the time to gather and Spring they will be compiling the information. There was
a handout for the information pertaining to the committee. They will be making phone
calls, writing documents, doing writing for certain sections. For example, responses to
the standards vary. You may be writing a paragraph or a page depending on the
question. Carloyn will be representing the Accreditation Committee regularly.
C. Review feedback received about Unit Plans and Planning Process from
Deans and Farhad
The “General Comments about Unit Plan” handout was reviewed. There was a budget
code discussion which is discussed later on in the meeting. There was a discussion about
budget needs and how much money is needed to operate a program. Example brought
up by Farhad: copies are an issue, not small supplies such as pens, pencils. Codes keep
track of copies, but it doesn’t limit the number of copies. Marcia spoke about how in the
new buildings there are 10 printers in total. Farhad responded by talking about how
printers are on five year leases. Ron spoke about how budget is built by requests.
Farhad responded that 85% of the budget is labor, and that there are changes in
divisions that are unforeseen. They are only rolled back when there are cuts in the
program. This discussion will be continued later on in the meeting. Marcia suggested
that there be directions for naming each part of the Unit Plan. Cristina and Yvonne stated
that they will specific about file naming.
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D. Having units in program review, do Unit Plans (Change in policy)
There was a discussion on inviting Tom Dewit to the next meeting.
Budget Plan looks at the Unit Plan. To do Program Review it helps to have the Unit Plan,
because the information could overlap. However, if its at an early stage of Program
Review it may not help. Staffing request should be filed in Unit Plan goals and should be
explained. This conversation will be continued with Tom Dewit. Soon it will be realized
that part of the plan is going to happen in IPBC, then there will be more attendance.
E. Continue Revision of Unit Plan Format
Links to data reports and strategic plan will be on the intranet. Data reports that need to
be addressed are as follows: previous Unit Plans, Priority Objectives, Strategic Plan,
Enrollment Management website, Discipline Plan, I.R. website. Staffing Request(s) –
“adjuncts” should be in the section for FTEF requests.
In regards to the Measure B Bond Program, the Budget Committee will decide if it is a
bond or not. The signature line will be deleted from the form. Equipment requests will
go to Farhad. The “5640 Equipment to be Placed on Maintenance Contracts” is a
reminder for the Program Manager to think about what they have. Combine this page
and “Unit Plan: Supplies & Services Requests” into one page.
“Proposal For New Initiatives” will be updated and used instead of the Grant Form.
Approve 2 year Planning Calendar (Goes next to Senate and College
Include Program Review Units in Unit Planning Cycle
III. Future Agenda Items
Continue Revision of Unit Plan Format
Accreditation update from Chad
Overview of Accreditation Standard I from Carolyn
Begin developing the Division Overview
Next meeting is scheduled for September 26th from 3-5 PM.