Regular Meeting November 28, 2007 – 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Board Room, Building 200 IPBC Membership 2007-08 M i n u t e s Cristina Ruggiero, Co-Chair Yvonne Wu Craig, Co-Chair Faculty Carolyn Arnold Mike Absher JoAnn Galliano Chad Mark Glen Debra Howell Joe Kuwabara Linda Rhodes Cristina Ruggiero Wanda Wong Classified Rachel Ugale Yvonne Wu Craig Administrators Norma Ambriz Robert Carlson Marcia Corcoran Rosemary Delia Heidi Finberg Farhad Javaheripour Melinda Matsuda Gerald Shimada Ron Taylor Members Present: Cristina Ruggiero, Yvonne Wu Craig, Carolyn Arnold, Mike Absher, Chad Mark Glen, Debra Howell, Joe Kuwabara, Linda Rhodes, Farhad Javaheripour, Gerald Shimada, Ron Taylor Members Absent: JoAnn Galliano, Wanda Wong, Rachel Ugale, Norma Ambriz, Robert Carlson, Marcia Corcoran, Rosemary Delia, Heidi Finberg, Melinda Matsuda Reviewed and Approved Minutes from Nov. 14 Reports: • Planning Timeline Presented to College Council The Planning Timeline was presented to College Council, which went very well. There were two minor concerns about the dates, but they have been fixed. The Planning Timeline has been posted to the IPBC website. Discussion Items: • Faculty Prioritization Memo The memo has been revised based on the comments from the previous IPBC meeting. IPBC hopes that they have answered all of the concerns that were brought up by the Faculty Prioritization Committee. One concern in regards to the Areas for priority consideration was “How did these categories come about? Why? From what information?” On the first memo there were specific departments mentioned and not others. However, the revised memo lists the Criteria for Prioritizing Programs in a much more generalized format. Cristina and Yvonne will take the revised memo to the next Faculty Prioritization meeting. • Approval of Division/Area Overview format to Deans/Area Managers and Setting Due Date The changes from the last IPBC meeting were incorporated into the revised “Division/Area Overview” memo. IPBC wants Managers/Deans to continue to talk to their staff/divisions about what the overall goals of the division are so there is feedback to the divisions and consensus about division/area priorities. 1) IPBC want deans to provide feedback to their division, and 2) Deans/Area Managers need to give IPBC an overview of what the division priorities are. At the end of the first paragraph in the memo, it was decided to reinforce the importance of the Strategic Plan and Priority Objectives, and how it provides guidance to the institution. Other edits were made to the memo. The intent of the Division/Area Overview is to open up dialogue and close the loop. Another issue is that Faculty wants to do one thing, and the Dean may have a different view. Therefore a discussion would be useful. There was a response that this is a trial process, and it should also be a collective process. The due date for the Division/Area Overview is Friday, May 9th, 2008. • Accreditation Standard I (Carolyn) Carolyn Arnold began a dialogue at the last College Council meeting in regards to college wide dialogue. She asked, “Where is there a dialogue about college wide things?” A college wide issue could not be named that there was dialogue on. This evolved into a discussion of how there is a lot of “hallway talk” and interdisciplinary discussions. However, these conversations are not being connected to the college. An example is as follows, it is easy in some areas to feel strongly that your area is different, and that conversations need to be localized for that reason. People do value a certain level of autonomy. So, what are the issues and topics that require broader involvement? And how is IPBC going to resolve the lack of communication issue? Other colleges have monthly town hall meetings where issues are addressed. From attending external events, some IPBC members feel that Chabot College is better off than other colleges, and that we do not give ourselves enough credit for that. Carolyn distributed a handout in regards to “Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness.” 6. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF PLANNING CYCLE o What processes does the institution use to assess the effectiveness of its cycle of evaluation, integrated planning, resource allocation implementation, and evaluation? IPBC is the process, and the Budget Committee is the sub-committee. o How effective is the college planning process for fostering improvement? There is not enough participation. This is a problem, because it is incremental. 7. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF EVALUATION MECHANISMS o What mechanisms does the institution use to gather evidence about the effectiveness of programs and services? Program Review gathers evidence about the programs and services. Next Meeting(s): December 12, 2007 • Program Review Presentation/Discussion (Tom DeWit) • Setting IPBC Committee Goals for Spring Semester