Regular Meeting September 26, 2007 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Board Room, Building 200 IPBC Membership 2007-08 M i n u t e s Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Joe Kuwabara Wanda Wong Linda Rhodes Cristina Ruggiero Debra Howell Classified Earnest Knox Yvonne Wu Craig Administrators Robert Carlson Marcia Corcoran Farhad Javaheripour Melinda Matsuda Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor Heidi Finberg Norma Ambriz Rosemary Delia Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu-Craig, Carolyn Arnold, JoAnn Galliano, Chad Mark Glen, Joe Kuwabara, Linda Rhodes, Marcia Corcoran, Farhad Javaheripour, Gerald Shimada, Ron Taylor Members Absent: Mike Absher, Wanda Wong, Debra Howell, Earnest Knox, Robert Carlson, Melinda Matsuda, Heidi Finberg, Norma Ambriz, Rosemary Delia I. Meeting Minutes – The meeting minutes from the September 12th meeting were approved. II. Discussion of Agenda Items A. Review/Discussion of Unit Plan. There were good suggestions at the September 12th meeting. Since it will be a two year plan, the second year is reflection of what was done. Part II – Accomplishments and Goals page needs to be reformatted because it did not fit the information in the way it was presented on this page. This page is about what was done in the unit. Discussion about omitting Part II for the update. Further discussion on Part II – Accomplishments and Goals JoAnn proposed that units inform IPBC of what was accomplished. Farhad asked when Deans set up goals how would they reflect changes? Cristina responded that people sometimes put goals out there just for the sake of having goals. JoAnn said to take goals from last year and state what was accomplished. So, you would paste last year’s goals and put the accomplishments. Then, a separate section would have goals for the next year. Yvonne and Cristina will have the update form and bring it to the next meeting. Discussion on Part 5 (c) – Supplies & Services Augmentation Requests Farhad stated that it is important to look at the Budget in three segments: 1) ongoing, 2) augmentation to ongoing activities of a unit, and 3) starting new programs within a unit. Yvonne mentioned that the issue with the Budget Committee is that it is only for 4000 and 5000 categories. The five parts of the Unit Plan are not well aligned. These connections need to be made clearer. People need a bigger picture to see how all the parts are connected. It is a presentation issue, because people can not see how to do it. IPBC needs to have a continuing discussion with the Budget Committee in regards to how results are communicated back to people who submit Augmentation requests. There was a decision to keep Part 5 (c) of the Unit Plan for new 4000 and 5000 costs only. Farhad: The state budget was not approved until August. Chabot College’s budget is still pending. Next year’s budget will be short against last year’s budget. The question is how can Budget Committee make a recommendation when they don’t know what the appropriation to the institution is as a whole? Farhad understands the concerns brought up. Marcia asked for this to be communicated to the college. Program Review – Need to come to conclusion about issue of Program Review. There needs to be clarification on the differences between Program Review and Unit Plans. Tom DeWit did not attend the Unit Plan meeting. If Tom DeWit was unable to attend today’s meeting, someone else needs to take charge. The question was asked: Should Program Review complete Unit Plans? Some say that it is too much to do both unit’s Program Review and Unit Plan. Program Review is the Unit Plan in more depth. Program Review is a three year cycle. Other people said if there are new needs, a new Unit Plan should be completed. And if new needs come up you are not exempt from a new Unit Plan. A decision was made to go to College Council to recommend that all units complete Unit Plans and those in Program Review. B. Accreditation update from Chad Chad attended a well-attended training on Friday where he got ideas for the self-study. He is working with team leaders to recruit committee members. He will send out college wide requests where he will inform everyone who the committee chairs are. Chad feels that Associated Students should be part of the process. Carolyn mentioned that as a chair of a committee it is a challenge to find involvement in Accreditation Committees because it is into the semester people are already loaded with work. Is there anything that administrators can do to get the needed involvement in our committees? Marcia mentioned that many full time faculty members are already committed to other committees/projects it’s so hard to get full time faculty working on Accreditation. It is supposed to be a requirement for everyone to be on a standard committee. Chad suggested to first give faculty a choice, if they do not choose a standard, they will be assigned to one. There was general consensus that this was a good idea. Chad is going to send out a memo regarding recruiting committee members, the importance of accreditation, and choosing a committee. The issue still remains of scheduling and the meeting time. There was a discussion the importance of standardizing committee meeting times. There was also a discussion about what the workload is this first semester and year. Chad responded that initial Accreditation meetings are to familiarize people of the focus and how they can plan around the work. Chad answered JoAnn’s question by saying that this semester they are not writing anything, and that it is the ‘assessment’ semester period of Accreditation. C. Overview of Accreditation Standard I from Carolyn Handout on Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness, which is an excerpt of Standard I. Focuses on the mission of Standard I. A member proposed to revise the mission statement. There was a response to how it is a very involved and cumbersome process to do that. Ron talked about how the process that is used to review may be the issue. Carolyn suggested instead of an update of mission statement, goals, etc. that we should develop a process for reviewing. Carolyn asked the question “How effectively does the mission statement prompt planning and decision making? To what extent is the mission statement central to the choices the college makes?” The responses were as follows: - JoAnn stated that the mission statement is incorporated in the Strategic Plan. She noted that if you go side by side with the Strategic Plan, they are well aligned. - Marcia mentioned that there are several new members in IPBC, and that Sally Jahnke and Melinda Matsuda should be contacted for a Strategic Plan history. - Chad stated that augmentation could be there, but does everything support the mission statement? - Ron stated that there has not been anything that IPBC has done without the mission statement in mind. - Marcia has the vision on the back of her business cards. - JoAnn mentioned that Dental Hygiene has the vision on their stationery. - There was a discussion on where to put the vision and mission statements around campus. Grants Report – By: Carolyn Arnold - Stated the mission statement of the Grants Committee. - There is a Radiologic Technology program beginning at Chabot College. Grant would fund the start up costs of the program. Joe Kuwabara stated the college is getting several requests for this program already. - Title 3 needs to be rewritten. Title 3 also responds to needs of the institution. She will give an update at a later date. D. Review of DRAFT Faculty Staffing Priorities for 08-09 Ron Taylor created the DRAFT Faculty Staffing Priorities for 08-09 handout. He would like to bring the topic to the next meeting. All members were asked to review the handout before the next meeting. Once the document is reviewed and updated, it can be publicized. III. Decisions/Recommendations Include Program Review Units in Unit Planning Cycle IV. Future Agenda Items Approve revisions of Unit Plan/Set due date for Unit Plans Begin developing the Division Overview Review DRAFT Faculty Staffing Priorities for 08-09 Accreditation Standard I – Carolyn Arnold Next Meeting is scheduled for October 10th, 2007 from 3-5 PM.